Moments With Him

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Third POV

Win rubbed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger to ease out the strain in his eyes and head.  He was looking outside at the city lights from his office full glass wall on the top floor of the hospital.

He just finished designing his latest artificial heart project.   It was designed to replace permanent tear in the coronary arteries or replace coronary arteries for CHD patients.....just like Team.

a years had passed he can still remember every moment...


"Win, with your swimming performance and so far no one had broken your record time in all of the events, the school board had decided to send you to join the olympics that will be held in Korea.  This will be a great honor to the school if you will be able to bring the golds and this will be a great exposure for you as an athlete."

Win was called to coach Earth's office  for this good news... He was excited at first but he thought of Team.  He cannot leave him or be far away from him...he knows that he would spend  months out of the country for training and the competition itself.

He was in his last year in college when this opportunity knocked.

That day he invited Team to dine out.  They agreed to meet at the parking lot after their respective classes.  Win intended to break the news about the offer from his coach and wants to get Team's opinion about it.

Win booked a private room from  their favorite restaurant and ordered Team's favorites in advance.  As soon as they were seated their waiter announced that the food would be ready in 5 minutes and left after bowing politely.

Win broke the news to Team and as always Team was ecstatic about this opportunity for Win.

"But babe, I don't want to go....I cannot leave you for just a second....the competition will be a few months including the training."  Win whined childishly while playing with Team's soft hands.

"Babe,  this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and you will be famous....and I will be the boyfriend of a famous swimmer.   " Team said almost squeeling with his eyes sparkling with  excitement.

"You should accept it babe and we will just do video calls everyday and don't worry about me .....I have the best baby sitter in the whole wide world know that right?"

"Oh the food is here ....let's eat....ooohhh I'm so excited for you babe....and I'm sure you will Win......"  Team said with that punchline wiggling his brows with an ecstatic smile on his can Win disagree with that.

With that Win accepted the offer, as expected he will spend 2 months training before the actual competion week.  And as promised they video call everyday twice or sometines more, every morning when woke up and before going to bed and everytime in between when Win got some breaks.

Competition started well, in every event Win get to lead the competion, he bagged several gold medals for their University and bagged a lot of admirers from all over the world as well.

After the congratulatories and picture takings and interviews Win went back to his hotel room to freshen up and prepare for the victory party being thrown for all the winners, he  called Team to break the good news.  

There was no answer.  After several tries he decided to take a shower and call Team after his shower.   He tried again while drying his hair and luckily his call was answered.

"Hello Babe...." he said excitedly...but there was no answer.

"Hello.....hello..." Win felt something was wrong and he trembled at the silence on the end of the line.


"Who is...  Prem?....Prem....why.....what..."

"Win...Team is in the hospital...he's...."

"Noooo...." Win let the phone fall on the the carpeted floor....he stayed stunned for a few seconds...a lot of scenarios running wild in his mind.  All of which was blaming himself for leaving ....

He picked up his phone again and Prem was still there.

"I'm coming back..." then he cut the call.  He dressed up and grabbed his go bag with his travel documents and his wallet.  He ran to the other room where his coach was staying and told him what happened.  Earth tried to calm him  down and accompanied him to the airport and booked an earlier flight.  Coach Earth will just bring Win's luggage when comes back himself.  The victory party forgotten.

Time skip the hospital...

When Win arrived, Team was still in ICU...he was allowed to enter the room with all the protective gear from head to toe.  He winced at the sight of his pale boyfriend with all the wires connected to his frail body, a tube in his nose for food and in his mouth for breathing and the rest to monitor his heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen. Tears rolled down his cheeks and he slumped down on the floor hugging his knees towards his body.   The nurse were allerted and he was led out to the waiting room.

He was left there crying silently for sometime, with his head on his hands propped up with his elbow on his tigh.   A hand on his shoulder made him jerk up, it was Prem.

"Why...Prem...why was he back here...what happened..."  Win asked looking up to.the person in front of him...

"You promised you will take care of him.." Win leaned on the back of the chair weakly ...he regreted sounding like he was blaming Prem, but the latter didn't mind he knew how hard this was for Win.

"Let's go and eat out...I know you have not eaten anything after the competition and you should rest as well...we have requested for a room near the ICU."

Win resisted at first, he did not want to leave Team, not for one moment, but after several coaxing from Prem, he went.

"What really happened Prem?" Win getting back to his senses after eating 3 spoonful of porridge asked, he can't still believe that he willl return to Team in his condition,  he was planning a victory date with Team after his competition and finally propose marriage, but now Team was almost lifeless.

"P'..." Prem was hesitant to divulge that the distance between Win and Team in the past few months had taken it's toll on Team.  Team had not eaten nor slept properly for missing Win, although they do talk everyday but Team still missed and worried for Win badly not to mentioned the surge of excitement when Win won which caused his heart attack.  He can't just blurt it out as he is sure that Win will blame himself for what happened to Team.  He can't let that happen again.


That's it for now my LOVIES😍....sorry again for the delay in my updates.

Yeah this was a sad chapter I know....

But let's wait what will happen in the next chapter.

Thank you for still reading my story...I LOVE YOU ALL

Take care and keep safe....all the best 😘😘😘

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