The Bracelets

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The reunion of the two people inlove that would have been lost was an emotinal sight for Pan, she too was crying silently.

Third POV

"I'm  going to buy our lunch.  You two talk ok."

Pan left the couple for privacy, she knew they had a lot to talk about and she had to make sure no one will interfere with their moments.  Although she felt a little pinch in her heart since her chance to be with Team had dropped below negative zero, but she was still happy as a friend that finally, Team will have clarity and will have his long lost Love, finally.

~~~~~Inside the hospital room~~~~~

The couple are still relishing in the moment of being this close to each other until they heard beaping in the heart monitor, it seems that the finger pulse oximeter that measures how well his heart was pumping oxygen,  fell off and gave off that beeping sound,  immediately a nurse came in to check on Team, only to find the two boys with panic look still in their embrace.

The nurse just smiled and asked Win if she could check on Team.  Win let go of Team and rubbing his nape in embarassment, sat on the chair beside Team's bed.  Both are blushing and the nurse just giggled softly while she placed back the oximeter on Team's finger tip.  The nurse check the monitor and said that everything was ok and excused herself to take her leave.

The two boys, looked at each other shyly.

"Uhm Phi...." Team started...

"I'm really sorry to..." Team was cut off when Win stood from the chair and reached for his cheek and put his thumb on Team's lips.

"You don't need to apologize...what's important is you're here with me...that's the most important thing...let's forget the past and pick up where we left off. "  Win intently looking at Team while he reached for something in his pocket.

"Team, will you be my boyfriend?" Win asked and lovingly clasped a silver bracelet with half a heart engraving, on Team's wrist.

Team looked at the bracelet on his wrist as if it was the most precious thing in the world, but suddenly furrowed his brows as if recalling something and his face became sad.

"I was supposed to give you something too but ....I lost it a long time ago."

Win lifted Team's chin with his curled up
fore finger and lifted his right wrist to show the bracelet that he was wearing.

Team's eyes were wide in surprise, grabbing Win's hand and inspecting the bracelet on his wrist.

"Phi.... how did you...."

"I found it where you fainted and I was supposed to give this to you when I got to the hospital where they took you before, but  Prem won't let me see you, I kept it to keep you close to me." Win explained smiling lovingly to Team.

"That bracelet and this...." pointing at Team's wrist and then his.

"....had been stored away together for such a long time.....they had been together .....and I think the rightful owners should be too don't you" Win asked lifting his left brow and smiled teasingly to Team.

"Yes....yes  I want to be your boyfried...I Love you Phi." Team answered happily, tears of joy streaming on his chubby cheeks. 

"I Love you too my much and I won't let you go even if they kill me." Win said wiping his beloved's tears away. 

Win leaned down to kiss Team on his lips but before their lips touched, the door swung open.


"What is the meaning of this!" Prem shouted and he was about to lunge at Win when a hand grabbed his arms and pulled him outside of the room.  It was Pan who just came back with lunch and saw what Prem did.

"What are you doing Pan, why did you left him with Win?" Prem angrily swatted Pan's hand that was holding his arms and he was about to open the door again but Pan stopped him.

"Prem let them be...don't you see how happy Team is?   You cannot control his feelings, you should not interfere with his happines...let them be." Pan stressed again.

"But he was the reason why Team was here in the first place! " Prem shouted again..

"Come with me and I will explain everything." Pan pulled Prem to come with her to sit in the hospital canteen.  She started telling Win's side of the story once they were seated.


"Babe....uhm....can  I call you Babe..." Win asked rubbing his nape, smiling shyly at Team.

Team blushed and nodded, he can feel his heart racing and by instinct he clutched on his chest.

"Oh...oh... are you alright?  How feel?  Shall I call the nurse"  Win asked in panic.

Team chuckled, his boyfriend is really cute when he panics, he thought to himself.

"'s ok, I'm ok, my heart beats fast when you're near me and being cute like that......I think I have to get used to you like this." Team giggled.

" scared me....I think I'm gonna have a heart attack.." Win chuckled pressing his hand to his chest.

"Touche'  " Team said and they both laugh.

"So Babe ..uhm....I would love to talk to your parents.   I would like to ask their permission to allow me to take care of you from now on."  Win asked holding Team's hand.

"Would you really?" Team perked up with his eyes sparkling with happiness.

"Yes, I would love to take care of you...I cannot be apart from you anymore....I want you to live with me,  I have bought a house near our University and it's been waiting for you for a long time."

"What?  A house?  I thought you live in a dorm? can you afford to buy a're still a student? " Team asked in amazement.

"I bought that  house a year ago, thinking that you would love the place...and  I lived in a dorm for now because I don't want to tarnish our home with my sadness.....and if you must know your boyfriend is a brilliant web designer ,  part time and  I had earned enough to support us through college and will earn more to support us for a life time" Win said proudly.

"Oh boyfriend is amazing" Team hugging Win happily.

"Are you mocking me?" Win asked looking down at his cute boyfriend while he snaked his arms over the latter's shoulder pulling him to his chest.

"No...I are really amazing" Team said seriously looking up at his boyfriend with the sweetest smile that Win had ever seen.

"Hmmm....about that kiss...." Win said capturing Team's lips before he could answer.

The kiss was slow, sweet and full of emotion.  Both of them drowned in the moment of their first kiss, the world seem to stand still and the only sound that you can hear are the sounds of  two hearts beating the same rhythm as one.

And their bracelets constantly brought together as they held each other's arm.



That's all for now my LOVIES 😍

Hope you liked it..

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Take care always  😘😘😘😘

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