The Calm

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"We need to talk." Prem made his way in and sat on the sofa next to the bed


Third POV

Win was startled and just stood there unmoving, waiting for the other to talk.

Prem, sitting comfortably on the sofa with his arms spread on the backrest and leg crossed.

"I applaude you for reaching this point, I did not expect that they will forgive you that fast and allowed you to live with them....I wondered what you did?" Prem started with a smug tone.


"I don't need to hear anything from you, I don't need you to explain......" Prem waved off Win

"I wonder if Boun had even an ounce of remorse in his body, I never saw him after that...didn't even apologized....YOUR BROTHER IS SUCH AN ASSHOLE...."

"I just hope you will hold your promise Win....the minute something happened to Team, Budha forgive me , but I will make you suffer 10 folds." Prem gritting his teeth said coldly.

"So, where is that brother of yours huh!"

"London...he transfered after senior year." Win answered with a cold undertone.

"Good, because if I see him..."

"You won't...I will not let him .....he ruined everything for me....never spoke to him after that day...."

Prem was a bit surprised the way Win talked about his twin, although he heard this side of the story from Pan, but looking at Win right now, with his darkened aura and his hand balled into a fist, he can literaly feel the anger within this person.

"I just want to make sure that we are on the same page...I entrust Team to you but I will still be on the look out." Prem concluded their conversation and walked out of the room.

Win let go of the breath he was holding. He heaved a sigh, not of relief but of anger, Prem had to mention the one person that he did not want to talk about....the almighty Boun with his self righteousness.

He laid on the bed and tried to rest. Checking his phone for the next alarm.


Being Team's "nurse" 24/7 had been the life of Win in the mansion. He would wake up at 5:30 in the morning to prepare for his 6:00 am he would go to Team's room right next to his, to wake up his "angel" and help him prepare for the day, give him the medicine schedule for that hour.

During the first 3 days after his discharge from the hospital, they have their meals sent to Team's room as he was still a little weak. They would share their meal feeding each other talking about random stuffs.

Win would play the guitar and sing for Team to entertain when the latter becomes bored.

Win would stay with Team in his room until the latter fall asleep and that's when he would go back to his own room to rest. But he would still wake up in the middle of the night to check on his baby.

This did not go un noticed to Team's parents and the whole house hold. In return, they took care of Win and made sure he eats well. True enough, Win had regained his weight, and colors on his pale skin restored, magnifying his handsomeness 10 folds.

"I'd like to go to the garden and breathe some fresh air today, and the butterflies are coming back for sure, I would love to see them again.....can I please...." Team pleaded, batting his eye lashes towards Win while the other was drying Team's hair.

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