In Disarray

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Third POV

It had been a couple weeks now and Win had not recieved the call  that he'd been waiting for.  He'd been restless, although he still attend his classes and his swimming club, he was still pre occupied and patiently waiting for the day he would see Team again.  It's the last day of school and tomorrow will be the start of the school break, Win intend to stay in his dorm to wait. 

He went to the Music and Arts Faculty hoping to see if Team had come back, it was lunch time and he sits on the gang's usual table.  No one came, he stood up to go back to his faculty when a familiar girl pass him by.

"Pan,..." he called and the girl got startled and looked back at him. She was about to continue walking when Win grabbed her wrist.

"Pan, please...I just need to know..." he pleaded to the girl.  Pan faced him with a sad gaze.

"Pan?....he's alright....right ?...please tell me..." he pleaded again  his heart beat fast because of the girl's sad expression.

"He's recovering slowly.  He is still in the hospital though." Pan answered sadly.

"Pan...please can we sit and talk?" Win tugged at the girls wrist that he was still holding and Pan nodded.  They sat on the nearby table facing each other.



they said simultaneously.

"You go ahead..." Win said.

" know his condition right...the sudden wave of emotions could harm him and the shock when he saw you was...." Win cut her off before she could finish.

"I didn't know he's coming...none of us knew...I tried to stay know that believed that it was not my said it yourself." Pan was just looking at him intently.

"What happened two years ago...why did Boun did that?" Pan finally asked the question that's been gnawing in her mind.

"I was to confess to Team that day and Boun knows about it, he didn't tell me what he was going to do...I guess all had been a big misunderstanding, before I knew it, it was Team who confessed to Boun,  he probably thought he was me. " Pan was intently listening to Win and saw how the latter was suffering.

"My twin is straight and a bastard and was trying to prove something to me....that Team can be swayed by a better person than me he feels that he was more attractive than me. He did not plan it, it just happened, but I hated him since then.  We never talked after that day."

"So it was all a misunderstanding and you never tried to clear it with Prem or with me, we talked before  I gave you updates about him?" Pan asked confused.

"I tried to reach out to Prem but he wouldn't hear it.  With you....I guess, I didn't want to sound like I'm pointing fingers, I took full responsibility of my twin's action"
Pan massaged her temple on how confusing and sad ,the whole story was, she was really getting a headache.

"The whole thing was crazy...really crazy...I..."

"Please have to help me...I love him and I need him back....I can't go on anymore without"  Win, holding both of Pan's hand pleaded one more time, looking helpless.

Pan could just sigh and think for a few minutes and she heaved a deeper sigh....

"Ok, I will ask him if he wants to meet with you...I will try to explain to him your side of the story....but I can't promise anything..even if Team would agree to meet you, there is still Prem and Team's parents that we have to convince."

"Oh, thank you  Pan....but I can't sit and wait...can you probably arranged a meeting with his parents for me?"

Pan looked at Win with amazement and pity.  He had noticed the dark circles under his eyes and the evident loss of weight.

"I will try, give me your number and will call you if his parents agreed to meet you."

Pan handed her phone to Win and the latter hurriedly typed his number and saved it.  Pan call the number for Win to save hers.  Win looked hopeful and thank Pan for hearing him out and for the help.

They went on their own way, and Pan was thinking of how she was going to convince Team's parents to meet Win.  Team would probably agree she knows her friend love  Win so much, but he had to condition himself before meeting Win to avoid the surge of emotion that would jeopardize his health.

This was all crazy...really crazy..Pan thought to herself.  But she was happy that her friend will finally know the thruth and would be happy again, hopefully.

She can't believe how a simple misunderstanding could cause such a complicated situation.



That's all for now my LOVIES 😍
Sorry it was a short update.

Hope you still like it.

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Take care and stay safe 😘😘😘😘

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