One Fine Saturday

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My LOVIES I am truly sorry for the very long wait to update.  I had been lazy I know, I was trying to make this chapter better but I end up not liking the outcome.  So hopefully this revision is worth the wait.  Please let me know your thoughts.

Win's POV

I woke up from a rather "torrid" dream, yeah I know ,  perverted, right?  But I can't help it.  Sleeping here so close to him, with his head resting on my chest, his limbs latched on my body like an octopus made me feel things.  I try to control my body's reactions, I know we can't go further than cuddling and kissing but I got needs...

I slowly wiggle out from his embrace,  I need to go to the bathroom to take care of "some business," but he held on to me tighter and mumbling something fanning my chest with his breath....

Aaaarrggg...I squirmed in my mind...oh God I really need to go.  I tried to lift his arm from my body without waking him and after a few attempts, he rolled to his back soon after.  I exhaled the breath that I didn't know I was holding and hurriedly climbed out of bed and ran to our bathroom.  Oh torturous this was. 

I finished my "business" in the bathroom and decided to take a bath and finished my morning routine.

I went out of the bathroom in my loose shirt and jog pants, drying my hair with a towel.  The baby octopus was no where in sight.  Where could he be? I wondered.  I went out of our bedroom and heard laughter from downstairs.  I smiled to myself while I went down the stairs and headed towards the kitchen.

My baby was sitting on the counter, cheerfully chatting with Aunty Fan while the latter was making pancakes, he kept dipping his fingers in the batter and and licking it playfully and Aunty Fan kept swatting his hands keeping the batter away from my baby octopus.  It was quite a sight, but the way he was licking away the batter from his fingers made me imagine things and my little brother down under was reacting againts my will......aaaarrrggg  I hurriedly went upstairs to our bathroom..... again...

After I was done,  I took several deep breaths and went down again and I found Team sitting on the dinning table waiving at me to join him for breakfast.

"You're late, the pancakes are getting cold" he pouted...oh I would love to kiss that pout but I controlled it and apologized saying I've taken a longer bath coz the water was so enticing. Yeah right, if you only knew.

It was the saturday, two weeks after school started and we decided to just stay home and lounge around watch some movies on my laptop and just relax.  

The first two weeks of school was not really that busy,  we just had some catch up with our proffesors about what to expect in each of our subjects.  We were more busy at our club, we just accepted a few additional members for our Swimming Club and Prem was voted by the seniors to start coaching the freshman.  It was time for Prem to step up, he was really good at what he does and suprisingly had the patience to coach/teach the freshmens.

Team skipped on joining his music club as per his doctors recommendation, he needs to limit his time in school and exposure to any stress or extra curricular activities. 

I was able to manage to get almost the same time schedule as Team to make sure that we could come to school, have lunch  and go home together.  I'm still his nurse figure 24/7.

Back to our relaxing saturday.....

Prem went home to join his family for the weekend but he will still be living with us until,  "I'm deemed trust
worthy" he said.

I was so happy that I can have my baby's  attention all to myself.

We are on our bed watching a romantic comedy on my lap top, I was sitting on the bed with my back againts the headboard and Team was laid down on the bed with his head on my lap.  I was playing with his hair as we watched and he was drawing circles on my thigh....oh the horror...I'm getting goose bumps...I pray that he would stop or fall asleep but he didn't...he kept on doing that tortorous thing.

"Baby...." I said a little breathless.

He stopped and look up at me waiting for me to say more, with his natural pout...Oh my God why!

"T Thank y you" I managed to say controlling my somewhat shaky voice.

"For what?" he asked confused.

"For stopping what you were doing..."

"Which one?....this?....."  he did the circle thing again with a sly smile...I shut my eyes and prayed to all the dieties to give me strength to resist.   Wuussahh

I felt him giggling on my lap and he jerked up and latched his hands around my neck, and sat on my lap.  When I opened  my eyes his face was just a breath away from mine.  He kissed my lips and whispered ....

"Why are you resisting?..."  he looked into my eyes and raised one brow.

"Y You know why...I don't want to..." he cut me off by kissing me again...I loose all control and it lead to a make out session.  We were both panting when we stopped. He rested his head on my shoulder while he panted and took deep breaths to relax.

"I'm sorry..." he sounded he was about to cry.

"Why?...there's nothing to be sorry about..." I cupped his face while I wiped his tears with my thumb.

"I 'm sorry...I can't give you more...I know you need to....sometimes.....but I 'm just weak  and I can't...." he was sobbing hard.  I know what he meant and he was right, I got needs and tempted most of the time, but his health comes first.

" don't cry...I'm ok with what we have....I don't need're more important...your health...your heart is more important so you don't need to be sorry about that ok....I LOVE YOU,  everything about you...don't you forget it ok."

He nodded sadly and I hugged him tight drawing circles on his back to give him comfort.  We laid on the bed forgetting the movie and he fell asleep shortly in my arms.  I turned off my laptop and went to hugging him while he sleeps.

Team's POV

I woke up suddenly out of breath, I felt  Win's arms around my body.   He hugged me to sleep.  It was two in the afternoon, way past lunch.  Oh my we fell asleep that long?  I remembered we were watching a movie on his laptop after we had our breakfast and I got tempted to tease him. His reaction was so funny that I continued and sat on his lap and teased him some more.  And ended with a glorious make out.

We had been together for over two months and it was heaven every single day.  He was heaven sent, the way he took care of me and respected me.  He had controlled himself so many times from taking advantage of our closeness and skinship.  No matter how much I tease him.

I reached out to touch his cheek, it was so soft and smooth like a baby's bum hehehe.  He really did gained some weight, his cheeks were not sunken anymore like the first time I saw him again after "the incident" he exudes a  healthy glow and his body although not really muscular, feels firm to the touch.  I can't get enough touching him and cuddling,  I felt safe in his arms.  

I would give anything just to keep him by my side....alas!...I just couldn't give him that one thing to make us whole.

It sadden me sometimes and I keeep asking, why do I have to be sick like this...I really hated it.  But I'm still a little hopefull that my next check up and test results will be better and maybe...just maybe....



Thats all for now my LOVIES😍.

Again, I'm really sorry for my absence.  I hope that you are still with me.

The end is coming please, I ask for your patience.  Thank you.

Like and share and comments please.

Take care all. ❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘

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