Just Stay Away

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I want to thank you all who had read this , never thought that this would catch your interest.  I will try my best to complete this and give you a different kind of WinTeam story (hopefully✌🏻️) I hope others would take interest as well. Please enjoy.

Disclaimer: Characters and pictures are not my own, credit to the owners.

Third POV

Team was taken to the nearby hospital and was immediately rushed to the Emergency Room.  Win just parked Prem's car in front of the hospital and carried the unconcious Team in his arms not waiting for the hospital staff to help him.  He carried Team directly to the Emergency Room and asked for the doctor hurriedly.  Pan on the other hand filled up the form while Prem looked for a parking space.  The nurses directed Win to an empty bed and he carefully laid the unconcious Team.  Doctors asked him what happened and he told him about Team's CHD.  Doctors worked on Team and Win was ushered to the waiting area where he slumped on the floor.  Prem hurriedly went to the Emergency Room to know Team's condition and introduced himself as Team's cousin, but he was asked to wait where Win is and the nurse promised that the doctor will update them as soon as they determined Team's condition.

When Prem got to the waiting area, Pan was helping Win to sit on the chair, he had his head on his hands, he was crying and he was pale.  The oh so composed Win earlier is now a mess.

Prem, with his balled fist and wild, angry eyes, was about to comfront Win, but Pan stopped him...

"Hey ...hey ,  its  not his fault, it's nobody's fault, no one knows that he would come to see you." consoled Pan.

"He's  so stubborn, I've done all I can to prevent them from meeting,   aahh he's so stubborn!" Prem gritted his teeth with anger and frustration.

Win hearing all of this, bowed his head covering his ears with his hands. 

After a few minutes the doctor called Prem and asked him to follow him to his office.

"Sit down please." Prem sat on the chair by the doctor's table.

"I was told that he has CHD?" the doctor asked.

"Yes, two years ago, he had undergone  surgery in the US." answered Prem.

"CHD, cannot be cured, it can only be managed, the patient should not be subjected to any strenuous activity or stressfull environment.  Was he under a lot of stress?"the doctor asked.

"He was practicing with his band for our school concert and it's exam week...." he trailed off, avoiding to mention the real reason for Team's attack.

"That might have caused his current conditon,  I am recommending to confine him here for a  few days while we observe his condition, he is now being transfered to Room 106 as we speak.  I would like to talk to his parents as well can you tell them to come and see me?" Prem nodded and excused himself to call his Aunt and Uncle and go to Team's room.

"Yes Aunty...we're here at Ayutthaya hospital right beside T University...yes he's in room 106...I'll stay here to look after him." Prem was talking to Team's mom when he entered the hospital room. He saw Win sitting beside Team's bed holding the latter's hand.  Team was still unconcious.

Prem sigh and contained his anger at what he saw and approched Win.

"I think you better leave before he wakes up....It's not really good for him to see you."Prem told Win in his cold tone.

"You know how I feel about him and I had suffered too....please let me make it up to him,  I tried to do what you said, to keep my distance, but I can't anymore, I want to take care of him...please let me take care of him.." Win pleaded.

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