Moments With Him II

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Back to present.....

Third POV

Win went back to his table and double checked the design he had finished.   After a few simulation attempts he sighed and hit sent.  I hope this time it will work...he prayed.

He stretched a little and gathered his things and stuffed it in his bag.  Lift his jacket from the back of his seat and walked towards the door.



His office phone rang before he could step out of the room.

"Hello...oh Dr. Mew...have you recieved it?"

"Yeah....can you come down to my office before you leave?"

"Sure...I'll be right there."

Win placed down the reciever and smiled to himself.  This might be it.. He thought.

He proceeded to the elavator and pressed 2. 

Dr. Mew had collaborated with Win on this project to help Win with his goal.   He was the only one who understood and saw the feasibility of his project.  Dr. Mew saw his passion and drive to make this project to be realized and be used to help patients with heart conditions.

When Win reached the 2nd floor of the building, he walked towards the end of the hallway where the spacious office of Dr. Mew welcomed him.

"Ah...Win..come in...come in.....I recieved your email and I ran the simulation test right away...this could be it...this is perfect....I will work on the prototype tonight and  we can test it on our subject tomorrow.   If all of your calculations and design are correct then we can move to the surgery in less than a week.....Oh my this will be an amazing medical breakthrough. "  Dr.  Mew excitedly declared while he motioned Win to sit on the chair in front of his desk.  Win stared at the delighted face of the doctor in front him.  Though the doctor is in his mid forties but he still has this youthfull air combined with his kind hearted attitude which was loved by all of his staff in the hospital and in the lab. 

"Your design and research were on point...I could not believe you did not study medicine."   Dr. Mew said in amazement.

"You know it was personal for me...." Win sadly looked at his upturned  palm on his lap.

"I know...I know....if this works a lot of patients can benefit from it...

Win smiled but it was not reaching his eyes.  Dr.  Mew noticed this since the first time they met...Win might be driven and hardworking and had several designs that had became successfull but he was never happy.   This one design had taken its toll on the younger.  He knows the story and he feels sad thinking about it or everytime he looked at Win's eyes.

"So..go  home and take some rest  if you want to observe on our trial of the prototype tomorrow you should be here early...around 7 am we will start.   It will be in lab C" Dr Mew reminded Win and walked Win to the door.

"See you tomorrow Dr.  Mew" Win bowed to Dr. Mew and said goodbye and walked down the hall to take the stairs to the ground floor.

Win reached his home a few minutes after.  He parked his car in the garage and open the door with his keys.  Darkness welcomed him as he feel on the wall at the side of the doorway for the light switch. 

He sighed at the silent room before him, gone are the laughter that used to fill the house.  The delicious smell of food cooking and the homey ambiance.  It is now just a roof above his head and place to sleep in.

He walked towards the stairs and climbed up to  his room.  He opened the door and placed his bag on the table besides the door. He went in the bathroom and strip off his clothes and went in the shower to freshen up.  The warm bath  helped in easing out his tired muscle and throbbing head.

He went out wrapping a towel around his waist and a small one to dry his hair.

"Babe" he heard him was crisp clear but he knows that no one is there.  He was just hearing things.

He dressed in his pyjamas and slipped in to the bed.  He hugged the pillow that smelled like him even after a long time his smell still lingers and this helps him sleep and hope to join him again in his slumber.

I miss you Babe...we will see each other soon.  Win whisphered in the night before sleep took over.



This was just a short update sorry guys.  The final chapter coming up.  Thank you all my LOVIES😍 for all of your support on my stories.  I could not ask for more.

See you next time.

Question...would you like me to do the BounPrem part of this story?  Let me know by dropping your comments .

Like and share guys. 

Take care , keep safe and I love you all😘🤗🤗😘

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