Not Again....

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Oh...God...he's back....

Third POV

It was two weeks before the semester ends and Prem was busy preparing for their swimming competition, he was pushing himself to the limit. Because of his busy schedule, he did not really had time to fulfill his self enforced responsibility for Team. But since Team already had his license and was driving his own car, Team insist that Prem allow him to be independent. Prem would still insist on driving him to and from the University, if his schedule permits.

"Hey cuz, today is your swimming competition right, I'll come by and cheer for you and then let's have dinner and celebrate your win." Team said excitedly while they were having lunch. Prem has his break before the competition and he spent it with Team and Pan.

"Yeah, I'll come too" Pan said holding her camera and teasingly looked at Prem.

"Don't you dare, take my half naked picture and post it on your page.....I'll cut off your pretty head..." Prem warned Pan pointing his fork at the girl.

Pan just pouted but saw the meaning full look that Prem gave her, and Pan understood.

"You said, you have band practice for your up coming school concert next week, I don't think you can make it in time, besides you will be so tired. I think you should just go home first and rest, I'll just record the event for you and we could have dinner the next day." Pan convinced Team.

Pan caught up with what Prem means with his stare. He doesn't want Team to be anywhere near the swimming pool and the swimming club for that matter.

"Oh, okay....just record it for me, specially when he trips and falls hard on the pool, hahaha that would make my day." Team laughing at his cousin.

He looked at Prem and Pan eyeing each other as if talking. He really wondered untill now why his cousin never invited him to see him practice or never let's him visit his club. He did not think weird about it before but right now, he smells something fishy, and he thinks Pan knows about it too.

He agreed to what Pan said but, he did the opposite.

At the time of the competition, he called up his band mates telling them he was not feeling well and will skip band practice.

Team arrived at the poolside just in time, the swimmers are doing their practice laps and warm ups. Team scanned the poolside looking for his cousin. He saw Prem talking to a slender blonde guy wearing the same club jacket as Prem, it seems that he was giving some instructions and tips to Prem..

The guy looked back at the bleachers as if looking for someone, he waved and flashed a toothy smile to whomever at the line of his sight.

Team squinted and thought that the slender blonde guy looked familiar.... He was familiar but different. He dismissed the thought and settled on the farthest side of the bleacher next to the exit door, away from anyone who might see or recognize him specially his cousin and Pan.

The whistle was blown marking the start of the competion. The crowd was wild with excitement event after event. Team could see Pan going from one side to another not too far from the pool, she aimed her camera, taking shot after shot specially when it was Prem's turn.

(a/n : sorry I am not familiar with swimming so I did not mention specific events and lazy to research😂)

His cousin won and Team could not contain his happiness, he still stayed where he was and planned to wait for his cousin at the exit side to surprise him.

The crowd are now lining up to exit the swimming pool area, chattering about how great the swimmers are, some are even squelling Prem's name and giggling at how handsome and sexy he looked in his swimming trunks. Team can only shake his head and chuckle.

Almost all of the crowd were gone and the swimmers are going out as well with their bags and wet hairs.

Team cannot help but crane his neck to look for his cousin, he tried to see if there was another way that his cousin could have exited to. But that was the only way out....until he saw 3 figures coming out of the locker room with their bags and one chattering non stop with her camera on display. With them was the tall slender blonde guy. The more they walked closer the more Team realized who the blonde guy was and then when the blonde guy looked towards his direction, his heart beat so fast that it was getting difficult to breathe.


Both were shocked looking at each other, the blonde guy looked at Team with wide eyes and his mouth agape. Team on the other hand was clenching his chest and his breathing was laboured, Prem ran to his cousin and caught him just in time before his head hit the floor.

"Not again, you stupid, stupid fool, I told you not to come." Prem was kneeling on the last step of the bleacher with Team on his lap unconcious.

"Move, let me carry him, where is your car..." Win shoved crying Prem aside and lifted Team's body, and ran to the direction where Prem told where his car was.

He kept running even though he was running out breath with the Prem and Pan crying and running behind.

"Stop crying, he's not dead. ...Prem open the door." shouted Win to Prem.

He layed Team in the back seat and Pan slid in as well and lifted Team's head and set him on her lap. Prem sat on the driver side, but Win pulled him out by the collar and snatched his key and slid in the drivers seat.

"You sit here I'll drive" Win pointed at the passenger's seat and Prem just agreed, he was too tired to resist.



That's all for now my LOVIES 😍

Sorry for the late update hope you like it.

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Take care and keep safe wherever you are.


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