Chapter 26

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~Some people want to see you fail. Disappoint them~

King's POV

Cold, dark alone. It's always been like this. My life is the epitome of misery. At nights, sometimes I hold my breath and see if I can knock myself out, never works. I want to die sometimes, not all the time. Only on my good days, only on the days that I remember I have no family, no reason for living, nothing. On the days when I am with Tyro, enjoying each other's silence, and I remember that I have no life to live just as I have no words to say. On the days when I'm with Domo, when we mess about and have fun, and I remember how things used to be, how drastically and rapidly my life changed. On the days when I'm with Eustace, the angel. When I see how pure she is in such a messed-up world, people like me are what is wrong with earth, the ones that kill for sports and bathe in the blood of our victims. I want to die on the days I'm with Dakari, I listen to his tales about his previous life, how the scientist would prod and stab him with needles, it reminds me of how messed up humans are. Or on the days with Amo, when I remember that no matter what we choose to be or who to become, we will always be ourselves, we can't change. I can't change.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty, well you won't be so beautiful after we give you our special treatment" a muffled voice shouted. What time is it? Where am I? Why is there a bag over my head? Oh wait, I remember. We found Dax and Stace strapped to those chairs, they were bleeding and unconscious, then the idiot Amo made a noise and we got captured.

"Ah, I see your up" an unfamiliar voice said when they ripped the bag off my head. My hands were bound, and my vision was still fuzzy. I saw Amo bounded and on his knees with his arm held out. "So, you are going to watch as you precious friends get beat and remember it is all your fault" the voice spoke again, I didn't know who he was talking to until I felt a powerful blow to my stomach. My legs and arms bound; I stay there unmoving. Another kick to the gut and I groan loudly, "that the best you can do princess" I spat as I felt another kick to the back this time. Something definitely just broke. " Come on baby girl, hit me with all you got" I taunt as I watch my abusers face get angrier and angrier. "I am not a girl" he growls, "oh really? Come closer for a second" I said, and the idiot actually did it. When he was close enough, I leapt up the best I could and grabbed his ear between my teeth and when I fell back down, I jutted back quickly causing it to rip off. The crimson warm liquid crawled out of the side of his face lethargically. The pain and suddenness of my action put him in a self-induced shock coma, he would be awake in a few minutes or hours depending on his body. I felt a crippling pain shoot through me. I cried out furiously as the pain made no attempt to stop. "That's what happens when you hurt someone that's not wearing that collar, you get a very painful electric shock" another voice said, though I was still squirming in pain as the electricity running through me caused an immense pain and my body was shutting down. It stopped suddenly and I was hyperventilating, painfully taking huge gulps of air to fill my empty lungs. 

"I'm so sorry King" Amo cried as he watched my weak body shutting down, my eyes were almost close when someone hit my head, "oh nope we aren't done with you yet" some brute said and untied my legs and stood me up. They place an unconventionally large knife in my hand, Amo's arms were still spread in his kneeling position, "you are going to cut off his arms, princess" he said, spitting my words back at me, my eyes widened in horror. "Remember if you try any funny business, I will shock you until you are on the verge of life, only to revive you to do it all again, for days on end until I'll allow you to die, you got it?" the brute sneered, I gulped some air.

"Hey King, it's ok. I deserve it. I gave away our position and compromised our mission." Amo spoke softly, I shook my head. He reminded me of Bes in so many ways. I closed my eyes to regain my senses. The next few minutes blurred together, but this wasn't like the time when I pretended to shoot Eustace, I didn't feel invincible like an assassin, I felt broken. I sliced Amo's left arm clean off from his shoulder and I felt his warm blood spray on my hands and face. I took a deep breath and moved onto the other one, in a split second I used the giant cutlass to behead the person holding out his other arm and the person behind me. I felt a painful shock run through my body, but I swallowed my intense urge to collapse and dropkicked the brute that was holding Amo's arm that I had cut off. Amo wailed like a banshee in pain and my ears bled from his cries and from the amount of electricity coursing to my brain. Then it blurred, my vision was gone, all I could hear was the annoying white noise. Screams and gun shots were drowned out but the sound of my own heart slowing down to a slow steady thump. I heard voices all around me as the electricity was slowly shutting down my body.

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