Chapter 18

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~Everyone is a mad scientist in their own way~

Amo's POV

Japan. We landed this morning or afternoon. I'm not sure, I was too tired to even register anything. We were sitting in the black jeep that was waiting for us at the empty airfield. Domo kept biting her lips as she made no effort to hide her nervousness, "we will be ok cupcake" I whispered in her ear as I held her cold hands in my warm ones. She visibly relaxed a bit as she sent me a discreet nod. The ride was monotonous, and our communication was silent, the rest were either still up in the air or at a very remote location, either way it seemed we were on our own for a while.

Arriving at a beautiful, deserted beach, Dodo and I climbed out of the car, confused expressions plastered on our fatigue-stricken faces. We were ushered to a small boat on the sand, we assisted the 2 men, that clearly worked for Blake, to push the boat into the beautiful, shimmering ocean. Our luggage on a small boat attached to the one we were in. 10 minutes later, we found ourselves floating onto the shore of a huge looking island. Thick forest surrounded the border of the island, I was fascinated and temporarily distracted causing me to fall behind as the people escorting us started skilfully making their way through the - seemingly - never ending woods. Sometime later we arrived at a beautiful house, small but magnificent. Ah! So, this is where all our tax goes. No wonder some schools can barely afford new books.

The 2 men had left us with our suitcase and keys for our temporary home, Domo let out an astonished sigh and started making her way towards the house. As soon as she opened the doors, I couldn't stop the gasp that escaped my mouth, the outside was a dump compared to the inside. Domo could no longer hold back her loud squeal as she raced throughout the house, flying in and out of multiple rooms, "slow down butterfly, let's get a room then we can go explore" I called out to the hyperactive child I was fortunately stuck with for the next 3 days. "This place is gorgeous" she breathed out as she finally came down from her luxury-porn high, "I would love to live in a place like this when I'm older. You know with a family - kids breaking things, husband bathing the youngest baby whilst I cook. It would be a dream" she smiled at her own fantasy and I smiled at her.

Though it was obvious that she was far from innocent and had clearly gone through immense trauma sometime in her life, she never failed to make me laugh and smile. It's what I love most about her, I walked over to her and took her hand in mine "one day, I'm sure your fantasies will become a reality" A smile plastering my face as I said those words, her pale skin tinted red as she looked down at her feet, "you're so cute when you blush", she kicked my shin as always "shut up you little insect" she sneered as she reclaimed her suitcase and hauled it up the stairs, probably in search for a room.

There were only two rooms in the house, but to be fair, the house isn't really that big. About average size I'd suppose but I wouldn't know. I cooked us lunch after out long adventure around the house, which also had a training room, smaller but similar to the one we have back 'home'. I wouldn't call it home, but home is where your heart is, and my heart is right here with me, currently being lazy and watching TV on the couch as I make spaghetti carbonara, lazy pig.

"The least you could do is set the table, you lazy pig" I hissed at Domo's lazy figure, slumped on the couch. "Ok calm down handsome, stress makes you start ageing quicker" she quipped back, I rolled my eyes but hid the red tint that was creeping up my next, 'handsome' she called me 'handsome'. Retying my messy long hair into a man bun, I dished out the food equally. I waited for Domo to take the first bite to make sure she liked it, "wow! OMG this is - " she stopped talking and I felt my heart race with anticipation, the suspense was killing me but finally ended as she let out a breathy moan "heaven" she finished her sentence, her eyes shut as she let in a deep breath, a smile finding its way onto her lips.

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