Untold facts about this story

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1. Amour's name was actually supposed to be Armour but I didn't realise I was spelling it wrong until chapter 3

2. Eustace was originally going to be the one stuck in the science lab instead of Dakari but I realised later that her character would be more messed up if she was so I switched it to Dakari because he was already a quirky character

3. I named the book syndicate of tyranny as more of a joke / placeholder until i found a good enough name but then I realised it was pretty badass so i kept it (and i was too lazy to change it)

4. I didn't want to write swear words in any of my books but it just fit with the character of Kingide so much that it seemed appropriate

5. Kingide and Tyro weren't supposed to like each other AT ALL until like book3 and I really wish i didn't make them friends because then there would be so much TENSION and unspoken words😭😭 i missed my opportunity but it's ok because i might use that idea with other books in the future

6. I wrote the first chapter out twice on paper and twice on wattpad before posting because if the first chapter was good then more people would continue reading.

7. Domonic and Eustace were meant to flirt a bit before they did with any other boys but I guess I skipped the middle man. (I actually forgot about it till chapter 5/6)

8. Pisses me off when people think Domonic is a boy even after I have described her and said that she is a girl like 3 times!! Yeah I know she has a typical male name but I've explained why so it's quite annoying because I worked really hard on her back story and character.

9. I love the name Kingide (it means gifts according to google translate) and I love the name King. The character Kingide was meant to represent the breaking of every single societal stereotype. She was a King, the leader, an absolute badass and one of the best fighters in the world. She could run up a wall and she could break down doors, she is 6ft 1. She defies everything including gravity and I love it😩😩

10. Tyro was meant to be really mean, but I decided it made more sense for him to be just closed off rather than actively mean.

11. Bes wasn't supposed to exist but it was a spontaneous decision and it was one of my best spontaneous decisions.

12. I wrote a whole skeleton storyline for this book but I didn't realise until chapter 16 that I went way off course but it was too late to turn back so I stopped writing for a while so I could rewrite my skeleton storyline without it interfering with the next book.

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