Chapter 1

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~It's not an attitude, it's the way I am~

Kingide's POV

The moist dew clung to the morning air, the cool breeze slightly blowing back my long braids. There's something oddly comforting in the feeling of the cold gently caressing my skin as I go on my morning jog. The dark blue sky lethargically growing bright; the blue to pink sombre becomes more visible on the horizon. Inhaling deeply as I enjoy the silence that the absence of vehicles has created, my rhythmic footsteps being the only sound that pierces the veil of silence, tapping against the ground like a soothing lullaby.

I get a momentary flashback to my days as an assassin where I learnt how to run without making a single sound. I shake my head discreetly to dissipate my haunting thoughts. It's been a year since I've escaped that life, that place, that hell. Still, it doesn't fail to send shivers down my spine and keep me up at night with the screams of my victims.

My ears perked up to the sound of a vehicle. My paranoia making me tense up whilst I silently hoped it passes quickly. The grumbling engine came closer to me, please pass quickly. I heard a heavy door open, my curiosity getting the better off me, I sneaked a peak over my shoulder in the direction of the noise. Two people wearing black clothes and mysterious black balaclavas hopped out of the dark van that had suspiciously dark tinted windows.

I saw one emerge out of the van with a syringe, the pungent smell of chemicals, Midazolam probably, maybe chloroform, wafted up my nose. Sedative. The dark figures slowly ambled towards me, lucky for me they didn't know I saw them, good. The tall brick wall I was walking next to suddenly gave me a brilliant idea, it was roughly 7ft tall, I am 6ft 1, climbing it won't be a problem for someone like me. I don't mean a tall person, I mean a person who has had a lot, maybe too many, experiences making a quick escape. Using my speed and strength I bounded up the wall and hauled myself onto the other side quickly. A feeling of accomplishment ran through me which distracted me for a slight moment, a crucial moment.

The 2 figures bounded over the wall, before I even got the chance to run, rough hands grabbed me harshly, keeping me still whilst a needle got mercilessly inserted into my neck. I felt the cold substance pump through me as my eyelids gradually grew heavier and the world was slowly disappearing into a black abyss. Fighting to keep my eyes open, I quickly roundhouse-kicked the figure in front of me whilst I used all the strength I could muster to release the hold of the person holding me down, unfortunately my weary state made me weak and before I could successfully remove their hands the darkness enveloped me.

Running on rooftops whilst dodging the bullets whizzing past my ear, doing a back somersault of the edge of the 100ft building whilst firing my twin pistols at the people chasing me, praying it met its mark as I plummeted feet first into freezing salty water which burned my open wounds as I swam to shore.

I was reliving the horrors of my assassin days, this was one of my last missions before I left that wretched hellhole, yet still I can't escape the monster I was, I am... Even when I closed my eyes I'm constantly reminded of every single victim of mine.

After I jumped in the water, I remember the hollow sound of 2 bodies falling in the water after me, 2 dead bodies, their blood on my hands, their death permanently etched in my brain. Who knew a young, black girl could cause so much damage, no one apparently. Killing guilty and innocent alike, making a name for myself, 'Messorem' that's what they called me; it's Latin for Reaper. Lovely, isn't it? Note the heavy sarcasm.

Slowly, my eyelids flickered open, adjusting to the dull lighting in the room. I noticed metal restraints binding my hands and legs to a chair, all my efforts to escape were futile. I looked around the poorly illuminated room, there was a metal desk in front of me and a metal chair on the other side. A grey door on the opposite side of the small room creaked open.

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