Chapter 13

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~The only way to reform people is to kill them~

(King's POV)
Have you ever woken up miserable? You are in no mood to do anything. Breathe, get up, talk, walk, smile or frown. As Bruno Mars once said "today I don't feel like doing anything". I woke up sick, the kind of sickness that causes you to stress without a reason, sweat without heat and cry without being hurt. The kind that makes you want to tear your hair out and isolate yourself in cold water.

I woke up at 6am, though I don't remember falling asleep. Sweat beads shining on my forehead and fatigue plaguing my body. If I wake up tired, what was the point of sleeping? I got up and showered, brushed my teeth and tied my braids into a low bun. Dressing up in a large grey top and green knee-length shorts. Today, I didn't feel like training but as soon as I was about to dismiss my lazy thought, my memory of last night flooded my mind. Blake's coming this morning.

I knocked on Ty's door, I could hear someone muttering inside. Was he talking to himself? The door soon creaks open and reveals a shirtless Ty. "Morning" he muttered, after replying he pushed his door further open and gestured for me to go inside. But what I saw took my breath away.

Have you ever been to a science lab? Or maybe the workspace of a rocket engineer? Well, Ty's room looked like a mixture of both. Messy yet neat, scattered yet organised. That's a lot of oxymoron's. Calculations and drawings on huge white sheets of paper decorated the walls, pencils, rubbers and pens scattered on the table in the corner. At least 3 lighters littered his bin whilst the smell of burnt paper lingered in the air. I felt like I had walked into his head, quite a large space filled with illegible nonsense yet it all made sense to him. Burning scrap paper to help him cope with his disturbing addiction. I was in a mad persons abode, but I loved it. "Wow".

"As much as I love your company, why are you here?" He said, sarcasm lacing his voice. "Didn't feel like training this morning so decided to do the next best thing, annoy you", he chuckled at my statement but shrugged as if he didn't mind. "What are all these calculations and drawings for?" I questioned, inquisitively. "Well, I couldn't explain even if I tried. Some are calculations for nothing at all, some are. Some aren't calculations but observation of human behaviour, whilst others are list of peoples phobias and things I can exploit" he stated, whilst chuckling at his madness, wow I really am in a psychopath's head, "interesting, what are my phobias and things that cant be exploited?" I asked as I looked at the walls and ceiling to find all of them covered with sheets of paper, scribbled letters and numbers marking every inch of them. He grabbed my hand and led me to the corner of his room, "here" he said pointing to a black A4 sheet with my name at the top and pronunciation underneath in brackets, (king-ee-dee). "It's empty", "exactly". I looked at him confused, "I can't find anything your scared of, nor anything I can exploit" he said, somewhere in me I knew that he could probably find one yet didn't want to. "Interesting" I stated and walked to the grey table in the adjacent corner. "What's this?" I asked looking at a bunch of numbers scrawled on the A2 sheet. I heard a click and suddenly the paper was being devoured in flames, "nothing, forget you saw it" he suspiciously replied. "Well it's been fun but if I stay in here any longer I'm going to go crazy, bye" I hastily spoke and strolled out of the room, leaving him standing there watching me exit. What is he up to?

On the plane, again, my eye's drifting shut as the long monotonous rides stretches from minutes to hours. Blake had come around 8am, told us to pack for 3 days, including our government issued outfits, weapons and anything else we usually brought. We left at 3pm, after packing and a short debriefing. He explained that, thanks to Liam, they found a pattern to the abductions. So now we were on our way to Spain, where our suspected victim would be, supposedly, kidnapped. Ty seemed a little off but I didn't think much of it, seeing as it's Ty, the mad man.

We arrived at an Air BnB, it was very beautiful to say the least. The balcony over-looked the glistening ocean that reflected the sunset. It almost looked like the ocean was on fire as it reflected the red and orange sky, I nudged Tyro "you enjoying this, Tanya?" I teased, he flicked my ear, "stop with the nicknames, Kinni" he retorted, I didn't have to look to see the smirk playing on his lips. I couldn't think of another nickname, so I rolled my eyes in response, point to the brooding demon.

Only 3 rooms this time, oh well. "Domo, want to share?" I hollered, she squealed "sleepover!", "sure". She chose a room and I silently tagged along, it had a balcony and a double bed in the middle. A bedside table on either side of the bed, "this is nice" I chimed and she agreed. We put our luggage next to the white wardrobe, opened the glass door for the balcony and stepped onto the marble floor. It was very warm, and the smell of salty water faintly wafted up my nose. I wish I could enjoy this.

"I'm heading to bed" I stated as we finished our dinner and cleaned our dishes. With everyone muttering 'good night', I made my way down the dimly lit corridor and into my room in the apartment. I lay on the bed, eyes open, contemplating life. Suddenly, Tyro's weird sheet of number's came into my head, why was he so adamant on me not seeing it? But now I think about, it wasn't really just numbers, there was writing and drawings. Before I could remember what it might've said, I fell into the darkness, the dream world dragging me into it's realms and I didn't dare fight it.

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