Chapter 27

370 11 4

~'Why do you carry a lighter in your pocket' They ask me~

Tyro's POV






I woke up with a start, yet I don't remember falling asleep. I was in a weird room that wasn't my own, I looked around and saw a still figure laying next to me. Then everything clicked. Why was I sleeping next to King though? That was the main question running through my mind.

The night before...

"Hey King, I've got to tell you something important" I voiced, she turned her stoic expression into one of concern and looked in my eyes urging me to continue. The clock showed it was almost midnight.

"The people that captured you, I am 99.9% sure that they are my dad's gang. I don't know what they are doing in Germany but if my suspicions are correct then I would say that they are probably working for whoever is out to get us" I explained, she let out a small breathy chuckle at this and adverted her gaze from my eyes to ceiling, "well, that makes it more fun, doesn't it? I mean while we are destroying the mysterious empire, we can destroy your dad's legacy along with it" she said, but her smile dropped when she looked at my stoic face, "why aren't you happy? I would do anything to destroy the demons that made me like this and now you have the chance, and you aren't happy" she quipped, I scoffed at this because in my opinion there is nothing to be happy about, my dad's gang destroyed me. They abused me. They took my childhood and set it alight in front of my very eyes, if I could watch them all burn at my hands I still wouldn't be satisfied. "It won't satisfy me" is all I responded before everywhere went silent.

I watched the gears in her head work as the increasing tension grew. She was speechless but at this moment I didn't really want her to talk, I just wanted to sleep. I lay down next to her on the bed and looked up to the ceiling. "I understand" she said, I wanted to nod but I guess I never realised how tired I was because instead all I replied was 'ok' before being held captive by the clutches of sleep.

Each night I have been welcomed by my nightmares and memories, waiting for me to close my eyes before they jump and attack me. I should be used to it, but I guess no one can get used to watching themselves turning into a monster, over and over and over and over again.
End of Flashback

I didn't realise King had woken up until I heard her mumbling something, she was speaking too fast for me to comprehend so early in the morning, "what are you even saying?" I asked but she continued nonstop, I was starting to get weirded out, so I got out of the bed and rounded the bed so I was kneeling face to face with her.

Her eyes were closed and there were sweat beads forming on her forehead, she was asleep. I shook her violently as her mumbling started getting louder and scarier as I realised what she was saying. She was talking to someone, someone she very clearly hated because of the amount of curse words she fitted into a single sentence. She was cursing someone for killing another person, the person seemed special because I know she isn't above killing. "I'm only 15, damn it!" she bellowed and that's when I shook her so hard, she fell off the bed.

She woke up before she even hit the ground and did a forward roll to standing as soon as she did. She swivelled around to look at me, her eyes were wide and full of embarrassment, "you swear like a sailor, you kiss your mother with that mouth?" I joke under my breath as I made my way towards her, she chuckled and rolled her eyes and pushed my shoulder in a friendly manner but still it was quite hard but seeing how strong she is I'm not surprised.

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