Chapter 9

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~You were my cup of tea, but I drink champagne now~

[Eustace POV]

We drove to the airfield, I enjoyed spending time with Dax, he was weird and funny. He sometimes cried or laughed randomly, I was reluctant to ask about it but I will. We waited in the car for the arrival of the aircraft. "So, I didn't want to ask before but why do you sometimes laugh randomly?" I asked as we sat in the car, he looked down at his hands at first, probably an unwanted memory racking his brain, "I have a disorder, it's called the Pseudobulbar affect. I don't know if I have had it since I was born or if the scientist caused it but I've had it for as long as I can remember", the he spoke in was low and sad. I instantly felt bad for asking, I don't know if I had upset him but the car was silent for the next few minutes. "So, how did you realise you were a manipulator?" he asked with a smile on his face, breaking the tense atmosphere that hung in the air. "When I was like 9 years old I made my bully cry, and made sure his friends didn't snitch. I don't know how I did it but I made it seem like if they snitched the world would turn against them" I chuckled at the memory, he seemed to tense up at the fact that I was bullied and made me 'aww' inside my head. I lay my head on his shoulder, at first he seemed to be shocked but later relaxed and enjoyed it. I'm sure it was quite evident by now but I liked Dax, on a level that wasn't the same as the others. I was always comfortable around him, even when I felt like an outcast he was always there. But I know it could never happen, this isn't Love island, this isn't a game and unfortunately there is too many risk involved in this life we now live, maybe one day I will be brave enough to say, "To hell with all the risk" but for now I will stay silent and go with the flow.

It had been a few minutes and the jet was about to arrive, I hoped the team would get here soon but they still had time so I supressed all my worries. Dax and I talked, I got a little preview on what goes on inside his head, it wasn't or cupcakes and rainbows but it was definitely interesting.

[Dakari's POV]

Talking to Eustace was always very nice for me, she gave off a very comforting aura and I admired her for it, but I think it's all fun and games for her. I've learnt never to trust what anybodies says, that we are all born liars and need to repent for our countless sins, and I don't just mean religiously. The scientist always lied, "It won't hurt" they said, "We know what we're doing" they cooed, "We want to help you" the insisted, they lied. To Eustace, this is probably just jokes, Why would anyone like me? I feel like I can trust her but that voice in my head that never goes away, no matter how much I beg, is always screaming, "she is fake just like those scientist, she is lying!", I want to spill my heart out to her, she seems so comfortable around me and is so open. "When this mess is over I hope we can just hang out together... I don't know watch a movie or eat ice cream or do whatever you haven't been able to do" she exclaimed, she smiled at me and I felt like melting right there. My cheeks grew hot as I looked into her eyes, "yeah, I would like that".

The jet had landed and we greeted the pilot right before he refuelled it to make our presence known to him. I was hoping the would arrive any second now but seconds bled to minute and the monotonous wait was starting to irritate the pilot, "I'm not allowed to be on this land for very long, I'm not a commercial aircraft, nor do I have the title of a private one. I am a government jet meaning I can't stay In foreign land for too long" our pilot explained. We begged him to stay for a little longer but his patience was wearing thin. Hurry up people!

When they arrived we quickly raced over to them, yelling as we ushered them to the aircraft. They didn't seem to be listening so we gave up after a while. They hauled and tied Liam's unconscious body to an unoccupied seat, I sat opposite Eustace as the other went around their business. I heard Domo mention something about King and Tyro so I coaxed Stace to go over to them with me. It was fun making up scenarios about their fake relationship, they both seemed so hard and stone-hearted, they both had unknown past but seemed dangerous enough. Amour didn't fail to mention the how they defeated 10 men ,maybe more, all by themselves. It was frightening but after watching their simulation battles together it did seem like a very plausible story and also a sight to behold, I was almost sad I didn't get to watch. "Oh wow! Is that so?" King said, she seemed to have sneaked into the conversation, I was just scared of how much she heard and if she would hurt us, "How long have you been standing there? I asked, I saw Amour facepalm and I instantly regretted saying that, "Long enough to know that none of any of that happened" she laughed, she seemed quite chill about it and it left me wondering why, "How are you so chill? Tyro would probably chop our heads off" Eustace commented, with a small laugh but it was wiped off her face when Tyro interrupted, "Would definitely chop your heads off, and why do I need to chop your heads off?" A shiver rand down my spine as I was silently grateful that it was King that walked in on our conversation and not Tyro. "No reason!" we all chorused and unfortunately I realised that King might tell, but was relieved when she said nothing. The pair made their way back to their seats. I had a uncontrollable laughing fit after, I tried so hard to supress it but it was to painful. Eustace looked at me and saw that I was in pain trying to supress. She explained to our team and they didn't seem to mind it. I tried to quiet myself but eventually the fit ended and I was coughing, after trying to supress it for so long I feel like I bruised my throat. Blake gave me medication for it, it worked and the fits became less frequent but still nothing is perfect.

We arrived back at our beautiful house, I was yet to check if my algorithm had caught any messages sent to the island so as we got into the house the first thing I did was go to my room and check. I got an alert as soon as I opened my computer. Someone had broken through my net and a messaged had been sent. It was very encrypted but that didn't matter now. I scurried down the steps to where my team mates were chilling, I was about to tell them but a loud bang sounded through the entire house, almost made my ear bleed with the volume of the noise. I didn't get to say anything but later followed the sound of smashing windows and a fog like gas slowly pouring into the room, "Guys, run!" King bellowed as she scrambled up the stairs. The gas was moving so fast and we were trapped. We made our way up the stairs as we watched the thick gas seep and climb towards us. "It's a knockout gas, grab weapons and hide them. Take your watch too, don't try to escape because I looked outside and none of us have a chance. Just go with it and when you wake up, use your watch and let us know your not dead" Tyro bellowed as he scurried to his room. We all did as we were told and I wore a hoodie and a jacket. I hid my boomerang inside my shirt and strapped my watch to my ankle as I put on boots to cover it. I went to Eustace room to make sure she was ok, she seemed to be a bit weary but nonetheless she was packing her knife and hiding her gun in her jeans with her coat and top concealing it.

[Eustace's POV]

I hid my watch in my bra, clever I know. I heard Dax come in, "It's getting hard to keep my eyes open" I admitted, he came over to me and hugged me, "Go to sleep it's alright" he cooed as he stroked my head, he was taller than me and I rested in his embrace. "Please be safe, I know you have an inner badass, so if they hurt you, fight them all" he joked, I laughed but I allowed the darkness to take over. It felt like seconds but when I was awake again I felt cold, not the kind of cold you feel in England with the very temperamental weather, I mean the cold you feel when you get out of a swimming pool, the wet cold that killed majority of people on the Titanic. I felt my weapons and watch still on me, I slowly got up from my position on the cold floor, it looked like I was in a stone cage, with a small window too high for me to reach and a metal door that was evidently locked. Oh dear...

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