Chapter 24

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~She wore her scars the way some women wear their jewellery~ 

King's POV

Previously with Tyro and King...

[From Tyro's POV]

Tyro had a dream about his father...

"Tironai, get in here!" My father called from his office; I wasted no time scurrying there. "Yes papa?", I meekly replied as he looked at me, scrutinising my every move. "Did you clean the house?" He asked, his voice becoming more menacing by the second. "Yes papa", he grabbed my ear and growled "don't lie to me boy!". I whimpered at the pain shooting through my body, he slammed my head on the table and pointed to a small patch beside me. "You see this, this is not clean" he spat, referring to the tiny blotch of dust that I missed. Suddenly, I felt my body spark up with pain. He'd whipped me and I could feel the cuts and wounds from last night reopening.

King disappeared and Tyro went looking for her...

"Yo King? Where are you?" I bellowed; I received no reply. I initially didn't care but there was a disturbing feeling buzzing in my chest. I ran out into the garden and found her lying on the ground.

King and Tyro bond in a strange way...

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I uttered as I felt a presence behind me, "more fascinating than beautiful" I heard the deep voice of King reply, "what's fascinating about it?" I asked, still in my calm, dream-like state as I stared at the dancing flames in awe. "The way something so lovely and comforting can do so much harm"

Whoever was looking found them...

A loud bang came from the front of the house. Now usually a person would be panicked – worried even – but King and I stood in the garden, watching the fire lethargically die out with a smile on our faces, "I thought they would've been quicker, seeing as they knocked me out over 5 hours ago" King huffed in disappointment, "I know right! Our traps have been set up for over an hour, what took them so long?"

They drift off in the ocean going nowhere, in search of their friends. Hoping that they are alright...

"Where are we going, King?", "To Eustace and Dax, assuming they haven't already had a visit from our friends" she replied, referring to the people that attempted to attack the deadliest duo in the entire world. King and I. "Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, once you see the syndicate of tyranny, don't forget to scream" I sang, softly with a devious smirk on my face. King let out a small laugh as we go along to who-knows-where, in who-knows-what direction. I'm with my second favourite person, so I don't mind.

We had been in the boat for about 3 hours. We were travelling north, and rotated shifts, "we don't even know where Blake the snake dropped them off" I murmured, "well, Amo contacted me and told me where to meet them so at least we aren't wondering around aimlessly" Tyro commented, probably tired of my nagging. "I know but you won't even tell me where this place is" I quipped back and watched the endless ocean pass by from the small ship's cockpit. "It's a secret, me and Amo swore we wouldn't tell anyone the location, so you are just going to have to trust me" he said, looking at me in my eyes. "Why would I trust you?" I mumbled, crossing my arms, and lounging in the small sofa at the back of the cockpit, "because if I wanted you dead, I would've killed you myself by now" he uttered, malice dripping from every word he spoke. I was taken back but I just let it slide, "I wasn't being serious but wow, ok. I trust you enough to go to a foreign island with you, so I think I trust you enough to take me to your secret place" I replied in a monotone, I don't know what it was about his worlds but when he said it, I felt a small tingle in my stomach, call it sadness or hunger but it was weird.

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