Chapter 29

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~I suppose some would call me stone hearted, I would agree but that would imply I have a heart~

King's POV

I called Blake; Tyro almost punched me because I gave away our location, but he calmed down when I told him why I did it. It went a little like this: He grabbed my shirt harshly and pulled me up to eye level, I was left balancing on my tip toes as his cool breath brushed on my face. "Damn why you got to be so tall" I sneered under my breath but due to the proximity he could clearly hear it, "Stop going off topic, why did you contact Blake? You snake. He will relay the information to his superiors and those people that we are all running from will be on us again. You idiot, why didn't you think this through?" he yelled into my face, "thou shall say it not spray it" I sassed back and wiped the non-existent saliva off my face. He dropped me on the ground, and I regained my balance. Tyro let out a low groan and pulled his hands down his face. "What if they discover this place? You idiot!" He growled and launched at me with his fist ready, I saw the action in slow motion, I felt like I had hours to react. I saw his fist flying towards me so lethargically. Duck or take the hit? The question bubbled in my mind for a bit. In a split second, I ducked deciding that his anger punches would be painful, and my face still hasn't properly healed after me being electrocuted. "I didn't tell him we were here. I told him that we were about an hour away from here, so they didn't come to this place. I knew he would find us eventually; besides, he has been texting me non-stop on my watch. I'm not an idiot, I'm smarted than the rest of you. If Blake had tracked us, he would've found 'the safe place'. So, your welcome" I retorted, still on the floor from my sudden movement of ducking. Tyro let out a breath he seemed to be holding. He offered to help me off the floor, but I slapped his hand away not forgetting to give him a dead look before walking away.

So now we are all in the living room, the candle lit aura sort of calmed me. It was weird how electricity seemed to work in here. It was like a bubble; electricity works inside this place but a quarter mile in any direction and the electricity is a dud. Which is why instead of light bulbs there is candle because the lines can't connect to any power station. It's complicated and I don't think it matters.

"When are supposed to meet Blake?" Eustace questions me, it's been a few hours since she has awoken, "Tomorrow morning" I reply and excuse myself and walk to the kitchen. I try to avoid looking in the mirror, I'm not a prideful person, I never thought I was pretty or cared about my appearance as a matter of fact but with this thunder shaped scar that climbs my face, I feel uglier than I did, it's not that I cared but I can't help but feel conscious of it whenever I looked in the mirror and all I wanted to do was forget. Forget the pain, the experience and most of all forget the embarrassing situation of getting rescued by Tyro, I never thanked him, but I know he knows. I poured myself a glass of water and simply just sat watching the water glistening. I took small sips and went back to watching as the water swished around freely. I didn't realise when Tyro sat next to me until he cleared his throat, "sorry" is all he said, his face was blank – eyes dead and dull, "no your not" I replied and continued to stare at the not-so-fascinating water that stayed idle in my cup. "I am". "I never did thank you for rescuing me" I randomly said after minutes of unfilled silence, "no need to thank me, I don't like it. I didn't do it for you, I did it because now you owe me a favour" he quipped back, I saw in his eyes that he wanted me to believe him, but I could see past his rock-hard façade and I know that he did it for me, not for a favour. "Whatever you say, mate" I deadpanned.

"We need a plan" Domo announced, Tyro and I went back to the living room. "What do you mean?" Dax responded, "Well, it's obvious that whoever is after us also happens to have connections in the government. There's no doubt that they will be after us tomorrow" Domo finished, "we need to be prepared but who knows they could leave us alone" Stace commented, I wanted to roll my eyes at her ignorance but decided against it, "the only way they would leave us alone is if they are planning  something big or them chasing us was just a test and now they know our abilities" I replied, Tyro's breathing hitched slightly and he cursed under his breath. "Either way we should be prepared" Amo confirmed and we all nodded. "Any ideas?" Dax asked, I had a few and I knew the evil genius had 10 times more, but I stayed silent as did he. "Really? No one?" Dax scoffed and looked down to his hands. "Nothing" Tyro and I said simultaneously, we looked at each other before turning back to our teammates, they looked at us incredulously before I motioned for Tyro to explain, "as King said, the only way they would leave us alone is if they never wanted to kill/kidnap us or if they are planning something big. I've been thinking about it and the government can track our watches just as easily as we can. They could've easily followed us, or they would already know our location. They would've attacked by now if they wanted us so soon, but they haven't" he finished explaining, I nod my head agreeing with his thought process. "Oh damn, well at least it can't get any worse" Domo sighed, "£10 says it does" Dax muttered before placing his arm on his eyes, obscuring his vision. He slumped down on the couch and groaned at our precarious reality. "At least we have each other" Stace said, attempting to lighten the mood, "do we?" Domo mumbled under her breath, "What's that meant to mean?" Stace asked, Domo stared straight at Tyro, "He is hiding something" she replied, her stare never wavering, Tyro didn't look bothered though, "if I knew something that I thought you guys needed to know, I would've told you" he stated, suddenly, I recalled the day I went into his room, the paper he had. It was scribbled with numbers and words. Slowly, my brain deciphered the words, my photographic memory being very useful in this situation. I only managed to understand a bit before I was interrupted. Who does the government want to kill? I will have to decipher the rest later.

Tyro seemed to notice I was lost in my head because when I looked at him, his eyes widened a bit. He knows. "Tyro might be secretive, but he isn't duplicitous" Amo voiced, contradicting Domo. They were still a bit of a mess, but I know that they will be fine. "Oh of course you would be against me" Domo retorted, narrowing her eyes to Amo, "Hey! That's unfair, I've been with Tyro for years longer than you besides, you are suggesting something unthinkable", "be on my side for once!" Domo shouted back, "I am on your side, I just trust Tyro not to be a snake" Amo said calmly taking hold of Domo's hand with his non-mechanical one, Domo took her hand back and ignored his pleading gaze. "          Whatever" she stubbornly replied, "as much as I enjoy watching your relationship drama, I think we all need rest before we meet Blake tomorrow, we have had an eventful 48 hours" I said, everyone nodded and left for their shared rooms. Tyro stayed behind and looked at me expectantly, "I know you are figuring it out, I just want to say – when you do, keep it to yourself" he commanded, I didn't reply. I just stared at his brown eyes, watching the darkness and past traumas swirl in his haunting eyes, "why?" I bluntly replied, "because you may be used to the feeling of imminent danger around every corner, but our teammates will shrivel up in their own fear and down themselves with their anxiety" he curtly stated – walking away and leaving me to decipher the rest of that sheet.

I said a quick prayer before going to sleep, I always felt comfort because I felt as if I wasn't alone. In the institute, I prayed every morning and every night – praying for forgiveness because I was a sinner and lived in the sin and I had no choice. I was raised a Christian and when I was kidnapped it strengthened my belief – I was always alone but never felt lonely, I had someone to talk to, someone that cared about me. I guess that's what stopped me from going completely insane and the reason I've made it this far. My mind may not be pure, but I constantly clean soul – and beg for forgiveness for all the lives that weren't mine to take yet I took them, for all the times I did something wrong which was a lot. This is why I didn't go back down this road. This is why I didn't want to do this.


Sorry I know this chapter is quite bland but it is the penultimate chapter and I didn't want to pack it with interesting events because the next chapter is going to be very interesting. I will post it as soon as I can. Thanks for reading so far!

I'm doing a characters Q&A at the end of the book so please just write whatever questions you have for me or the characters [If it is for a specific character then write their name at the beginning of the question]. I will answer and the questions can be anything :)

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