Chapter 10

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~ The deadliest predator is the one you cannot see~

[King's POV]

I woke up on a cold metal floor, to anyone looking it looked like I was at the cente of a maze filled with stone and metal walls winding to nowhere. I felt my weapons still on me and my watch was still in my shoe, I waited a few moments before I quietly got it out, I texted everyone, 'Awake, safe, alive... for now, I'm in a maze type of place, I will contact HQ', I=I was a little anxious when no one replied but after a few minutes Eustace replied on the group chat, 'Awake, safe, alive, I'm in a stone cage, it's probably day time because there's light coming from my window', I decided that I would try to escape this maze. The walls where very tall, but I made it my mission to climb up them. The architect made the mistake of putting the walls so close together, only 1 person could walk through at a time, I noted that. I put my back on one wall and my feet on the other. I climbed up the wall, my back painfully scraping against the stone but I would think about that later, I swivelled round once I got to the top and replaced my back with my hands, I let my feet drop as my hands clutched the top of the wall. I pulled myself up and scoped out the area. The maze suddenly didn't seem like a maze anymore to me, more like a parkour gym. There were metal poles I could swing on and walls I could hop onto, it would be kind of fun to play in here if I wasn't their captive. I ran on the walls to a metal door I spotted on the other side, I treated the metal poles as gymnastic bars as I swung off them to help me quickly reach the door, a soft humming came from my watch as I almost arrived at the door, 'Awake, safe, alive, I'm in white room and it's giving me a headache' Dakari had said, 'Alive, safe, I'm in a glass box, thick glass can't see through it' Domo messaged, 'Awake, not safe, I'm in a very dark room and there is a very mechanical sound coming from the door, I think it's opening' Amour texted, lastly Ty, 'Awake, safe probably, I'm literally in an ice box, it cold but I'm very intrigued', I laughed at his message but started to think of why we were all in different type of confinements, I guess it's a twisted joke, I'm good at parkour so they put me in a difficult gym, Eustace manipulative so they isolate her, Dakari is a lab rat so they put him in psychological torture, white torture, Domo is a thief and magician, they put her on display even though as a thief she is secretive and as a magician she hides how she does it, Amour they put him in a dark room void of all his gadgets, turn on a mechanic sound, slowly make him wish that he was building something, Ty is an arsonist and genius, apparently he has the 2nd highest IQ, so they put him in ice, and in a situation he can't think himself out of. It's a very sick joke but smart. I almost reach the door as a loud speaker somewhere plays, "Hello, I don't know if your all awake but think of this as a wake up call" the loud voice says, laughing at the end as if it's a joke, "My master is not happy about you people sticking your noses in places it doesn't belong" the voice continued, "I'm not very happy that you took one of my gang members but he was very stupid anyway", I smelt something, it smelt very sickly and the smell could make me throw up, "All of your confinements are filling up with gas, now I have a little question for Kingide" The voice chuckled, I was confused but still listened attentively, "I bet none of you knew that Kingide was an assassin, 'Messorem' as well, it's crazy how you tell her who you are but she keeps it a secret, she has been lying to all of you, she never wanted to be your friend, she just didn't want to spend a lifetime in jail. So Kingide, I will show your team who you really are!" The voice bellowed, I was stunned and confused why the anonimous person had such a big problem with me but I can probably guess why. The metal door was swung open and in came 50 men, I didn't try to fight them when they dragged me out. I was outside and the weather was very chill, lovely day to go to the park. Why does my brain wander when I'm in important situations? I was dragged to the middle of the field where my team where all on their knees with there legs and hands bounded. "Lovely day to go to the park" I mentioned, but I got hit on the head with the butt of a gun or pole, I wasn't sure. "No need to get feisty princess" I commented, my team looked like they were supressing a laugh at my words. A man who looked vaguely familiar walked onto the scene. He had dark black hair and brown eyes, he had a beard and moustache, he wore a very expensive-looking suit but he looked at me with such disgust. "Hello, I'm sure your wondering what's going on?" the man said, he was the voice over the loud speaker. "So Kingide, admit it to your team that you are Messorem, the heartless assassin" he coaxed, I shrugged and turned to face my team, "I'm Messorem, the heartless assassin" I nonchalantly recited, "Well, not like I lied to you, just told you guys I didn't want to talk about it. But I'm sure Tyro already knew I was Messorem" I laughed, he nodded and smiled, they looked shocked, kind of scared but mostly surprised, "That's epic!" Domo squealed, totally forgetting that we were in a serious situation, I laughed. "Oh enough!" the grouchy man screamed, "Who shoved a stick up your butt?" I mumbled, he clearly heard me because a loud bang sounded across the field. He shot my shoulder. I don't know if it was supposed to hurt but I could barely feel it. "Ooooooo, scary man with baby gun!" I joked but he seemed to have enough of my antics because one of his brutes punched me in the face, I crashed on the grass and spit the blood due to my bleeding lip. I stood up "You punch weaker than Tyro" I joked but this time I was kicked in the stomach, I doubled over and coughed, why do I aggravate them? It was kind of fun until the short man with a pristine suit got all mad about it, "I didn't bring you here to mock, you killed my father so now, I'm returning the favour" the man said, "What? You want to kill my father?" I joked again, "I would've but both your mummy and daddy are gone" He spat, his words were like a dagger in my chest, the smirk was wiped off my face. "Who was your dad?" I question, trying to hit his soft spot. "Quincey Flint" he seethed, it took me a second but then I remembered. "Oh, did daddy not tell you what really happened, well he is dead so I'm guessing no" I laughed, "Mr. Flint was never a target of mine, so let's say killing him was a mistake or maybe for fun, I don't know what goes on in your sick little mind but Daddy Flint came after me, not the other way around. I was minding my business, looking for my next target when your father shot me in the leg. I fell off a 3 story building and broke both arms and a fractured my leg, pierced one of my organs as well. He worked for the same place as me for a while but after he left he created a vendetta against every operative in the agency. He was a fool to think he could kill me. I shot him through the stomach and called the ambulance. It's not my fault he bled out before the arrived" I smirked, "You're lying" Flint junior bellowed, "Nah, I'm sure there is footage of it. After all it was in a public place. The police searched for me for months, they got bribed out of it though". He seemed to be thinking but he quickly shook his head, "No!" he gave me a gun. "You will shoot one of your friends. Don't even try to shoot me, it won't work. You killed someone I love and now I will make you feel the same pain", "If I refuse?" I queried, "Then you will watch them all suffer till they die", I was stunned, it was clear the one life over 5 other's was a smarter choice but I couldn't kill one of my team. As much as I hate to admit it, they are my friends and the closest thing to a family I have. I took a deep breath and look at all of them in the eye. I saw Eustace tearing up a bit, but Tyro smirked, was he so confident that I wouldn't kill him but I was tempted to just to wipe the smirk off his face. I took a deep breath and clocked the gun... I knew who I was going to shoot.

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