Chapter 2

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~You can't compete, you don't compare~

Kingide's POV

It was evening and Amour was cooking a tantalising meal for us all, with the ingredients that were stocked in the kitchen. No one trusted each other yet, as expected, so every so often I would check on the food, make sure the mad scientist didn't "accidentally" drop poison of any kind in. We sat around the dining table, even though we all could've gone to our rooms, we decided that eating together would make us more comfortable around each other. "So, we are all kind of like the avengers just we were blackmailed into coming" Amour spoke up, "What's the 'Avengers'?" Dakari questioned, "You don't kno- oh yeah you were a lab rat" Domonic sighed, Dakari responded with an eye roll and silence followed. I soon finished my food and went to wash up my plate and escape to my room. As I was about to proceed up the stairs Eustace called me "Hey Kingide, you sure you don't want to stay down here? We are making Dakari watch every Marvel Cinematic Universe movie in order" she smiled, "Nah, I'm good thanks." I decided and continued up the glass and wooden steps. I entered my room and lay down, fumbling with one of my throwing knives as I spun it round my fingers.

A soft knocking followed by my door opening interrupted my peace, "I didn't say you could come in" I said to Tyro who was leaning on my door frame, "I really don't care" he replied flatly, I chuckled, he reminded me of me, "what do you want?" I questioned, "to irritate you of course" he monotonously replied. I lay back on my bed and spun my knife around, "I realised what you are by the way" I uttered, my face remained a void of emotions so he didn't know I was lying. "How did you do that?" he questioned more intrigued in the door frame he was leaning on than my actual words, "You told me" I lied. "I see...", "You told me indirectly. Through your knife throw into the bullseye, your weapon choice and with your assessment of me" I told him, he finally looked interested in the conversation, "What did I tell you?" he said with a smirk on his lips, "That you have blood on your hands, maybe as much as I do" I replied flatly, not knowing if it was really true or not. He clapped slowly, the stopped abruptly "Maybe your smarter than you look, but to be fair you don't look that smart". I turned to face him, I threw the knife I was playing with at the door frame very close to his head, but he didn't flinch. "You missed" he hissed, "you wish I did". He threw the knife back at me, blatantly aiming for my head, I caught it before it reached its mark, he let out a small chuckle and walked away. I dropped the knife onto the floor as I realised that I had cut myself whilst catching it. Literal blood on my hands, the world has a way of exposing you, I laughed at my dark humour and went to wash my hands clean.

I didn't cover the slim cut on my palm, it heals faster when it's more exposed, "Um... Hey Kingide, can I come in?" Eustace sweetly asked as she knocked on my open door, I nodded and gestured for her to sit on the couch. "OMG, are you ok? What happened to your hand?" Eustace questioned, with a concerned look. "Nothing important" I replied, with a bored expression, "So I've been thinking, since we are all going to be spending a fair amount of time with each other we should get to know each other better" She said with her award winning smile, "Why?" my voice growing lower with disinterest, "so you know no one will try hurt you in your sleep or something?" I continued for her, she seemed speechless, "I.... um" she stuttered so I cut in, "You seem really sweet, so I won't lie to you. I don't trust any of you", Domonic cleared her throat and walked in as I said that, she perched on the couch next to Eustace, "Having girl talk without me" she postulated, feigning a hurt expression, "something like that" I deadpanned, "Can we all at least be friends?" Eustace sighed, hope in her eyes, Domonic smiled and I caved, sending them a discreet nod. Friend? Such a foreign word on my tongue. "I'm going to bed" I announced, they soon exited my room. I was alone again, perfect.

I woke up early, 5am to be exact. Old routines don't die. I got ready for training, wearing baggy grey jogging bottoms and a black jumper that I found in the closet in the room. I didn't think anyone else was awake, so I proceeded to the training room with my twin pistols. When I arrived, Tyro was in the simulation room with his twin katanas. The simulation room: a dark but big room at the corner of our training room, holograms appear at random around the room, using your weapons you can make them dissipate but if they touch you or shoot you then you have failed the simulation. I saw Tyro's expert swordsmanship as he quickly sliced through the holograms till, he was the only thing left standing. My slow, loud clap echoed around the room, "wow that was impressive" I drawled out, even though it was I didn't want it to get to his head. "I know", "of course you do..." I responded with an eye roll. I stepped inside the simulation room, also putting the settings on the hardest level. I gestured for Tyro to leave before I clicked the start button but a smirk dance on his lips as he pressed start and was in the room with me as the simulation started, too late for him to leave now, the room turned dark as the simulations started to appear.

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