Tyro's interview

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A/N: I'm really just having fun with this but yeah we can pretend that Tyro himself is sitting in a room with an interviewer. I will update these occasionally if there's any new questions.


What is the relationship between you and King?

T: i can tolerate her since she is probably the only other person I can rely on in a do or die situation

What's up with you and Domo?

T: I don't know, did she say something happened?
Who do you think is the villain in this story?

T: Well, i think that there is no real villain because no one is entirely bad. If a person does a bad thing does it make them a villain or does it make them human? Everyone does good and bad... i mean i have hurt a bunch of people, innocent and guilty, but you probably still see me as one of the "good guys".

Do you have any siblings?

T: I had a brother but he died mysteriously in a fire...

Is your only/biggest fear your dad?

T: No, though i wish it was because it would mean i was fearless.

Do you enjoy being an arsonist?

T: Arson after all is an artificial crime... A large number of houses deserve to be burnt.

Is that all you have to say about it?

T: Yes.

I'm sure quite a few people want to know but have you ever thought of dating Kingide?

T: ...I'm what some (*cough* most) people call 'emotionally unavailable'.

Who does your hair?

T: Me. Been doing it myself since i was 6

Thanks for reading!!

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