Chapter 17

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~Manipulative people don't question themselves. They don't ask themselves if the problem is them.~

Eustace's POV

After Blake left Dax and Amo returned to their own rooms, Domo and I soon followed. I ambled up the wooden stairs to my bedroom. Sitting on my bed, I was dragged into my imagination, zoning out from reality. But with a soft knock at the door I was brought back suddenly, "come in" I shouted, in walked Dax with a smile on his adorable face. He shut the door behind him and walked over to my bed. "So... want to chill with me for 3 days?" he questioned with a hopeful smile on his face. I must've taken too long to respond because his expression dampened, "sorry, it was a stupid idea" he mumbled and went to my door. He started opening it when I called out "I would love to go with you, Dax". He let out an exaggerated sigh and turned back to face me, "wow, that would've been embarrassing". I let out a light laugh but shook my head regardless, "as if I could say no to that handsome face" I pursed my lips and sent him air kisses, with a roll of his eyes he sat back on my bed. I lay my back on his chest whilst he played with my frizzy hair. "I've been thinking, do you think King and Tyro will ever get together?" he absent-mindedly asks, "why?" I ask, my mood falling as he asks about King, "they would be cute together" he fantasised, I smiled that he wasn't attracted to King. I mean she was perfect, more or less, she was tall, beautiful, strong, could take anything, I guess that's why she is perfect for Tyro. They both have that 'feeling' that lingers around them, feels like sorrow. Cold, unforgiving aura that hovers around them, I wonder what their story is. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Dax touched my cheek, "you ok? You look a little out of it" a worried expression was plastered on his face, my cheeks heated up at the contact and I smiled at him, "just thinking. Don't worry about it". We talked and laughed a bit more, enjoying each other's company. I thought, 'what of thing's were different? What if the circumstances that brought us together were different?'.

2 days have passed. I filled my suitcase to the brim with necessities and time wasters. I've been in my feelings a lot and I have come to the conclusion that I'm scared. I've never been anywhere dangerous, not a dangerous situation or thought has crossed me in my entire 17 years of living. I was scared they were going to find me, whoever was looking. They were going to take me and I would never see my friends again.

My body trembled as morbid thoughts plagued my brain, 'please go away' I begged the dreading images flashing before my eyes. A soft knock brought me out of my dark place and I was grateful for it, "Come in" I chirped as I zipped up my suitcase, King walked in wearing a baggy crop hoodie and mom jeans; she could pull off anything, she could make a bin bag look good.

"Hey King", "Hey angel" she chirped back, she calls me that sometimes instead of 'Eustace' or 'Stacee', she says it's very fitting for my personality. I really like having nicknames, causing me to always smile when she called me that. "What's up?" I asked as I sat on comfortable bed, "just wanted to check on you, because I'm not going to see you for the next 3 days" she mumbled, I gave her a tight smile which hid my frightened and morbid thoughts, plaguing my mind. "I'm good, it's a bit nerve racking but I will be fine" i offered her a smile to hide my real emotions as I rubbed my hands together in fake anticipation. I'm a master manipulator, I know how to make people believe my lies, "I don't believe you" she quietly muttered after she gave me a small nod and smile and exited my room. How could she see through my facade so easily? I'm an expert manipulator for goodness sake.

After 30 minutes of torture from my mind, another knock came to my door. Domo popped her head inside my room making sure I was 'decent' before she widened the door more and strutted inside, "Hey girl!" She hollered, I laughed at her vast amount of energy, "hey dodo" I replied, not matching her tone of excitement. "So I bet your excited to have 3 days to yourself with Dax" she coaxed the truth out of me, as she walked over to me with a playful glint in her eyes and a smirk playing on her lips. I wanted to deny it but it's true, I was excited and so nervous at the same time. "I bet your excited about spending time with Amo" I shoot back, failing to answer her question. Sending an eyeroll my way, she plays with her fingers, "Amo and I aren't like that" she mumbles, trying to convince me but I see through her translucent lie and chuckle in response to her fib, "sure".

Blake comes knocking at the door, it's night time and we arrive at wherever we are going tomorrow. After we gather in the living room, all silently praying that this isn't our last time here, Blake waltzed in looking way too happy, but I guess he isn't the one being actively chased by murderers. Lucky man. "I hope your ready team" he cheers as he looks around making sure we are all in our pairs. He hands us a fake passport with our nicknames, even Tyro got a nickname, 'Ty'. We got handed foreign money from a country I couldn't identify from the thick wallet of paper bills and loose change I was handed.

We were driven to different airfields as we were all, with our partner, going to different places. I looked down at my watch, typing out a group message 'I'll miss you guys, stay in contact if you can! See you later' I sent the message and within a fee seconds King had replied on the group chat, 'hopefully'. Pessimistic thoughts ran through my head, banging against the wall i put up to block them out, like a wild animal in a cage. Dax grabbed my hand, absentmindedly rubbing small circles on the back with his thumb. I calmed down a little and felt my cheeks flush at his gesture. I didn't need to speak for he already knew I was grateful. I looked down at my watch to see that the group chat had been blown up with messages from Domo, King and Tyro:

Domo- I can't wait to see you guys again
Tyro- 'if'
King- *pessimist enters the chat*
Tyro- more like a realist
Domo- right now we need optimism, so leave your toxic traits at the door.
King- I agree with Dodo on this one.
Tyro- Thanks for having my back, traitor.
King- sorry, not sorry.
Domo- That's my girl ;)
Tyro- Bye, finally I'm leaving.
King- He is right, our plane just arrived. See you guys on the other side.
Domo- Im going to miss you Kiki, Tyro... not so much
Tyro- still here
Domo- I know.
Tyro- requited

The chat went silent after that, assuming that King and Tyro boarded their plane as did Domo and Amo. Letting out a sigh I barely noticed our plane had landed until Dax pulled me out of the car. "2 hours and we will be in the air" our pilot had informed us as we took our seats on the warm aircraft.

Dax must've noticed my distraught feelings as he sat next to me and pulled my head gently onto his shoulder, "no matter what happens, I will protect you" he cooed, "as will I". We stared into each others eyes, I fell into those chocolate orbs subconsciously leaning closer to him as he did the same. So close, a few centimetres away and showing no signs of stopping...

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