Chapter 12

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~Stabbing people in the back sounds boring.~

[King's POV]

Tidying up has always been a tedious task for me, I would tidy up after an assassin job, tidy after a torture session, and now tidy after I'd been kidnapped. My friends and I scrubbed the floor, swept up the shards of glass littering the room and outside the house, rearranged the furniture whilst throwing some broken lamps in a huge bin. We were getting a new front door and windows today. We'd been doing this all morning. The monotonous task, cleaning and tidying, seemed to drawl on for hours. It left my legs weak and my arms flailed limply at my sides as I stumbled up the stairs. This was probably the best workout ever, I felt the burn everywhere. Everything was back to the way it was and it seemed like nothing had even happened. I flopped on my bed, letting out a muffled 'oof' as my face hit the soft sheets.

I must've drifted to sleep because when my eyes flickered open the sun was hiding over the horizon and the dark blue sky was pushing the orange colour off the edge. A soft knock, followed by my door opening made me let out a tired groan. "What do you want, Ty?", I know he hates nicknames but I was too tired to consider repercussions. "Don't call me Ty, King" he spat. He sent me a deadly glare. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under. "Anyway, I came here for two reasons", "one, to annoy you of course. It's the most interesting task of the day" he laughed at his own statement, whilst I rolled my eyes and turned away from his idle body, leaning on my door frame. "Two, Blake is coming soon", I immediately shot up at that information, "Why?" I asked, with a confused look plastered on my face, "I don't know. We are the government's pawns so don't be surprised if they send us on another mission without giving us time to rest", I looked at Tyro inquisitively. "You should be a philosopher, or maybe one of those people that think too much into life and meaning" I randomly stated, "Why is that?" he replied, unamused. "Well you're smart and it's better than whatever you are now" I concluded and walked out past him. Leaving him standing there, trapped in his own thoughts. He will come back to his senses later, I'm always trapped in my head, so I know how it feels. Still, it's weird seeing other's have the same problem, it's just seems so frightening how much your own mind can surprise you, torture you, hurt you, confuse you and trap you. Well, no time to fret on the troubles of life.

I made my way downstairs, as soon as my feet hit the bottom step a loud knocking echoed through the house. He's here. Groaning to myself, I open the door for him and his guards and sat in the kitchen next to Ty who still seems so lost in thought, poor guy. I nudged his arm and sent him a worried look, 'Are you ok?' . I didn't need to say anything, he knew what I meant by my expression. He scoffed lowly, rolled his eyes and looked at me with disinterest 'Why would you care? We are not friends'. I know that's what he meant so I squinted my eyes and tutted, how ungrateful. I guess if that's what I get for caring then I might as well not waste my precious time. "Hello Team! We have a new assignment, you have given us very useful information, AKA Liam Winters" Blake cheered, "That's the most a team has done and come back whole" he continued, I saw Eustace visibly cringe at that. Softy. "So you are just going to send us out again? So quickly?" Amo questioned, tiredness plastered on his face, "Well... yes" Blake stuttered. There was a loud scoff from beside me, Tyro. "No, we basically just got back. No" Dakari demanded, Blake let out a sigh and I already knew whatever that would come out of his mouth next would seriously aggrevaite me so I gripped Tyro's arm under the table. "Well you don't have a choice, you agreed to this. You won't have break until the entire mission is complete" Blake stated, I gripped Ty's arm tighter. He looked at me, I immediately released my grip, stood and stormed up the stairs.

"Hey King" a small voice called from my door, "Hey stace". "I know this whole thing is really... bad but we did technically agree to this", I wanted to tell her, "No, I didn't, I was kidnapped. I'm just being dragged back into the world I tried so hard to escape from. Clawing my way out of the pits of hell, trying to be normal even though I forgot how to live and be human, anything was better than where I came from. Escaping on my last mission, faking my death. It was the only way. And now... They are sending back down the road I'd been on before." but I looked at her, her innocence, her cheerfulness, "Yeah your right" is all I mumbled out before she exited and an empty silence surrounded me. I turned off the lights, the room becoming instantly dark as the full moon rays, peered through my curtains. I couldn't sleep, knowing that tomorrow I would be the governments dog, obeying their commands and going out on another possible suicide mission. Sometimes I wish I'd swallow my ego and just gone to jail when I had the chance.

I was deep in thought, time flew by, the sky was as dark as a raven's wing and the moon hid behind the grey clouds. A low knock came to my door, without my consent, in walked Tyro. "I didn't say you could come in", "I really don't care", "what do you want now, Ty?" I mumbled, he growled lowly, wow he really can't take a joke. "Two reasons" he uttered and sat on the side of my bed. "One, you have a very strong grip, gave me a bruise. I don't mind, just wanted to congratulate you" he said with a smirk dancing on my lips at the end. "Two, why were you so mad about what Blake said? I know it sucks but for you, for a 'heartless monster', just kind of weird that you were so pissed, more than the rest of us" he claimed, mocking Flint Juniors statement about me being a 'heartless monster'. "I would ask if you can keep a secret but you don't have any friends to tell" I snickered, he let out a low sigh. I intended it as a joke, but something within me felt like it was true. "Listen... just all of this reminds me of my days as an assassin, always being forced to do things I didn't want to. Getting no sleep for up to 4 days just because I wasn't allowed until I had completed my mission completely. There's so much I can never explain to anyone, so many things that I will die with" I lowly sighed, I thought he would tease but instead he put his hand on my shoulder, it was odd seeing him comfort me but I wasn't complaining. "I know how you feel, it sucks but it's what happened, nothing can change that" he cooed, "I don't know what happened to you, but if it's anything close to what I had to endure then you understand why I'm pissed" I stated and turned, so my back was facing him and I was peering out of the gap of my curtain. He scoffed and turned me back around, giving me a smirk "just accept it, for now" he insisted, "for now?" I asked, with my eyebrows raised. I saw something in his eyes, an emotion, it left too fast for me to recognise it, he smirked and left my bedroom, what is that sneaky genius up to?

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