Chapter 5

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~Assassin? I was just a murderer~

We arrived in Louisiana around 7pm, the cool air enveloped us as we went outside. 2 black vehicles were present, waiting for us to arrive, we split in half and different halves took different cars, within 40 minutes of entering the cars we had arrived at an average looking hotel, closest to the crime scene. The area seemed quite desolate yet full, maybe people just don't like to be out at night. We had a conjoined room with 4 double beds, a bathroom, and a small living room like area. "Before anything else can we discuss bed arrangements?" Amour plead, I shrugged and gestured for him to talk, I didn't mind sharing if the person didn't snore or move in their sleep. "I don't mind sharing if the person doesn't snore or touch me" I spoke up, everyone seemed to instantly digest the fact that some of us would have to share. "I'll share with King" Domonic announced, we quickly chose a bed and put our luggage beside it and sat on the comfortable mattress. Amour and Tyro slept on separate beds as Dakari and Eustace shared, how convenient for them. We all took turns getting ready for bed and showering. Domonic and I talked a bit before letting sleep finally take over.

Have you ever had a dream, where you know your dreaming? You know everything around you is fake and you know that you could wake up if you wanted to. Yet still, you continue to dream, it's usually an empty dream with unmemorable events, it usually ends with you surrounded by darkness and willing yourself to wake up. That's the type of dream I had, but there was something oddly comforting about it, usually I would get annoyed at those type of dreams because when I woke up I was still tired, but today I wasn't. Today I enjoyed every bit of that lengthy dream because somewhere in my mind I thought that was the last bit of peaceful sleep I would have for a while. When I arose everyone, but Tyro was still asleep, we both made our way to the miniature living room, "why do you wake up so early?" I questioned, "old habits don't always die" was his vague response, but I understood perfectly. "You and Amour seem to know each other before all of this mess, how is that?" I asked, not really caring about the answer but not wanting there to be uncomfortable silence, "can't answer that question without giving away a lot of stuff" he chuckled, "one day you will tell me" I mumbled, I don't know if he heard but I know it didn't matter either way I believed what I said was true.

I got into the shower and changed into my assassin gear but leaving off the coat and weapons. I made black coffee and sipped on the hot liquid as I waited for everyone else to be ready. After 10 minutes they were done and so was my coffee, perfect timing. We sat on the carpeted floor around the coffee table which lay in the middle of the living room, Dakari brought out his computer whilst Amour rolled out the map whilst we held down the corners. "So first of all, all the abductions seem to take place in random yet convenient places, Joe Miller, our most recent victim was abducted in a park near his house, 3 witnesses were shot so no one alive that would have any idea who we are supposed to be looking for" Amour sighed, we all looked at him expectantly "But I have come up with an idea, I asked beforehand for the bullet that one of the victims were shot with so I can find out what type of gun was used and if we can get surveillance anywhere near that area since apparently the park didn't have cameras then we can identify someone who has a gun that size or seems to be concealing one" he finished, whilst flashing his pearly whites. "Ok how are we going to get surveillance, we can't say we are from the British government investigating an abduction" Domonic whined, in that second all heads turned to Eustace, what a time for a professional manipulator to be of use. "Ok but still I don't think I will be able to get them to just hand it over, especially if it's the police they will be to weary of me." Eustace confessed, but for the first time Tyro spoke up, "you won't need to, just distract them and act clueless and get them to fill you in, Dakari will be close enough to hack into any nearby cameras and collect footage from that entire day", "that will take like 10 minutes" Dakari stated, "I can come in after a few minutes to help Eustace keep up the distraction" Domonic offered, "No we need you to break into a police van with Dakari, the police vehicles are the only ones allowed near the scene and Dakari needs to be close enough to hack into all near cameras" Tyro continued, "Ok, I'll keep up the distraction with Eustace then" I finally offered everyone nodded in agreement, "here Domo" Amour said as he gave her a pistol-like dart gun, "this will sedate the people in the vehicle, if there is any, there are 5 darts in there so use it sparingly". We all agreed on the plan, "backup plan?" Dakari chirps "improvise" Tyro and I say simultaneously.

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