Chapter 28

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~ All the best people are crazy~

Dax's POV

We had been in the car for a bit, silence enveloped us. Stace had revealed we were going to Munich because it was a popular place, so we were sure to find help. I don't know if we are naïve or just stupid because we were a bunch of 17/18-year-olds roaming around a foreign country trying to find solace in a stranger, no we must be stupid.

We reached a town square, tourist with their camera's dangling from their neck as their eyes took mental snapshots of everything they saw, their insatiable cup of curiosity relishing and growing larger as they realise there is so much of the world they had not seen. Locals walked and went about their day, speaking in their native tongue and ignoring the mass amount of tourist that they are probably used to. I watched the world go by from inside of our car, time seemed to not move in here but out there – time was going too fast as everything passed by in a glistening blur. "Are you hungry?" Stace asked, cracking the warm silence we had immersed ourselves in, "yeah".

We had some cash left over and by some, I mean way more than we could spend at a gas station. Stace exited the car before telling me to fill the gas tank up whilst she went to buy us some snacks. I obliged and filled the tank up to the full amount before sitting back in the car. My head was pounding from the stress and the mental agony I had been through in the past 24 hours, but I would rather be here than back in the lab's. Stace later came out with a material bag in her hand whilst the other seemed to be tucking something in her hoodie pocket, oh yeah, I forgot to mention, we bought new clothes seeing as we left the house in such a rush and only had government outfits, but that wasn't very inconspicuous. After we dealt with the dodgy company, we went immediately to buy new clothes, simple ones to go over our government outfits. Stace purchased a dark green hoodie and some black jogging bottoms [a/n: to Americans (mostly but also other countries) its 'sweatpants' but I am not American so if you see 'jogging bottoms' then you know what it is if you don't understand], my outfit consisted of a dark red hoodie and identical jogging bottoms.

Stace entered the car and placed the material bag on my lap before getting ready to drive off, I never asked her how come she can drive but people in the UK can get their provisional at 17, it's a good thing too, because I didn't know how to drive, 16 years as a lab rat means that I missed out on everything normal people do. Go on dates, get their driver's license – even if it is only provisional [A/N: Provisional means that you can drive when you are 17 with a licensed adult in the car], I missed getting my first rejection – though there was still a lot of time for that, I missed going to prom, going to graduation – yes, I went to school but it was only me since they called it a private tutoring program, but really it was because I wasn't allowed to leave the lab building unless it was for their environmental test. I don't even know my family; I don't know if I have siblings or cousins. I missed everything, all because my mother decided to give me up to the cruellest scientist on the planet, all for what? I couldn't even begin to fathom what psychopath gives up a 2-year-old, defenceless baby to evil people.

I must've been spacing out too much because I felt a soft, small, delicate hand on mine which were balled in a fist on my lap. The tension suddenly released from my body and I took a – very much needed – deep breath. "Hey, I know you have stuff going on in your head and we are in a very unpleasant predicament, but right now I need you to keep your shit together and we can deal with this emotionally later, but right now we just have to find a way to get to safety and back home. Do you understand that?" she commanded in a somewhat comforting yet demanding voice. I nodded and took a shaky breath in; I might be older than her but when it comes to these situations, I think we take turns being the mature one. But she was right about something, if we wanted to even have a chance of seeing our friends and home once again, I can't deal with my emotions or decipher the feeling of impending doom crushing my lungs, I need to shake off all my worrisome thoughts and think of a plan.

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