Kingide's Interview

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What are you afraid of?

K: Myself.

And why is that?

K: Because i can walk through fire with a smile on my face.

Is that why you get on so well with Tyro?

K: No. Though this is kind of a contrast but if you have ever met Tyro, you know that he is really just a cold, icy, kind of guy. Mellow and unthreatening at first but can actually kill you easier than you think.

If you could have a super power what would it be?

K: Telekinesis. So much unrivalled power (*insert evil chuckle*) *cough* moving objects is cool.

Yeah... very cool-

If you could date anyone of your team who would it be?

K: A tie between Eustace and Ty. Eustace is so adorable and nice and small. And I have a lot of trust in Tyro, surprisingly, so yeah maybe him. Don't tell him I said that, his ego is already inflated enough !

*Tyro walks into the room*

T: yes, i heard everything. (*insert evil look 😈*)

K: oh shit, kill me now—


Do you feel bad for Dax?

Yes. The guy was sold at the age of 2! He had no childhood, no memories of his family, no love, no friends. I wouldn't wish that fate on anyone, well other than people that deserve it like Vi—

Spoiler for next book!!

Who do you think was in a worse situation Dax or Tyro?

K: Well, there situations are too different to compare but I pity them both.

Do you have any siblings?

K: No but I always saw Bes as a brother, does that count?

Yeah, definitely.

What is one piece of advice you would give to people going through a tough time?

K: To have a rainbow, you gotta have some rain. Sometimes its like a lot of rain, like fricking cats and dogs or like a whole tsun—


K: Oh yeah sorry. But after all of that fighting and plight, there's something beautiful. You become stronger and smarter. Take it from me.


Why do you call yourself the syndicate of tyranny?

K: Because we are people in a group all fighting for the same, selfish cause. Ourselves. Our lives — ruled by tyrannical maniacs, greedy fools and exploitative shmucks.

Ohhhh that makes sense!!

Thanks for reading!

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