Chapter 22

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~When a thief kisses you, count your teeth~

Domonic's POV

"What are you talking about?" I asked Amo, he was starting to scare me, I glanced at his silver spear, his choice weapon. "Wow, that's amazing. What are you making?", I changed the subject as I saw what he was tinkering with. "I have a rare ICD (A/N: impulse control disorder)" he mumbled, "It's ok, I'm not judging. I just want to know why you ran off. If it's because of your ICD, then I understand. I just want to help". I rubbed his back; I could tell he was tense about something, but I decided not to push just yet. "Can I tell you a story?" he questioned, I nodded and perched on the side of his bed. "Close your eyes, I will begin". I did as he said, and he started his story.

5 years ago,
Tinkering as usual, I didn't mind chemistry and tampering in a little bit of alchemy but sometimes I liked to step out my comfort zone and try a little bit of biology. I had 2 people in the chair, what if I could give them enhanced senses, I'd thought to myself previously. I injected 2 different formulas in the 2 different people. They were my friends, and we were all 12-13 they thought it was quite cool that I could give them enhanced abilities – they believed I could as well. There powers would include enhanced senses, telekinesis and maybe telepathy. They were bumbling around in the seat, excited that their future abilities were mere meters away, swishing in the glass syringes. I injected them both with the different formulae hoping at least one would work. "Woah! I can hear your thoughts" one of them cheered a few minutes after the formula had settled into their blood stream. "Wow! I can lift things with my brain!" The other boasted as he spun a pen in mid-air. I smiled and noted down my observation. Yet, after a while of them playing round with their slowly developing powers they started to change. They became more sluggish and they complained that their head hurts. I noted it down and thought it was just an overload of them using their abilities too much in such little time. Then they started screaming – bellowing that they felt as if they were on fire, I tried to shush them because my parents were upstairs, unaware of their son's sins. They started sweating profusely and crying out loudly. Soon their salty tears turned crimson and thick. The same crimson liquid fell from their mouth, nose, and ears. I noted down the changes then went over to them as they panicked. "Calm down" I cooed, trying to convince them that everything was going to be alright but after a few minutes of suffering they both died. It was only a minute after that I realised my parents had come into the room, wide-eyed as they observed the dead bodies of my friends, lying motionless on the seats. Blood leaking out of them as they turned deadly white. My parents looked at me with horror and called the police immediately. I was sent to an asylum, where I met Tyro. He was 13 and we both suffered from ICD. His being pyromania. My parents disowned me the minute I got there, and I know they never regretted their decision. My friends' lives were the first that I ended and yes there was more but that's for another day.

I was shocked by his story, but I didn't think of him differently. I hugged him, I felt sorry for him. We don't choose what we get born as and he drew the short straw when it comes to his life. "Thank you for telling me" I whispered into his ear as he hugged me back. "Thank you for listening".

We ended the hug shortly after and I observed him as he tinkered, it was quite a marvelling sight as his arms seemed as though they had a mind of their own. After an hour or so he showed me what he had made. "I call this Thor's arm", I watched as he wore the gloves he had been making, it had metal patterns in the middle. "If anyone were to touch the rod without these gloves their hands would get a chemical burn, not fatal but more like a warning" he explained. He threw his metal rod at the wall and it managed to impale the wall. Yet, as soon as he opened his palm towards the rod – keeping in mind we were on the other side of the room – the rod shook violently then flew back into his palm rapidly. "Woah! That's awesome" I exclaimed, he smiled at my excitement and explained vaguely what he'd done. We later decided to eat a little then go to bed, today has been long and I kind of just wanted it to be over already.

It was night, the sky was an inky black colour, and the moon was nowhere to be seen. I stirred in my bed as I suffered from restlessness. I groaned as I gave up trying to fall asleep. I creeped to Amo's room and knocked on the door softly, scared I might wake him if he was asleep. "Come in", his angelic voice replied, I smiled and entered. I climbed onto his bed and lay beside him, "can't sleep either?" he mumbled, his chin on the top of my head as I snuggled closer to his warm body. "I just feel like something bad is going to happen" I replied, he sighed in reply "same". We decided to change into our government issue outfit and made our way downstairs. We tried to stay as silent as possible. After a few minutes, a loud bang echoed through the courtyard, "let's go" Amo commanded and we wasted no time escaping through the garden. "This island is surrounded by trees and the mainland is little ways away" I informed him as we started trekking through the woods that bordered the island. "I got the perfect thing then" he smirked and as soon as we escaped from the thick woods he brought out a big metal ball from his backpack, "stand back" he instructed then threw the ball in the water. Nothing happened after a few seconds but then, the water started to bubble. "What's happening?" I asked him, never tearing my eyes away from the bubbling water. "Our ride arrived" he responded and started walking towards the water. A metal boat emerged, and we stepped on. "Portable boat took me ages, but it was worth it" he boasted, proud of his invention. "Let's go!" I yelled as I heard footsteps approaching. He set the boat on autopilot as it zoomed off towards the mainland. At this speed we'd be there in minutes, but I know that there'd probably be people there. "How did they find us?" I asked once the adrenaline had escaped my body. "The government has moles, so I suggest we stay offline until we can find a direct way to contact Ty, King, Stace and Dax", "agreed". We rested on the boat as we drove to an unknown place, the mainland was a 'no-go' there would be more attackers and I felt as though I hadn't slept in days.

"You know our first mission, I always wondered how Liam winters gang found out about us, also how did Mr Flint Jr find out where we lived?" I asked, randomly. I stared at the ocean as our boat softly rocked about. "There is a mole in the government, I mean it's quite obvious. As soon as King sent a picture of their hideout to us and HQ they start to leave, they are in the loop. Probably know where we are going before we do, doubt its Blake though. He is a puppet, nothing more. Says he is the head of the division but I don't believe that is anymore than a fancy title with some responsibilities" Amo replied, sighing as the sail boat picked up speed due to the wind. It kind of reminded me of 'Moana' one of my favourite Disney films.

Amo shrugged his backpack of his back as he brought out a small radio looking device. "When Tyro and I left the asylum we stuck together, with no where to go we decided to become each others family. Working little jobs for... people to gain money and buy a house. We created a way to contact each other if we got into some deep trouble. We use morse code on a unused frequency. If I know him well, which I do, as soon as he finds a radio or anything he will find the frequency" Amour explained, I nodded and saw him like up the radio with some wires and another machine. He clicked a few times, "what did you say?", "Go to the safe place".

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