[ t w e n t y o n e ]

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I recommend listening to this song while reading this chapter!!

"Yes!" Tommy smiled, pumping his fist into the air. Tubbo also smiled as he put his armor back on just in case.

"Oh, and Tommy, you won't be getting them either." I smirked as Tommys face contorted into confusion.

"What do you mean? What about the plan?" Tubbo asked.

"Plan? What plan? Sage, what are you talking about?" He asked anxiously.

"Uhhh, whats happening?" Techno asked as I laughed once again.

"Idiots." I laughed. "You're all idiots." I looked around at everyone surrounding me. "There is no more L'Manburg. No more Badlands, no more El Rapids, no more Manifold Land, no more Drywaters and no Dream SMP. You guys have no more power over me. I have the discs. I have the power. Its over.

"Sage, we made a deal!" Tubbo yelled.

"Sage, are you serious?" Dream said.

"Oh, I like this." Techno said.

"Techno, just because I'm in power doesn't mean there's no government." I sighed.

"Aw, man." Techno said, looking dissapointed.

"Sage, you're surrounded by about thirty people right now, how the hell are you planning on getting out?" Tubbo asked, aiming his crossbow at me.

"Oh trust me, I'm not." I shrugged.

"So you are trying to do this with no help, and you just want us to kill you?" Fundy asked, confused as it started raining. Perfect timing.

"Oh, no, of course not. I have help. Not someone here, by the way. Don't expect a traitor or anything." I said, my voice still calm as everyone else panicked inside. I watched as they all started loading their crossbows.

Hurry, please hurry. I thought.

"Sage, you don't have to do this." Eret said, taking a step towards me. I stared straight into his eyes, feeling a flash of sadness before it flickered away. My face hardened again, not letting anyone see my weak side.

"You're right." I said after a moment of silence. "I don't. But I want to." I said simply.

Everyone whipped their heads around as distant booming was heard.

"And either way." I smiled. "It's already been done."

Everyone started running towards the booming noise, forgetting about the whole assassination plan. I followed them, the booming getting louder every second. We came over a hill to see a beautiful sight. (to me, at least.)

Drista, standing on a platform in the middle of the explosion, which was spreading around the land like wildfire, blowing up L'manburg, the Badlands, Manifold Land, Drywaters and for the grand finale, the land of the Dream SMP. I tridented up into the sky as the explosion hit the very hill we were all standing on, everyone else was too late to react.

Thankfully nobody died, I wanted them alive for at least a little while. I joined Drista on the little section of land that hadn't been exploded as everyone else sat up, almost all of them being too injured to walk. They all stared at me in a complete daze as I placed an ender chest and pulled out mellohi and a jukebox. I started playing the disc and smiled at the destruction.

"First of all, I would like to thank Drista. Without her I wouldn't have even thought about this monstrosity." I smiled, motioning to the craters everywhere. "And, of course, I would like to thank each and every one of you for trusting me."

"Drista?" Dream yelled. "What are you doing?"

"Getting revenge." She smiled, her blonde hair blowing around in the fierce wind.

"And, finally I would like to thank the one and only Dream. You were right the whole time, I was lost. And you help me find what was really important. This." I motioned again to the destroyed land.

"You won't get away with this!" Tommy yelled.

"Oh, Tommy. Sweet, innocent Tommy." I said, my voice sugarcoated. "I already have. Drista, do it." I said. Drista smiled and pulled the lever on the ground in front of her. We had worked so hard on this. I smiled solemnly as the bedrock walls rose up around the land, going to the block limit and reaching the bedrock at the bottom of the world. A lava moat was installed on both sides of the walls. It was inescapable.

"Oh, I almost forgot." I said. "I would also like to thank Wilbur."

"You mean Ghostbur?" Tommy corrected.

"Not the time, Tommy." Tubbo said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, no. I mean Wilbur." I said. Right on cue, Wilbur tridented onto the platform, and for the first time in his life, he was wearing a full set of enchanted netherite armor. "I am truly sorry, everyone." I said. They all glared at me, still struggling to stand up.

"It was never meant to be."

the end.

jk besties there's a sequel

hope yall enjoyed the villain arc >:)

comment and let me know if you want me to write a different ending and put that out as well,

there is also a sequel :)

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