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"it's tommy

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"it's tommy."

The moment I saw the green mask I started backing up.

"Techno, I can't." I said.

"Why not?" He asked.

"I just-" I was cut off by Dream, who had finally noticed us climbing up the mountain.

"Techno, glad you could make it." He said. "Sage." He nodded curtly at me. I stood a bit behind Techno as they conversed. I wasn't listening too much, I just heard something about bounty hunters and a map. I guess Dream had sort of given up on the whole taking me back to jail thing.

We were only there for about 20 minutes before we walked back down. Once we reached the bottom Techno finally broke the silence.

"You were quiet up there." He said.

"Good observation." I muttered.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today."

"I'm always like this Techno, you know that."

"Fair enough."

We walked the rest of the way in silence to his base Techno and I had always been pretty close during the revolution, and especially after the fact after what happened. He didn't seem to judge me, but to be fair if I ever became involved in the government he would most likely send me to hell and back.

I spent a little while with Techno, we mined a while and got some other recourses before it got dark and I decided to head back. To get to my base I had to walk through Logsted. I saw Tommy waving goodbye to Drista as she walked into the forest. I ran after her.

"Drista!" I called. She turned around and looked at me.


"I uh, need to talk to you. About something." I said.

"Okay, shoot." She said, walking towards me.

"It's about Dream. When he told you about me, what did he say exactly?" I asked.

"Is he your boyfriend?" She asked excitedly. I laughed a little.

"Far from it. But if you could tell me it would mean a lot."

"Well, he just said that you guys were friends, and he really liked you. But then after the war he was never really around anymore. I miss him." Her face fell slightly. "Now he's too caught up in everything to visit. He won't even tell me what he's up to, I'm not sure why."

I put my hand on her shoulder comfortingly. "Hey, I get it." I said, thinking back to how distant Eret was during and after his betrayal. "Thank you for telling me this. I really appreciate it."

Drista nodded and smiled. "See you around, Sage. It was nice meeting you!" She said before started to make her way back into the woods. I sighed. Dream wouldn't even tell his own sister what he was planning.


I glanced up to see Tubbo climbing down the ladder into the cave. He got to the bottom and wiped a tear off his face.

"Tubbo, what's wrong?" I asked, walking over to him.

"It's Tommy." He sniffled. "He- I think he-"

I already knew what Tubbo was implying. My mouth dropped open in shock as I hugged Tubbo tightly. His best friend was gone.

"It's my fault, Sage. I exiled him." He sobbed, burying his head in my shoulder.

"No, no, Tubbo this isn't your fault." I whispered, tears now streaming down my face as well. "You didn't do this."

"What are we gonna do, Sage?" He whispered. "He's gone."

"We'll figure it out, Tubbo. I promise."

a/n- sorry for the short chapter feeling kinda uninspired rn ://

but omg i literally have the most amazing idea for my next fanfic and i wanna write it soooo bad but i'm already doing 2 atm so i cant :((

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