[ s e q u e l - o n e ]

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updates might be coming out much slower for this because i'm still figuring out what i'm going to do with it :) hope y'all enjoy

I stared face to face with Dream for the fourth night in a row.

"Why are you still here?" I asked desperately. "Just leave me alone."

"You know why I'm here, Sage." He said. I knew he wasn't real, but it tortured me.

"I don't. I don't know why you're torturing me."

For the first time ever, he walked up to me and put his hands on my shoulders. It felt so real.

"You destroyed everything."

"Stop it." I sobbed.

"It's your fault."


"You hurt everyone."


I stared from the top of the tower at everyone down below, most of which were rebuilding their houses or just messing around. I suppose they weren't so miserable, it's just that none of them liked me. If I were being honest, I would say that they were happier than me. They had each other, just like they always had.

I glanced towards Ranboo, who was walking away from Tommy and Tubbo seemingly in a rush. The two boys watched as he walked away, confusion contorting their features before they turned back and continued what they were doing.

I made my way to the bottom of the tower and started walking the way that Ranboo went. He had been heading to a part of the SMP that no one ever really went to. There were no buildings, just the ocean.

He had disappeared. Had they found a way to escape? I waded into the water, not caring that it was cold. There were obviously no openings in the wall, it was bedrock.

Finally I saw a small light source. It was a small cave buried in the cliff underwater. I took a deep breath and swam towards it, my armor weighing me down slightly. I made it to the small opening and swam through, being met by an obsidian room. Ranboo was inside, completely panicking.

"Everything is fine." He muttered to himself. There was a few signs on the wall that I didn't take the time to read.

"Ranboo?" I said gently. His head snapped around and he stared at me, his eyes wide.

"Get out of my head." He said, tears spilling down. "You're not real." He turned away from me, running my hands through his hair. I walked towards him and gripped his shoulders tightly.

"I'm real, Ranboo. I won't hurt you." I said. He took a few more shuddering breaths before finally meeting my eyes.

"How do I know that?" He asked. "How can I know you won't hurt me when you've already hurt everyone?"

I felt a pang of regret. He couldn't trust me anymore. Nobody could. I took a deep sigh and we both stood there in silence for a moment, my hand on his shoulders, tears falling down both of our faces silently.

"You're right." I whispered. "I wouldn't trust me either. But I promise I'll find a way to fix this."

"There's no fixing this, Sage."

"You don't understand. Do you see what this has done? As much as I regret it, it brought everyone together. Even if it was against me. Everyone is friends. Did you see Tommy and Dream go mining the other day? Everyone is finally united. There's no more sides." I said. "It will be over soon. So if you could please just trust me, I can help you."

Ranboo finally looked up, his eyes brimming with tears. He nodded. He trusted me.

I broke down, crying with happiness and sorrow all at once. I had a friend, a real one. Ranboo, held me tight, trying to calm my shaking breaths.

"Thank you, Ranboo." I said. "Thank you so much."

I felt safe. Finally.

I stepped into the now finished white house, freezing cold from swimming through the water to Ranboos panic room.

"Jesus, Sage! What the hell happened?" Schlatt said as he wrapped his jacket from his tuxedo around me.

"B-boat sank." I shivered.

"Be more careful next time. Let's get you warmed up." He said. He started leading me out, but not before I turned over my shoulder and returned Drista's mischievous grin that I already knew she was giving me.

a/n- this is short lol rip

welcome to the sequel :)

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