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"he told me a lot about you"

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"he told me a lot about you"

I walked away feeling even more empty then I had before. How could someone who loved me treat me like shit? The one person I had trusted betrayed me, hurt me, and was now confessing his love for me.

I ran out of L'Manberg as quick as I could, not turning back once. I ran through the community house and through the forest, stopping at Logsted. I put my hands on my knees and took in a few shallow breaths, tired from running so far. I came to a walk, looking at my old house, and Tommy's beach party decorations. In the corner of my eye I saw a little plank going across the ocean. I walked over to it and read the sign in front of it.

'screaming station'

I chuckled. Tommy must have made it while I was gone. I slowly walked to the end of the plank and stared across the water, the faint light peeking from the horizon as a reminder that the sun was coming up. And I screamed. Loud enough for the whole world to hear. I didn't stop until my voice was scratchy and tears soaked my face. I let out all of the agony and pain that I had been shielding by anger for all this time.

I finally dropped to my knees, sobbing as the sky turned pink with the rising sun.

"Sage?" Tommy whispered. I turned around, realizing that I had probably woken him up. He walked towards me and dropped to his knees as well, wrapping his arms around me. I leaned into his chest and cried, my body shuddering as the anguish came out in broken sobs.

"Your going to be okay, Sage." Tommy said quietly, leaning his head on mine.

"You don't understand, Tommy." I sobbed. "I don't know what I'm gonna do."

We were silent for a minute as my tears slowed a bit. Tommy's head all of a sudden jolted up. I followed his gaze to see Dream walking from the nether portal.

"You need to go, Sage. Hurry." He said, ushering me towards to the woods.

"Thank you, Tommy." I said quietly before running off, hearing Dream call Tommy's name in the distance. Once I was far away I slowed to a walk. I felt drained and my throat hurt from screaming.

I made it back to the cave and collapsed onto my bed, my head pounding from crying so much. It didn't take long for me to fall into a restless sleep.

I woke up around three hours later, it was the middle of the day. I decided to visit Tommy, Dream should be gone by now and I had to tell him about what was happening with Dream anyways, he was the only person who didn't know.

I walked through the woods and eventually saw Tommy's tent. I walked until I made it to the clearing and saw Tommy with a girl. She had dirty blonde hair, the same color as Dreams. And just like Dream, she as well had a smiley face mask. They were laughing and doing who knows what as I walked over.

"Hey, Tommy!" I said.

"Oh, hi Sage! This is Drista... Dreams sister." He introduced her. I had never seen her before, but I figured she didn't know about what was happening.

"Hey, I'm Sage." I said, shaking the girls hand.

"Yeah, Dreams told me a lot about you. Or he did. Not so much anymore, though." She shrugged.

"H-he did?" I asked in disbelief. The girl nodded and Tommy gave me a knowing look. "Speaking of him, where is he?" I asked.

"Away." She shrugged before going back to annoying Tommy.

"And get this, Sage! Dream gave me a free pass
to go to L'Manberg today!" Tommy said excitedly. "You should come with us!"

"You know I would if I could, Tommy." I smiled sadly. "But I'd most likely be slaughtered on sight." I laughed a little.

"Fair enough" Tommy laughed. "I'll see you later, Sage."

I waved and walked back to the woods. Why would Dream be talking about me?

I decided to visit Techno. I hadn't seen him in a while and I had nothing better to do, so why not. I started making my way through the cabin, trudging through the snow. I had no clue if Techno even knew what had happened with the prison and all, he had been completely MIA.

I knocked on the door and he opened it after a minute.

"Hey, Sage. I was just getting ready to leave." He said, stepping outside. "Wanna come with me?"

"To where?" I asked.

"It's top secret, I can't say here. Just come on." He grabbed my hand and pulling me across the field of snow. I decided to not ask any questions, he would probably just answer with some wordy riddle.

We made our way all the way to the outskirts of L'Manberg, careful not to be spotted until we used our tridents to propel across the ocean and to a mountain.

Waiting for us on top was the infamous Dream.

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