[ s e q u e l - s i x ]

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dreams pov

I trudged across the damp grass silently, Sapnap and Punz chatting away at my side. My group to leave with was Techno and Phil, but as usual they didn't bother to wait for me. I thought Techno was my friend, but I guess you can't trust anyone these days. For example, Sage. All of a sudden she just wants everything to go back to normal, and she burned the discs?

Those discs were everything that ever mattered to me in the whole world, besides her of course. But knowing her inconsistent ways, I never mattered to her. I was just a tool to her, used to get closer to what she wanted. In fairness, I betrayed her first. So I guess we are on somewhat even playing feild.

"Dream, dude." Punz nudged my shoulder. I looked up from my feet, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry. What were you guys saying?" I asked.

"We were asking what you think about the whole mind reading thing? Crazy, isn't it?" Sapnap asked. I shrugged.

"I still think this is all some plan with Schlatt. I mean do you guys really trust Sage?" I asked. Obviously everyone knew about her history of treason, but they all just seemed to forgive her just like that.

"Dream, she's our only chance. We're all going to die at some point anyways, and if we dont we'll be confined to these bedrock walls for the rest of time. It's worth a shot." Punz said. He had a point. There was no getting out of here unless we took some risks.

"She burned the discs. I have nothing to fight for anymore." I said.

"Good, never liked the whole disc argument anyways." Punz shrugged. Sapnap swatted his arm and mumbled something before continuing;

"You have her to fight for." He said softly.

"Dude I told you, I was over that a long time ago." I grumbled, kicking a rock in front of me.

"We all see the way you look at her, Dream. You guys are even with the whole betrayal thing right now, so there's no reason for you to just lose feelings just like that." Sapnap continued to push. 

"Sapnap, she lied to me. She told me she loved me and then threw it all away. She hurt me more then I ever could hurt her. As so many have said before, it was just never meant to be." I said angrily before walking away from the two. I went home and slammed the door behind me, running my hands through my hair. I jumped to see Drista sitting at the table.

"Holy shit, Drista, you scared me to death." I said, breathing heavily. "What are you doing here? It's late, what if Schlatt-"

"Calm down, Dream. Sage is covering for me." She said. "Come sit."

I sat down across from her at the table. After everything Drista and I talked it out, she explained that she felt ignored and just thought that doing this would make me pay attention to her again. She thought I didn't love her anymore. I knew the feeling.

"So what's bothering you?" She asked gently.

"Nothing. It's nothing." I muttered, avoiding her gaze.

"Well judging by the way you just stormed in a slammed that door, it's gotta be something." She said. "You can tell me, Dream. It's okay."

I took a deep sigh and stared out the window just in time to catch Sage walking out of the meeting room, making her way across the field to her house.

"It's her, isn't it?" She asked quietly, following my gaze to the girl. I nodded reluctantly. "Do you still love her?" Drista asked. I nodded again. For the first time ever I cried in front of someone other then Sage, a few tears silently slipping down my cheeks. I sniffled and looked at my feet, wiping my eyes hoping Drista wouldn't see.

"It's okay to feel, Dream. Don't be ashamed of it. I mean look what happened to me when I tried to run from my feelings." She nodded towards the bedrock walls.

"She hurt me so bad, Drista. She said she loved me. She said she cared about me. And I hater her for it." I said, choking back a sob.

"She didn't lie, Dream." Drista said almost inaudibly. I looked up.

"What do you mean?"

"Listen, I'm really not supposed to tell you this, but if you really love her that much, you should know. She did love you, she did care for you. She still does, more than anything. Every night since the explosion, she sees you." She said. "It's almost like.. her subconscious or something, I don't know how to explain it. But its the embodiment of you. It's like sleep paralysis or something, she's tortured by it. She never tells me what you say, though." She shrugged. "I don't know if it means anything to you, but coming from me, Sage is a good person. She's just in pain. We both did the same thing, trying to run from that pain. She's trying really, really hard to fix this. We both are. But we need trust, and Sage needs support more then anything. The whole world is pretty much against her when the only thing she needs is people there for her. She loves you more then the whole wide world itself, even if she doesn't show it. And I know you do, too."

We were both quiet for a second, Drista staring into my eyes and I averted her gaze. Finally she broke the silence.

"Sleep on it. I should go, but I'll talk to you soon, okay?" She said, patting my shoulder before standing up and leaving. The tears had stopped, I just sat there. 

as some would say, i was lost. 

a/n - just decided we needed a little bit of dreams perspective here :) i really like this chapter so hope yall enjoyed

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