[ s e q u e l - e l e v e n ]

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play this when i say so :)

It was cold. Colder then where the dragon was. I was surrounded by purple tree-like towers, and of course endermen surrounded the area. I really didn't know where to start, but I walked anyways, for hours. I didn't even have a sense of time here, it was always dark and there wasn't even any stars.

I sighed with relief as I saw light in the distance. My legs were aching, and I could barely keep my eyes open by the time I approached the city. I scanned the few buildings around until my eyes landed on a ship near the outskirts of the city. Perfect, only a lot more to go. I went through the ship and easily got past the shulkers, opened the treasure chest and stored the elytra in my inventory.

After the first ship I rested, there was no way I could walk any farther that night. I leaned against one of the purple towers and closed my eyes, completely exhausted. I ignored the figure that I felt standing next to me, thinking it was just and endermen and would go away.

play the song now :))

"You did it." He said quietly. My eyes flew open. He hadn't appeared in a week or so, and was back to his original state. His mask was in one piece, and his clothes no longer had tears in them.

"Did what?" I asked.

"You made it up to them. Well, somewhat." He said, sitting down next to me. "I'll see you on the other side."

"And you are telling me this why?" I asked, too tired to meet his eyes.

"Because it means you made it up to me. This is it." He said.

"But, who are you exactly?" I finally met his eyes. He looked away from me, staring into the void. "And why were you here for so long?"

"Some steps need to be taken alone, Sage. It's really the only way to figure out where we need to be."

"Listen, I'm not here to listen to poetry. Cut the cynical shit and just give me something. Anything." I said desperately. "And why are you saying I was.. alone? You were there, as much as I hated it. I may have been lonely, but I wasn't alone. Because you were always there. Taunting me."

"Because I am you, Sage. And this is a step you need to take alone."

"But I've been alone. For so long, why can't I just-"

"Everyone's alone, Sage."

And he was gone.

"Yeah." I whispered. "See you on the other side."

I pulled the elytra tighter around me, trying to warm up. But it was no use. I was cold, hungry, alone.


As soon as this is over, things would go back to normal. They would hate me again. Like almost all of them said, they were only with me to get out of that shit hole, not because they forgave me. All of them were alone, trapped inside those walls. Because they had no home. Who am I kidding, the Sage SMP was never anyone's home. It was never my home. No one was united there, they were just trying to survive.

They were alone. All of them. Because of me.

I never had a home. L'Manberg wasn't much of a home, and the Sage SMP was far from it.

But hey, look what happened when I had one. Destruction. Pain. What I thought was the right decision.

Was I meant to be alone?

a/n - sorry this is kinda a filler i just wanted to make y'all sad >:)

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