[ s e q u e l - e i g h t ]

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I stared at the closed door for a second, the tears returning to my eyes before I walked back to my room. I loved Dream, I really did. But he didn't deserve any more pain.

The next day Drista came by after I wasn't at the assembly, I wasn't surprised.

"So what happened?" She asked. I shrugged and stared down at the table.

"Why'd you tell him?" I asked quietly. "Now it's even harder to let it go."

"Because he loves you. I've never seen him so passionate about something before, not even the discs. His eyes light up when he talks about you. He said earlier that his feelings are gone, but I knew he was lying." Drista said.

"Good." I sighed. "This is how it's supposed to be. I know you're trying to help, but you have to understand that sometimes no matter how much you love someone, you can't be together. It sucks, but it's the truth. Me and Dream aren't meant for eachother." I said with a sad smile.

"Then why do you keep going back to eachother?" She asked. I thought about it for a moment, she had a point.

"Because we didn't know any better."

We both sat in silence before I broke it again.

"You should go back out, Schlatt thinks I'm sick and will wonder where you are." I said, giving her shoulder a nudge. She looked at me sympathetically.

"Drista, I'm fine. Go out there." I said. She sighed and reluctantly walked outside, leaving me alone again with my thoughts.

* * *

The meeting next week was the first time I actually left the house since that night. I'm not sure what I was afraid of. Confrontation? Pain?

"Good to see that you've recovered, Sage." Wilbur said sarcastically as I met up with him on the walk to the meeting spot. After a few days he figured out I wasn't really sick, although I didn't tell him the real reason I stayed inside. It hadn't been too bad, I came up with an amazing idea during my isolation.

"Very funny, Wil. I have an idea for today's meeting." I said.

"And that would be?" He asked expectantly.

"You'll see. It's completely mental, but it could work." I said before walking ahead of him and into the underground meeting room. A few people were already seated at the table, a few standing around the room chattering among themselves. Dream was leaning against the wall, his eyes flickering around unsurely. He looked nervous.

I sat down and everyone made their way to the table, Wilbur taking his usual spot next to me. My eyes scanned the group. Everyone was there.

"Okay, so I have a plan." I said nervously. "And it's insane, so just please, bear with me." 

"So are you not gonna tell us?" Punz asked. I sighed, knowing there would be endless protest to the idea.

"I think we need to go to The End." I said. Everyone stared at me for a second, their eyes blank and mouths dropped open.

"You're not serious, right? This is a joke." Quackity said. I shook my head.

"I know its banned, but the thing is, we have an advantage. We have Ranboo. You can communicate with endermen, so who says you can't communicate with the dragon? It's worth a shot." I said.

"But what's the point of just going there and killing it, it won't help us. Plus, killing it would hurt Ranboo." Tubbo pointed out.

"That's why we aren't going to kill it." I said. "If my idea is right, and Ranboo cant communicate with the dragon, then there's a chance we could get past without killing it. Then we go to the End Cities and get elytras for everyone, and while we're gone Drista can destroy the redstone that controls the walls. That shit is so complex, Schlatt would never figure out how to remake it. We use the elytras to get outside of the walls, and then he's trapped. We're free. I told you guys it would be insane, but it could work." I said. Everyone was quiet, deep in thought.

"It's a bit far fetched. I mean, how will we get outside of the walls anyways, and how will all of us be gone without Schlatt noticing?" Eret said.

"Number one, I have control of the walls. I know them like the back of my hand, and I know how we can get out. And not all of us will go. Ranboo and I will go, I'll tell Schlatt I'm going hunting and won't be back for a few days. He won't notice one other person missing." I said. For the first time all meeting, Dream spoke up.

"I'm going too. I don't like the idea of going to The End, it is banned after all, but this is a good plan. But I'm coming with. I know where the strongholds are, and I have more control over this stuff then any of you." He said. I internally groaned. He had a fair point, but I didn't want to spend any more time with him then I already had to. But I knew I couldn't say no to this, and as much as I hated to say it we needed Dream.

"Alright, it's settled. Me, Dream and Ranboo will go. The rest of you, act normal and cover for Ranboo and Dream if you need. We'll leave at first light Wednesday morning." I said.

We wrapped up the conversation and every started dismissing from their groups while I stayed with Ranboo.

"I don't know if I can do this, Sage." He said nervously. "You know I don't like this kind of stuff."

"I know, Ranboo. I'm sorry it's come to this. But this is probably our last shot. You're strong, Ranboo. I know you can do this."

"I hope so." He said as he stood up. I watched as he walked down the dim lit hallway and up the stairs. God I hoped this would work.

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