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"why did you do it?"

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"why did you do it?"

I woke up to the familiar stone ceiling that I had been sleeping under for the past few months. I guess the regeneration potion worked, I was alive.

I winced as I sat up, my head pounding. The was a bandage around my stomach, and I could see the light red tint showing through ever so slightly.

I got up and headed down the the mine where Tubbo, Wilbur, Tommy and Niki were on the little planning platform they made. The four of the
looked over as I walked down.

"Sage!" Tubbo said excitedly, running to give me a hug. I hugged him back happily as Niki joined the hug.

"Glad your alive, Big S." Tommy laughed, clapping my back. I looked at Wilbur who just nodded at me.

"What have I missed?" I asked.

"Literally nothing." Tommy said. "We're bored."

I laughed as we all went to eat dinner.

"Afternoon, Dream." I said as we bumped into eachother on the field once again.

"Afternoon. what happened there?" He asked, gesturing to the scar on my cheek.

"Schlatt." I shrugged. "Not to mention he shot me in the stomach."

"Oh my god, are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine, Eret came with a regeneration potion just in time."

"Good to hear. Be more careful next time." He said.

"Aww, does poor Dreamy not want me to get hurt?" I made a pouty face.

"Oh fuck off, don't make fun of me for caring about you." He said with a laugh, punching my arm playfully.

I was acting tough, but being honest I cared about Dream as well, and I don't care about many people.

I spent the rest of that afternoon in the field, talking to Dream about everything that's going on. He was a good listener.



"Why are you never actually... here? This is your own world, why not involve yourself in it?" I asked. He was silent for a moment, likely deep in thought.

"You know how I left after the disc war?" He asked .I nodded. "Well, I only came back when the election started." He said. I looked at him, confused.

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