[ s e q u e l - t h r e e ]

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"God, I hope this works." I said as we walked towards the group.

"Me too." Wilbur said quietly. Almost everyone was gathered near Tommy's house for whatever reason, except for Schlatt and Drista. Perfect. I stayed slightly behind Wilbur as he approached them, nervously wringing my hands together.

"Hey guys.." Wilbur said tentatively. They all turned to look at us, their faces contorted with hate and confusion. "We need to talk."

We led the group to the new community house, their expressions fearful. They stood around us in the house, looking at each other nervously.

"I'm ready to give up my power." I started. "I regret my decisions of how I ruled the Sage SMP. I'm ready to take down the walls, let you all go, but we can't do it without your help."

"And how do we know you won't just betray us, like you've done time and time again?" Niki shot me a dirty look.

"You don't. Listen, you don't have to trust Sage, I wouldn't either, but please trust me. You want this all to be over, no?" Wilbur said. Everyone was silent. "If you don't trust us we can't fix this." Wilbur said. "So make a choice. We can't take down Schlatt alone."

Eret was the first to speak up, stepping forward. "I'm in." He said. Surprisingly Technoblade was next, I guess he didn't mind the idea of taking down the government once again.

"Yeah, let's get out of here." Punz stepped up with Sapnap in tow. Almost everyone agreed except for Tommy, Tubbo and Dream.

"We can't trust you, Sage." Tommy said quietly. "You know that. You blew up L'Manberg, twice. You ruined everything, all we worked for. And I can't do this without the discs." I sighed. Of course, the discs.

"Tommy, don't you see? This isn't about the discs. It hasn't been for a long time." I turned to the rest of the people gathered around me. "This isn't about L'Manberg, or the Dream SMP. Those are long gone, and you all know it. This, right now, is about the Sage SMP." I said. "And you can't lie to me and say it didn't do any good at all. Sure, bedrock walls are barbaric, but it brought you all together for the first time since... well, ever. Tommy, don't lie to me and say you weren't building your house with Dream the other day, your life long enemy. What Ranboo said the night before the explosion was right, this isn't about sides, this is about people. So forget about the discs. Forget about the past, because that's behind us. This is now." I said. "And I'm trying to help you guys. You can accept or deny, it's your choice."

Tommy sighed and looked down at the floor before looking at Tubbo, then to me. Tubbo was looking at him hopefully, it was obvious he wanted to join us but didn't want to go if Tommy didn't.

"Alright. I'm in." Tommy said. "But this doesn't mean you're off the hook." he nodded at me.

"Me too!" Tubbo said as I turned to Dream.

"What about you, Dream?" I asked. He had his arms crossed and avoided eye contact, staring at anything but my eyes.

"We can give you guys a minute." Wilbur said, leading everyone away. I gave him a look that just said don't you dare, but he just smirked at me and walked away. Did he really think that Dream would forgive me?

"So.." I said quietly. "Are you in?" He still avoided my gaze, staying silent.

"No." He said. He attempted walking away but I grabbed his wrist, pulling him back.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because I was betrayed." He said. "And the last thing I want to do is fight against my sister."

"So you're saying you're on Schlatts side? Again?" I scoffed in disbelief.

"Well, no. I just... I want everyone to be together again. Like, really. I want things to be the way they used to be. Me as ruler, everyone getting along." He shrugged.

"You know it won't happen like that." I said with a sad smile. "People will always want to be independent, like L'Manberg. But if you keep fighting it, keep starting wars over music discs of all things, it's only going to make people hate you more. Would you rather be peaceful with other countries or have your supporters hating you, like they hated me? I know deep down your not that tough Dream."

"You betrayed me. I don't want to make the same mistake." He tried walking away again but I steer in front of him.

"Listen, Dream." I said sharply, finally causing him to meet my eyes. "You don't have to like me, you can hate me, for all I care! But don't forget that you betrayed me as well. We are on even playing ground right now and don't you forget that. So you can choose the losing side, or you can choose what's right. You can abandon us all after it's over, if that's what you want. But we need you, Dream. I need you." My voice softened at the end. I realized that my hand was still holding onto his from when I pulled him back. I awkwardly let go, crossing my arms. We were both silent for a moment.

"Fine." He muttered. "But this," He motioned towards me and him, "is over. It won't work out, that's been made clear."

I felt a pang in my heart at his words, but it was true. It wouldn't work. So I nodded and forced a tight smile. "Thank you." I said. He walked off without saying another word to me.

a/n i wrote this in science class LOL

also sorry if this was super cringe and sappy lmao i just wanted to get the point across sorry for all the boring dialogue :/

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