[ e p i l o g u e 2 ]

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i was never a consistent person.
i yearned for winter in summer,
and i craved fall in spring.
i wanted nothing more then to
be cold when i was hot and i
was always so incredibly
indecisive. i never let myself
fall in love for fear that they
weren't the right one and for
some reason i was always the
friend you went to for help,
though i could never help myself.
and although this is the person
that i am, the person i am
meant to be, and the person
i will forever be, i am not
inconsistent with you.
for every day i choose to
love you. i wake up and want
to love you. and even more so
i know that i do. and you may
not get that. you may not see
the importance in that.
but when i've spent my life
living in shades of grey,
it is incredibly special that the
only thing i'm sure about is you.

and just like water, our
love is consistent. constantly
moving, flowing, drowning
eachother. there is nothing
melancholy about it.
yes, it may be heart-wrenching
and chaotic,but then
there are our best days,
the days that our love feels perfect.
these days are the days that
we feel the best
and hurt the worst.
because at night, when the sun
is going down, and the water
is settling, we were growing
apart, and when today turns
into yesterday we won't be able to
resist. we will become the same pair
we once were.
we will break silently and
be crashed against eachother,
we will do as much damage
to eachother as we can,
not realizing that we are only
hurting ourselves. we will
hurt and fight.
and then just like that,
when the sun slips over to
the other side of the earth
and it is no longer in our hearts to
insight hate, our waters will
be calm again. and once again
we will be lovers.

and because of you,
i want to believe that our
souls will reside in another
life. i was so hopeless before
you, that i forced myself to
believe that nothing comes
after this. i absolutely
despised the idea of
having to live another
life again, but now, i can't
imagine a reality that we are
not made for eachother in.
when the days run out
and the seasons shuffle by
and we're gone, i can only
hope that our souls are being
born into new children,
two children that will one day
find each other the same way
you and i did.

dear dream,

they say the world was made for two. the sun and the moon, the land and the sea, the fire and the ice. truthfully the list could go on for eternity. for everyone has a thing, has a connected pair. the night and the day, the hopeful and the hopeless. the list will continue on until every last substance in the universe has its pair. you and i are what many would consider the lost and the found. i used to hold favor with the side of the world that thought that not everything and everyone had a match. because at night when i was at my worst, only a single soul resided next to me, taunting me. i felt completely and utterly alone. i couldn't have a match. it was impossible for someone to love me, let alone for me to love them back.
yet they say the world was made for two. the backwards and forwards, the rise and the fall, the lost and the found. the list goes on and on forever, but i never thought i would be a part of that list. however here we are, so connected to one another that we are convinced we knew eachother in a past life.

because they say the world was
made for two. the darkness
and the light, the fear
and the bravery, the heart broken
and the healed, the lost and the found.
but most importantly, me and you.

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