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"you really trust dream?"

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"you really trust dream?"

I stared down at the water. There was no other way out. I heard the faint yelling of Sam not too far behind me. I would have to swim through the freezing cold water in the rain.

"Nice try, Sage." Sam said from behind me. I jumped before he could reach for me. I fell, my back facing the water. I saw Sam staring over the edge as I fell.

My entire body hurt as I hit the water. It was freezing and dark, I had no idea how far it was to shore. Might as well start swimming.

I swam around to the front of the prison. There was no path, nothing to tell me where to go.

All of a sudden something grabbed my leg and started pulling me down. I looked at my leg to see a drowned clawing at it. I struggled to stay up on the surface, eventually getting pulled all the way under. I took a deep breath.

Don't panic.

I thought. I tried to pry the creature off my leg when another grabbed my arm, with a trident in his other hand.

I ignored the ones pulling me down and snatched the trident from the drowned hands I thrashed wildly and managed to sink the trident deep into one of their chests. It let go of me and sank to the bottom. One to go, and I was running out of air. This one was stronger. I kicked and punched but it only grabbed my leg tighter.

Thankfully, as it tried to climb up to my face, (most likely to bite it off) it head butted the trident and went stiff.

I got up to the surface just in time, taking in deep breaths so I didn't pass out. I was so cold that I was completely numb, minus the burning pain from where the drowned had scraped up my leg. Thankfully it wasn't bleeding, so as long as I hurry up no more drowned would attack me. I started swimming, praying that I would find shore eventually.

All of a sudden I felt a lump in my pocket that I hadn't noticed before. I pulled out a compass. The compass. Dream must've slipped it in my pocket when I was being taken to the prison. I opened it up and it spun around a few times before stopping. Guess I had to head North.


I had been swimming for almost an hour. My fingers were turning shades of unnatural blue and purple. I was starting to think that the compass was broken. I was hungry and dehydrated, but I wasn't going to die like this.

I gasped in relief a few minutes later when the docks of L'Manberg showed up. I used the last of my energy to pull myself onto the dock, collapsing. I stared up at the sky as rain hit my face, too tired and cold to move. My breaths came out shallow and shaky, my bones were so cold it hurt to move.

"Sage!" A voice called. I sat up slightly to see Ranboo running down the dock. "What happened?" He asked, helping me up. "Oh my god, Sage your freezing." He took off his coat and draped it over my shoulders. "Come on let's get you inside."

I nodded and we walked down the dock to his house. He led me to a chair.

"I-I'll get some food started. What the hell happened?" He stuttered.

"I- um. If I tell you do you p-promise to b-believe me?" I said. My words came out stuttered and slurred from my shivering.

"Of course, I just want to make sure you're okay." He said.

"Well uh, Dream kinda s-sent me to jail.. and I escaped. By swimming here." Ranboo looked at me incredulously.

"Well why did you go to jail? I don't want a murderer in my house." He chuckled.

"I- I tried to warn T-Tubbo. About Dream. And then he c-called me a liability. To him."

"Well why would you be a liability?" Ranboo asked, pouring some of the soup he made into a bowl.

"Because I figured him out... He's p-planning something, Ranboo. S-something bad. But we can't t-talk about it here." I said, wrapping his jacket around me tighter for warmth.

"Okay... I understand. Your secret is safe with me." He handed my the warm bowl of soup and I immediately started eating, feeling the warmth flow through my shivering body. "But.. Can I get Niki? She can help you, she'll know what to do."

"Y-yeah that's fine." I said. "Just don't let anyone know I'm here."

Ranboo nodded and ran out to get Niki.

How was I supposed to hide now? I couldn't go back to Logsted, and obviously I couldn't stay back in L'Manberg, and Dream would have people searching everywhere for me. Guess I would have to figure it out.

tubbos pov

Me, Niki and Eret glanced up as Ranboo bursted through the door.

"Hi, Ra-" I started, but I was cut off.

"Niki, come with me. Please, it's kind of an emergency." He said desperately.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Yeah, can we help with anything?" Eret asked.

"Well, uhh, not exactly." He said nervously.

"We'll come. For... Morale support?" Eret said. I nodded in agreement and before Ranboo could protest we walked out the door with Niki.

"Tubbo, I don't-" He started.

"It can't be that bad, Ranboo." Eret said as we walked to Ranboos house, trying our best to shield ourselves from the rain.

Niki opened the door to his house and stopped in the doorway.

"Oh-" She said, sounding a bit confused.

"Niki, what is it?" I asked pushing past her to see and dripping wet, shivering Sage sitting at the table.

"Tubbo?" She said.

"Sorry, I tried to tell them-" Ranboo started.

"For heavens sake, guys what is it?" Eret said from the back of the group, his tall figure pushing through us.

"Oh." He said.

"Eret. Hi." Sage said. Eret still hadn't forgiven her after the war. But that wasn't the focus right now.

"What happened?" Niki asked worriedly, walking over to Sage.

"Your supposed to be in prison! What are you doing here?" I asked.

Both Eret and Niki turned to me. "Prison?" They yelled in unison.

"What did she do this time?" Eret asked, receiving a glare from Sage.

"She tried to kill Tommy!" I said.

"What?" Both Eret and Niki said in unison once again.

"That's what Dream said!"

"You really trust Dream?" Sage said shakily. "The one who forced you to exile your best friend? The one who betrayed your nation?"

I looked down at my feet, suddenly feeling foolish.

"It's actually good that you're here, Tubbo. I need to talk to you." She said.

"Oh" I said. "Okay."

Niki gave her a potion to warm her up along with some regeneration. Once Sage was strong enough she pulled me outside, under the houses so we were shielded from the rain. She took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes.

"Dream isn't who we think he is."

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