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"you're going to be alright, sage

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"you're going to be
alright, sage."

I walked into Manberg cautiously, Techno by my side.

"Hello Sage. Techno." Quackity gave us both a curt nod. We both nodded back and continued to where the crowd was gathered. Karl and Tubbo had done a great job with the decorations. But it was difficult to enjoy it now, because there was a fifty-fifty chance that I was about to get exploded today.

We gathered in front of the stage where Schlatt, Tubbo and Quackity stood. Schlatt started his speech and everyone cheering and laughed. I forced a tiny smile and clapped against my will, but I tuned out the majority of the speech. After an unnecessarily long speech the three of them stepped down from the stage and we went to play all of the festival games that they had set up. It was actually kind of fun. We messed around in the boxing ring and Techno scared us all to death with his propeller trident, but soon enough we were called back for speeches again. This was it.

Schlatt made another long, boring speech that really wasn't important, but I sat up and became alert as Tubbo switched places with Schlatt. Tubbo gave a great speech, knowing that writing wasn't his strong suite.

"Tubbo, aren't you forgetting something? Y'know I was just... just thinking about it, Tubbo." Schlatt said. I had a bad feeling about the tone of his voice.

"Uh, no! no.. let the festival begin." Tubbo said nervously. Schlatt shook his head.

"Here Quackity." Schlatt said, handing him some concrete powder. Quackity took it and smirked. "Help me do something real quick."

The two of them encased Tubbo in a box, using their bucket of water to harden the concrete.

"Shlatt... what? what are you-" Tubbo stuttered.

"What's going on here?" Techno asked. I looked at him in panic.

"Tubbo I'll cut to the fuckin chase, alright?" Schlatt said. "I know what you've been up to."

"What have I been up to?" Tubbo asked shakily.

"With the... the idiots! The tyrants!" Schlatt boomed. "That we kicked out of this server! Out of this great land!"

I looked up at Tommy giving him a panicked look. He only mirrored my expression.

"Treason isn't exactly a... respectable thing, Tubbo. It all adds up! The fucking tunnels, your absence it makes sense!"

There was a dramatic pause as Tubbo panicked in the little box he was trapped in.

"Sage, Techno why don't you come up here?" Schlatt asked politely with a shit-eating grin plastered across his face.

"Uhhhh" Techno stood up uncertainly. I didn't hesitate. I walked up to the stage and stood in front of Schlatt. If I had to kill him right then and there I would.

"Sage, why don't you... take care of our traitor?" Schlatt motioned to Tubbo.

"What makes you think I would do such a thing?" I asked. Schlatt laughed and pulled out a small pocket knife from his jacket. It flicked open.

He walked closer to me until he was so close I could feel his breath of my face, and he started tracing the knife along my skin. I didn't waver once even as I felt the blood slide down my cheek.

"What a pretty face. It would be a shame if it was scarred more..." Schlatt drawled as he pulled the knife away from my skin. "Kill him, Sage. Techno, you do it with her."

I gave Tubbo an apologetic look as me a Techno drew our crossbows.

"Sage, w-what are you doing?" Tubbo stuttered.

"I'm so sorry Tubbo." I whispered. "I'll make it as painless as possible."

Techno shot. Fireworks boomed on the stage, wounding Tubbo and Quackity. I stepped back in shock as Techno went on to kill Schlatt and the rest of the audience. I looked at the scene in horror as Wilbur and Tommy jumped down from the building they were hiding on.

"I knew it." Wilbur said, looking at me. Tommy was holding him back to he wouldn't attack me. I ignored Wilbur and pulled Tubbo out of the concrete cell, his leg gashed open and bleeding.

"I'm so, so sorry Tubbo!" I cried. I took off my cape and wrapped it around his leg, trying to stop the bleeding.

"We'll do it at Pogtopia. We don't need your help, Sage. Let's go." Wilbur snarled as he helped Tubbo up. I watched sadly as they walked away. Techno had propelled away with his trident, leaving me on the stage, alone.

Some of the crowd that had respawned already ran towards the stage. My heart dropped as I saw Schlatt with his bow aiming at me.

It happened so fast. The arrow flew through the air and sliced through my stomach. I cried out in pain as blood started to soak my shirt. I realized that I was now being chased by at least five people, all in full netherite.

Despite the searing pain running through my body I ran, pulling the arrow out of my stomach as I went, hoping to find Techno. To my shock I saw him walking with Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur. They forgave him and not me?

I wasn't like I wanted to go with Wilbur, but I didn't have much choice.

"I'm sorry." I said as I caught up with them.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, Sage." Wilbur muttered.

"Well it seems like it did for Techno!" I yelled. The three of them looked at me.

"I don't accept your apology, but since you have no where else you can still come back to Pogtopia." Wilbur sighed. They had failed to notice my injury as I covered it with my arms. I couldn't be more of a bother then I already was.

"Hurry up, Sage." Wilbur said as I fell behind again, clutching my stomach.

"I'm sorry." I choked out. We had been walking for about 10 minutes, I had no clue how I wasn't dead yet. We had stopped to give Tubbo a regeneration potion which healed his leg.

I grunted in pain as I stumbled, putting my hands out to catch myself.

"Sage, what is up with you today?" Tommy asked. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." I said, standing up.

"Is that blood on your shirt?" Tubbo asked, concerned. I looked down and saw my normally yellow shirt stained red. There was no way to cover it now.

"Yeah, but I'm fine." I said through gritted teeth, trying to let any of the shakiness in my voice go away.

"Whatever you say." Tommy shrugged as we continued walking.

A couple minutes later I collapsed. I had lost too much blood, it had even started coming out of my mouth.

"Shit!" Tommy said as the four of them ran over to me.

"Sage!" Tubbo called my name but it was muffled.

"Techno, give me your cape." Wilbur said. Techno passed it to him and he pressed it against my stomach, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Tubbo, go get Niki and Eret! They'll know what to do!" Tommy said. Tubbo nodded and ran off, coming back a few minutes later with Niki and Eret.

"What happened?" Niki asked in horror as they both ran to me. I was only barely conscious enough to see what was happening.

"I don't know! She just collapsed!" Tommy said.

"I have regeneration!" Eret said. He dug through his bag and pulled out a the bottle of the pink glittery liquid.

"You're gonna be alright, Sage!" Eret said. It was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

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