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"you can't stay here

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"you can't stay here."

"Morning" I muttered grumpily as the two half asleep boys walked in. I had started cooking breakfast as usual, because it's not like they could cook themselves. They were too busy discussing plans to take back Manburg. It had been a whole month since we were exiled. Things were finally starting to calm down, and to my pleasure I had not seen Dream since the day I exploded at him on the field. I passed the boys their food and they immediately started shoving it down their throats, eating like the animals they were. I rolled my eyes and opened my chest, digging through some stuff.

"I'm going to visit Eret today, I'll be back later." I said.

"Don't die." Tommy said casually as I opened the door.

"Yeah Tommy I'll try to remember that one, thanks for the tip!" I said before closing the door. I looked down to see a book at my feet. I opened it and read the contents.

Dear Sage, Tommy, Wilbur and Technoblade,

It is with our greatest regards that we invite you to the Manburg festival on October 16th. You have an exemption from your exile and may come in for the festival and the festival only. Please RSVP before October 5th.

Glowing Regards, President Schlatt.

I read over the letter in disgust. A festival?

I opened the door back up and tossed the book on the table.

"I suggest you don't go." I shrugged before finally heading out the door.

I walked through the forest swiftly, alert for any voices. I stopped when I heard a twig crack. I looked around and saw a familiar flash of green dash behind a bush.

"Good lord, Dream. What are you doing?" I rolled my eyes. He sighed and climbed out of the bush.

"I uh, wanted to apologize... for pushing you about the... stuff." He looked down at his feet.

"It's fine. Now am I dismissed?" I asked.

He opened his mouth to say something but froze as voices were heard not far from us. It was Sapnap and Punz.

"Get in the tree!" Dream hissed, pointing at the nearby tree with overhanging branches that would hide me. I nodded and used my axe to haul myself up just in time for the boys to turn the corner.

"Oh, hey Dream." Sapnap said.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Dream said. God he was so bad at hiding things.

"Nothing." Punz shrugged. "Why were you looking at that tree?"

"Oh! The tree? Uhh, well it's just such a... a beautiful tree!" He faked and smile and awkwardly pet the leaves of the tree.

"Whatever. Are you going to that festival?" Sapnap asked.

"You know me. I don't really do that kind of stuff. The disc war was enough for me." Dream stated.

"Fair enough." Sapnap chuckled, patting Dream on the back. "See you later, man."

"C'ya" Dream waved as the boys walked off. I hopped down from the tree once they were far.

"Dream you really need a lesson on lying." I said with a laugh. "You were a nervous wreck!"

"Yeah, like you could do any better." He protested.

"Oh I'm sure I could." I shrugged. "By the way, did you hear I'm allowed In Manberg again?" I asked.

"What? No way, that's amazing!" He said, shocked.

"I'm not, that was a lie and I got you that easily." I laughed.

He rolled his eyes playfully and we continued walking along the path. Maybe Dream wasn't such a moron after all. I mean, he did kind of save my ass there.

"Well, I'll leave you to it. Don't die." Dream said as we reached the edge of the city. I scoffed.

"You sound like Tommy."

"Oh god, sorry I take it back!" He laughed.

"See you around, Dream." I said before taking a deep breath and stepping into Manburg.

I saw a few people from a distance, doing... well, who knows what.

I looked at the flag which was sadly turned from its bright, colorful wool to dark obsidian and magma blocks.

I tore my eyes away from the sight and stayed focused on finding Eret. I slowly made my way along the edge of the city and eventually saw his castle in the distance. Now was the hard part, I had to walk through Manberg. 

I eventually found myself on the wooden path that Tommy and Dream had dueled on during the disc war. no one had spotted me yet. I kept walking up the hill and to my dismay was met by Tubbo and Bad  who were coming from the Prime Church. I knew Tubbo was with us, but Bad wasn't.

We both froze and stared at each other for a moment before bad pulled out his bow and aimed at me.

"Sage, you need to leave." He said, his high pitched voice making him hard to seem menacing. "Now!"

I looked at Tubbo desperately and he only looked down at the ground.

"Sorry for the intrusion." I said. "I just actually came to RSVP for my invitation to the festival next week." I lied. Bads mouth dropped open.

"Wha- really?" He said. I nodded. "Well I uh, think it's best we escort you. come with us."

Bad grabbed my arm and led me to where I had seen everyone earlier, by the flag.

"Sage? What is she doing here?" Quackity asked as he saw me and Bad.

"I came to RSVP for the festival." I lied again. I already knew that Techno was going, but Tommy and Wilbur probably wouldn't. "I'll be there. Thanks for the invite."

"You came all the way here to say just that?" Ponk asked. I nodded.

"What seems to be the problem?" Someone said from behind me. I knew that voice anywhere.

"No problem, we were just about to escort Sage out." Quackity explained.

"I can take care of her. Give her to me, Bad." Eret said. Bad reluctantly let go of me and I walked to my brother, trying not to seem eager. They grabbed my arm and we walked back up the hill, her crown glistening in the sun. Once we made it out of sight and earshot we pulled eachother into a tight hug.

"You can't come here anymore, Sage. It's not safe." He said sadly.

"I know..." I replied. "But I'll see you at the festival."

"I don't trust that. It's most likely some kind of death trap." They said, scrunching their nose up.

"I was thinking the same thing. But I have to go."

Eret nodded in understanding.

"You better leave. They'll start getting suspicious of me." He said. I nodded.

She ruffled my hair and walked off. I stared at her figure as she walked to the group of people at the flag. Oh how I wished everything was back to normal.

I walked back to the bunker and joined Tommy and Wilbur in the ravine. To my surprise Tommy was wearing full enchanted netherite armor and was chipping away at some iron with a netherite pickaxe.

"Holy shit, Tommy!" I ran up to him and inspected his armor. "Where did you get this?"

"Dream gave it to me. I guess he's on our side now." Tommy shrugged and went back to happily mining.

Nicely done, Dream. Nicely done.

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