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"it's simple, tommy

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"it's simple, tommy. there
was no traitor."

I stormed back to base, angry tears flowing down my cheeks. I made it back and opened the door, wiping my tears and trying to act normal as I walked back down to where the meeting was being held.

"Sage we've been talking..." Tommy said.

"Yeah no shit it's a meeting, your supposed to talk." I muttered.

"We mean about you." Wilbur said. "And we decided it's best you leave." He seemed almost happy to say the words.

"What do you mean leave?" I asked.

"Well, thinking about it, we think that... your the traitor." Tubbo said, seeming almost like he was being forced to say it.

"Y'know with your brothers history, and the fact that your never actually at Pogtopia... I have to admit it adds up." Fundy said. I looked at them all in disbelief, especially Eret who just looked back at me helplessly.

"Fine." I said, laughing out of anger. "I don't need you guys anyways. Thanks for nothing."

I stormed back up the stairs and started grabbing my things from my chest, listening to the hushed voices from downstairs. Stone isn't as soundproof as you think.

"She looked like she was crying..." Niki said softly. "Do you think something happened?"

"Who cares. We got rid of the traitor, now let's focus on what's important." Tommy said.

I looked at my crown sitting on my bed.

I'll become my own queen.


I spent the next five days making a castle far away from Pogtopia. It was almost as big as my brothers, but I didn't have time to make it that big. I made a new throne and sat atop it proudly. I felt at peace.

knock knock

I glanced out of the small window to see the familiar red cape billowing in the wind. Why was Techno at my door?

I cautiously opened it.

"What, have you come here to assassinate me?" I raised an eyebrow. Techno looked down at his feet and then back up at me.

"No, actually I have something for you." He said. I sighed. I guess I had nothing to lose anyways.

"Come in." I said. He walked in and I closed and locked the door behind him. "No one followed you?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I'm not that foolish, Sage." He said.

I watched as he placed a shulker box down and motioned for me to open it. I walked over and twisted the top, causing it to pop open. My eyes widened as I shifted through the contents inside it.

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