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"what's bothering you?"

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"what's bothering you?"

"Sage come on, you know we didn't mean it that way." Tommy said apologetically. "Okay well maybe Wilbur did, but that's besides the point!"

"I know what the point was, Tommy and accept your apology, but Wilbur not so much."

I glanced over at Wilbur as he slumped against the wall of the ravine, giving me a look of detest.

"I don't need an apology from you, anyways." He muttered.

"Guys, are you serious?" Tommy looked at both of us. "I'm the one being the mediator here. Me! Does that give you a good perspective of how childish you're acting?" Tommy said. I had to admit, we were being childish. (At least Wilbur was)

"Well I won't help you guys until he tells me he's sorry." I shrugged matter of factly and started making my way back up the stairs. "Sweet dreams, boys." I said.

I got into my makeshift bed, the thin blanket keeping me shivering even with it being summer. A cave wasn't necessarily the warmest of places. I thought about what Wilbur had said. To be fair, I did have a bad temper, but it's not like anyone likes me enough to have to deal with it, so I've never learned how to control it.

I pushed the thoughts of Wilbur out of my head and let my eyes drift close, the distant (and not very enjoyable) sound of pickaxe clanking against stone floating up from the ravine.


I walked through the field, basket in hand due to my full inventory.

I picked up another bushel of berries from the bush as put them into the basket. It's not like the boys would hunt for food, they were too busy discussing how to take back L'Manburg.

I had thought about it a lot that day. I really didn't want to go back. I had no friends there anyways and if they really do reclaim it like they are hoping, I can visit my brother any time.

"Hello, Sage." Technos monotone voice behind me made me jump.

"Oh, hey Techno." I said. "What are you doing out here?"

"Hunting." He replied, motioning to the sword in his hand.

"Right." I nodded. "At least someone's actually doing work with me around here." I said under my breath.

Techno continued to observe the land before us. The sun shining on the rolling hills, the bees buzzing around as happy as can be.

"I like you, Sage. One of the only people in Pogtopia that doesn't have false hope." He said approvingly.

"I think I could get used to you as well, Techno." I said with a small smile. He nodded as well and continued to watch the bees.

"I best be off." He said. "Got chickens to kill and netherite to mine."

And with that, he walked off, his cape billowing behind him in the wind.

After a little while I started walking into the first towards Manburg, not that I could go in anyways.

I made my way to a hill overlooking the great city. I watched as Tubbo, Fundy, Quackity and Schlatt walked up to the walls, and I was met by a great surprise as Tommy and Wilbur came rushing up behind me.

The three of us watched in horror as Tubbo broke the first block. The walls were being torn down.

"My great unfinished symphony..." He said sadly. Tommy patted his back,looked absolutely crushed. I could've sworn I saw a tear roll down his cheek.

"I heard there was a special place.." I sung quietly. "Where men could go and emancipate"

Wilbur caught on and joined me sadly.

"The brutality and tyranny of their rulers.." We sung in unison.

"Well this place is real, you needn't fret, with Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, fuck Eret."

I felt a little pang in my heart. I had been a part of L'Manburg since it was founded, but I was never included in the anthem.

"It's a very big and not blown up L'Manburg. My L'Manburg. My L'Manburg. My L'Manburg.

"Tommy, sing it." Wilbur said.

"My L'Manburg." We all finished and watched for a moment in grave silence.

"Let's go, guys." I said quietly, pulling the two boys away from the awful sight. We walked silently to the bunker.

"I'm going to go for a walk. I'll be back by supper." I said. The boys both nodded, too despaired to protest as they walked down the steps to the ravine.

I made my way through the field I had gone through earlier that morning.

"Hey, Sunshine." I heard Dreams voice from behind me.

"Don't call me that." I cringed. Sunshine? Really?

"Just thought it was a nice nickname because you are such an optimistic little ray of sun." He shot me a smug smile. I scrunched my nose up and turned away. "You wanna talk about it?" He asked.

"Talk about what?"

"You know what."

"I got exiled. Nothing more to it." I shrugged.

"Feisty today, are we?" He asked amusingly.

"Dream suggest you stop before I choke you with my bare hands." I said through gritted teeth.

"Fine, I surrender." He threw his hand up jokingly. I audibly groaned in annoyance and laid down in the damp grass, looking up at the twinkling stars. He laid down next to me.

"So do you want to talk about it or not?" He asked again.

"Talk. About. What?" I rolled my eyes, tired of his shenanigans.

"Your in pain, Sage. I can read you like a book." He said matter of factly.

"You know what Dream?" I said. "Your right. I am in pain. Your the one causing it because you are a god damn pain in my ass."

"That's what she said." Dream giggled.

"God you are so childish." I said, starting to stand up.

"Okay wait, wait. I'll be serious now." He said, grabbing my hand and pulled me back down.

"Be honest, what's bothering you?" He asked.

"Nothings bothering me." I said.

"Something must be."

"Will you just let it go!" I yelled, losing my temper. "Yeah, I just got exiled and separated from my brother, the only person who actually tolerates me here, the only people that won't kill me are you, and for all I know you could be a god damn spy, and the two idiots back at base who didn't include me in the national anthem of a country I'm apart of! And not to mention a half pig man! So yeah, Dream. I wonder what's bothering me."

I didn't give Dream chance to talk to me, I stood up and stormed away, not even caring if he saw where the bunker was. I was over it.

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