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"he loved you, sage

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"he loved you, sage."

I started writing my letter to Tubbo shakily. He was the only person who might have the chance of believing me. I would deliver it to him personally tomorrow. I looked outside to see Dream bidding goodbye to Tommy, handing him a trident. Tommy wouldn't believe me, no way. He was too brainwashed by grief to think that his only 'friend' the 'friend' who burned his armor. The 'friend' who caused him to be exiled. Dream was a good actor, I had to give him that.

I signed the letter and buried it at the bottom of my chest. You could never be too careful.

The next morning I got up while it was still dark out and hopped in the boat. I didn't want to use the portal since I would come out right in the center of the city. By the time I made it to L'Manberg the sun was just peeking over the ocean. I was cutting it close. I ran through L'Manberg quietly until I came to Tubbos house but I was stopped by a voice behind me.

"Sage." Dream said seriously. I turned around slowly.

"Dream." I said.

"Give me the letter."


Dream drew his sword and I sighed. I guess I had no other choice. I shoved the letter into his chest and he took it, opening it up and reading the contents. He chuckled as he snapped it shut.

"I told you, Sage. I control everything. Now do yourself a favor and go back to Logsted before I have to escort you myself."

I glared into his eyes before turning around and heading back to my boat. Dream sure was convincing.

Later that day Dream showed up at Logsted once again, knocking on my door.

"What do you want?" I asked, exasperated.

"Well, after some thought... I've decided that you can no longer run free." He said.

"What do you mean by that, Dream?" I asked.

"I mean.." He said, pulling a picture from his pocket. "You're going to jail."

I stared down at the picture in front of me. Massive, looming, dark building was shown, dimly lit through the rain.

"No time to stare. Let's go." He said, grabbed my arm. I resisted, trying to pull away.

"You won't get away with this!" I yelled, struggling against his grip.

"Oh, Sage." He smiled. "I already have."

Punz and Sam came out of the nether portal. I had gone mining with Sam countless times, I thought he would be okay!

They grabbed me and forced my hands behind me, binding them together with rope. I screamed and kicked against them as they brought me through the nether portal and across the path to the one that led to L'Manberg. I kept kicking and thrashing but none of them even reacted due to their netherite armor.

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