Chapter 1

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If anyone had to guess who (S/n) (Stage Name) was, you would be the last person anyone would guess. You were on two ends of the spectrum. S/n was an upbeat motivational YouTuber with no less then 15 million fans, but hid behind a mask. On the other hand Y/n was an emotionless high schooler that no one knew existed that only talked in a low monotone. There was only one person who knew about who he was and that was his little sister.
You gently tapped your pencil to the tics of the clock. The school day was almost over. You sat in the back of the class starring at the clock. 'Just a few more minutes...' you thought to yourself.
"Come on think about it has anyone seen S/n face?" You overheard Cartman say. You were slightly interested on what he had to say.
"Well no he intended it to be like that," Kyle replied.
"But why though? What if S/n is a ghost? He doesn't actually exist! No one's seen him in public either!" Cartman replies. Definitely an interesting theory.
"Yes because he will wear a mask in public," Kyle rolled his eyes," that's basically asking for him to get discovered."
"Hm I still think he's dead," Cartman said. 'I wish,'you thought to yourself and sighed.
The bell went off releasing you all from school. You got up and gathered your stuff. You looked down at the ground and made your way to your locker.
"Yeah see you guys later!"
You collided with someone dropping all of your books in the process. You fell onto your back.
"Oh my god! Are you okay? I'm so sorry!"
You sigh and sat up. You looked up to see Clyde... Clyde Donovan.
"I'm fine," you sigh and start gathering papers. Clyde quickly kneeled down helping you pick up the papers. Once Clyde go all the papers back in order he handed them to you. You both stood up in sync.
"Again I am so sorry," Clyde apologized again.
"Its fine," you mumble and walk past him. You got to your locker and put in the combination. You stuffed all of your papers into your bookbag then closed it. You closed your locker then headed to the parking lot of the school. You went to your car unlocking it a few cars away. You hopped into the driver's seat throwing your bookbag into the back. You pulled out of the parking lot and made your way home. You had about an hour before you had to pick up Lilith.
Your house was always quite, unless your parents were home. Then it was always arguing. But most of the time they were gone on business trips. Up until you had to pick up Lilith you did your homework so that you could focus on your videos after you made dinner for you and Lilith. You were in the middle of homework when you got a text from Mark. (yes as in Markiplier)
Mark: Hey Bob, Wade and I were going to record some Phasmophobia and Sean bailed on us because he's a dick. Care to take his place?
You: I would love to take his place when are you guys starting? I'll see when I can join in.
Mark: We'll be starting around six and going til about ten.
You: Okay, I'll let you know before I hop on.
Mark: Nice thanks! Talk to you later!
You set your phone back down and continued with your homework.
Now you may be wondering how someone like you came to know Markiplier, Jacksepticey, and those other guys. It was actually because of your fan base. Once your numbers got large enough your fans pestered Mark and Jack to start collaborating with you and when Mark first contacted you, you were so fucking happy. You had always looked up to Mark, he was one of the main reasons you started your channel. You will forever be thankful to your fans for everything they have done for you. You loved each of them individually and you would never be able to express it enough.
You waited in the parking lot for Lilith to get out of school. The Elementary school bell rang and kids poured out. Lilith walked out while talking to a black haired boy, if you weren't wrong you were sure his name was Ike. And you were pretty sure it was Kyle's younger brother. Lilith said bye to Ike then ran over to your car. She hoped into the passengers seat.
"Hey," you say and give her a side hug.
"Hi," Lilith giggles.
"Does your friend need a ride?" You asked and looked back at Ike. He was texting on his phone and looked stressed out.
"Mmm, let me text him," Lilith said and pulle dout her phone. She texted Ike then looked at you. "He said it would be appreciated."
You pulled out your spot and up to the school. Lilith rolled down her window and playfully said,
"Get in the car loser were taking you home."
Ike smiled and hoped into the back of the car.
"Thanks," he beamed.
"Yeah no problem," you nod," you just gotta let me know where ya live."
"Oh right!" Ike said and he started to give you directions to his home.
You pulled into Ike's driveway.
"Thanks again for the ride, bye Lilith," Ike hopped out of the car.
"Bye Ike," Lilith smiled waving at him. You pulled out of the driveway and started to make your way home.
"What were you thinking for dinner tonight?" You ask.
"I don't know something simple, so I'll leave it up to you," Lilith said.
"Alright," you nod.
When you got home you made soup and toasted bread for you and Lilith.
"Mmm it smells amazing!" Lilith smiled as you got her a bowl.
"Thanks," you smile. You both sat down at the table.
"Sooo, are you recording with anyone tonight?" Lilith asks.
"Mark, Bob and Wade," you nod.
"Ooo nice, nice," Lilith smiled.
After you had finished recording your own stuff you texted Mark saying you were ready to hope on and he gave you the code needed for it.
"Hey," you smiled as you loaded in.
"That was soo cool and collected," Bob said making you all laugh.
"Well as you can here S/n has joined us," Mark laughed.
"Yes hello everyone, it is I S/n. Nice to be here," you said.
"The chat says hello S/n," Mark replied.
"Hello!" You sang.
When you finished with Mark and finally got ready for bed it was almost midnight. You checked on Lilith then went to bed yourself. You fell asleep fairly quickly, but wish you hadn't.
You were back their...
"Shh. Shh. Your okay Lilith, big brother Y/n here," you smiled softly.
Lilith continued to cry as you gently rocked her back and forth.
"Its not my fault he's so fucked up!" Your father yelled.
"Blackbird singing in the dead of night.
Take these broken wings and learn to fly.
All your life. You were only waiting for this moment to arise," you softly sang. Lilith seemed to calm down a little.
"Oh please like I'm the one who hits him when he gets out of line!" You mother yelled back.
"Blackbird singing in the dead of night. Take these sunken eyes and learn to see. All your life. You were only waiting for this moment to be free," you sang again and Lilith almost asleep.
"I do not! I take the proper disciplinary action!" Your dad yelled.
"Blackbird fly, blackbird fly. Into the light of a dark black night," you mumbled. Lilith finally falling asleep. You put Lilith back into her crib. Then quietly exited the room, but the timing wasn't good. Just as you stepped out of her room your father was also coming put of your parents.
"What the hell were you doing boy!" He yells.
"L-Lilith w-was crying because of you two arguing," you stuttered.
"Oh so that's also my fault," your dad rolled his eyes.
"N-no! I-I d-didn't say that," you reply.
"Don't back talk me boy now go to your room!" Your dad yelled. You held you head low and rushed back your room stuffing your face into your pillow. Tears rolling down your cheeks.
You sprung up as tears fell out of your eyes. You hated when you had those dreams. You wanted to let go of your past, not hold onto it.
Out of old habit you quietly got up and checked on Lilith, she was still fast asleep. You let out a sigh of relief and checked the time.
3:43 am.
You sighed turning on your lamp. You went onto Instagram and scrolled through your feed. You looked at some fan-made content and what your fellow Youtubers were up to.
Unfortunately you stayed up for the rest of the night, not realizing you had. You yawned as you got up and got ready for just another school day.

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