Chapter 24

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⚠️TW: Abuse will be present in this chapter⚠️
It was about a month after you and Clyde started dating. You would pick him up for school and drop him off at home. You would do couple things, obviously. And everything really did seem to be turning around until...
You woke up with your anxiety going through the roof. You had a very unsettling feeling about to do.
Getting out of bed you ignored the feeling the best you could. You started to get ready for the school day.
You decided to take a shower and see if that would help with your nerves.
It didn't.
You sighed as you hoped into your car.
"Is everything okay Y/n?" Lilith asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine," You nodded as you pulled out of your driveway.
"Hmm, alright," Lilith nodded. You picked up Clyde and he seemed to notice something was off as well. He didn't say anything, but just looked at you concerned.
Clyde didn't say anything until lunch.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm fine,"you said. Your shaking body completely contradicted what you said.
"Really because you're shaking like a vibrator," Craig said. You looked at him.
"I am not," you rolled your eyes. Clyde gently grabbed your hands.
"You are though," Clyde said. You bit your bottom lip.
"My anxiety has been through the roof all day," you sighed.
"Do you know why?" Clyde asked.
"No, unfortunately," you mumbled.
"I'm sure everything is okay," Clyde tried to reassure you.
"Yeah," you nod.
Everything wasn't okay.
It was after school and you and Clyde were going straight to your house since you were going to hang out after.
Your blood ran cold as you approached your drive way.
"Y/n? Who's car is that?" Clyde asked as you drove past your house. You bit your bottom lip. "Wait is that...?"
"Yep," you nodded.
"I thought you said they never come home," Clyde said.
"They don't! I don't know why they're here!" You snapped. You then quickly added," I'm sorry. "
"Its okay... so where are we going?" Clyde asked.
"I'm taking you home," you said.
"Wait you're going to face your parents alone?"
"What choice do I have?"
"Yeah... I'm sorry."
"Its not your fault. I'll be fine."
You pulled into Clyde's driveway.
"Promise?" Clyde turned to you.
"Promise, I'll text you when I can."
You looked at Clyde.
Clyde kissed you quickly then headed out. You pulled out of his drive way then headed home.
You were trying not to let it show but your whole body was shaking as you walked to your front door.
You opened the door slowly as you stepped inside.
Your parents both stood there arms crossed.
"Mom? Dad? What are you doing home?" You asked.
"What were not allowed to come home?" Your dad retaliated.
"I never said that. Its just you haven't been home in years," you said.
"We decided it was time to come back," your mom said.
"Yeah, that's great," you said numbly.
"Don't use that tone with your mother," your dad said. You tensed up.
"Yes sir," you nodded.
"Now, when were you going to tell us?" Your dad asked.
"Tell you?" You questioned.
"Don't play dumb with me boy! We made you! We deserve some credit!" Your dad yelled.
"Credit for what?" You asked.
"That channel of yours, what do you call yourself? S/n?" Hearing your dad say your alter ego name sent chills down your spine.
"You haven't even done anything to contribute to it," you snapped.
"We made you!" Your mom yelled.
"Yeah, maybe, but my channel is me. It is something I worked at for years! I'll be damned if I give either of you credit! You never cared about me before, now that I'm famous you come back? That's severely fucked up," you said.
You held your cheek as if that would help the stinging sensation.
"Remember your place," your dad said.
"Are you stupid? Millions of people are going to see this now!" You yelled. Regret flashed across your dad's face, but anger quickly came back.
"Its a disciplinary action. Now I want your phone, computer and whatever else you use for communication and recording," your dad said.
"Did you pay for it?" You asked.
"Doesn't matter," your dad replied.
"Yeah it does. You're not getting my stuff," you said. Your dad grabbed your collar and pinned you to the wall.
"You will give me your shit," your dad growled. With all your strength you pushed your dad off you. You ran up to your room as quickly as possible. You closed the door behind you and locked the door. You couldn't stop shaking. Tears of anxiety and stress ran down your cheeks. Your dad pounded on your door.
"Open this door!" Your dad yelled.
"No! Fuck off!" You yelled.
After a few minutes your dad gave up and stomped back downstairs. You sunk to the floor.
"Fuck...," you muttered. They come home just to use you. You really shouldn't have expected better. You pulled out your phone to see three missed calls from Mark, and a text from Clyde.
You opened Clyde's message.
Clyde: I know you said you would text me when you can, but I'm really worried about you Y/n! Please text me soon.
You: Hey.
Clyde: Are you okay?! What happened?
You: I'm fine, honey. Don't worry about me.
Clyde: ....are you sure?
You: yes.
Your phone started buzzing as another incoming call from Mark came in.
"Not now," you mumbled and declined the call.
*Mark's Pov*
Something was off. Very off.
"... are you okay?"
Amy pulled me out of my thoughts.
"Amy... there's something wrong," I said.
"Something wrong?" She repeated.
"I don't know... there's just something that feels off," I said.
"What do you think it is?" Amy asks. I sat and thought about it...
It obviously wasn't with me... I'm fine...
So someone else...
"That's it," I muttered. I pulled out my phone and called Y/n.
No answer...
Fuck okay.
He usually answers...
I tried again a few minutes later.
No answer, again.
I called again.
No answer.
The fourth time I called the ringing ended quickly, but he did text.
Y/n: Sorry Mark now is not a good time.
Me: Is everything okay?
Y/n: Yeah, everything's fine
Something told me that he was lying, but I didn't want to push.
Me: Alright I'm here if you need me.
Y/n: yeah thanks Mark. I'll call you back when I can.
Me: Anytime kiddo
I looked at Amy.
"There's something wrong with Y/n," I said.
"How do you know?" Amy questioned.
"I don't know how... I just know something's wrong," I said. Amy frowned.
The rest of the night was spent worrying about Y/n. He didn't call me back until almost midnight.
"Hello?" I answered eagerly.
"Hey, sorry about earlier... I was busy," Y/n sighed. His voice sounded strained and tired.
"Yeah. I could tell... is everything okay?" I asked.
"Yeah! Everything's fine," he said. He was lying I know he was.
"Y/n? Are you lying to me?" I asked.
"What!? No! I swear everything is okay," he quickly defended. I didn't want to push, he would come to me when he was ready.
"Alright kiddo, you should get to bed, you have school in the morning," I said.
"...y-yeah, goodnight Mark," Y/n said.
"Goodnight Y/n. I love you, remember that," I said. Y/n ended the call at that.
*Normal Pov*
You wanted to tell Mark everything. You really did. You want to cry and tell him every shitty thing your parents did. But you couldn't. He would have to report it to authorities. Then you and Lilith would get separated. You would get taken away from South Park. You did not want that, so you would suffer in silence so that you and Lilith could stay together.

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