Chapter 30

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"Does this one look good?" You asked as you stepped out of the dressing room. It was time to shop for tuxedos for Prom. This is probably the fifth one that you had put on. You really hoped this one was it! You were in love.
"You look good!" Lilith exclaimed.
"I like it," Mark said and looked at Amy.
"It looks nice," Amy nodded," does it feel good?"
You moved around in the tux a little.
"Yeah," you nod.
"Then I think we found the one," Mark smiled.
"Finally," you groaned and walked back into the changing room. You switched back into your regular clothes. You walked out with the tuxedo in your arms.
"Do you like this one?" Mark asked.
"Love it," you nod. The three of you walked to the counter.
You looked over to see Token and Craig.
"Hey, fancy meeting you two here," you smiled and waved at two. Token waved as the two walked over.
"Hey," Craig nodded.
"We just got done, good luck getting out of here if your on a time crunch," you said.
"How long did it take?" Token asks.
"Hour and a half almost two hours," you sighed.
"Damn, really?" Token asked.
"Heh, yeah," you nod.
"You ready kiddo?" Mark asked," oh hey Craig, Token!"
"Hi Mark," they said in unison.
"Yeah let's get going," you nod," see you guys later."
"Yeah, bye Y/n," Craig said. You, Lilith, Amy and Mark all went out to the car.
"Okay where do you guys wanna go for lunch?" Mark asked.
"Dennys!" Lilith exclaimed. Mark looked at her with a smile.
"Is that good with everyone else?" Mark asked. You and Amy both said yes.
When you got to Dennys it wasn't very busy.
While you waited for your food you decided to text Clyde.
You: Hey I got my Tux today.
Clyde: Yes! When will I be able to see it? 😍
You: on Prom night.
Clyde: You're going to make me wait? 😢
You: obviously, haha😂
Clyde: that's not fair 🙄
You: it is completely fair 😘
Clyde:okay. 😭
You: It'll be okay honey.
Clyde: I guess
You: would you let me see you in your tux?
Clyde: no I guess not! Element of suprise!
You: exactly. Love you honey, food just arrived.
Clyde: love you too! Enjoy your food!
"Talking to Clyde?" Mark teased.
"Who else would I be talking to?" You smiled.
"Uncle Arin or Dan, making plans with them behind my back," Mark said dramatically.
"Yeah that's a likely option," you shrugged.
"Betrayed by my own son," Mark gasped. You all laughed.
The night of Prom was here.
You checked the time 4:30, Prom started at 7:00. You were supposed to pick up Clyde at 6:00 for pictures then to go.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
"Come in!" You called. Mark walked in with your tuxedo.
"Ready?" Mark asked a big grin on his face
"Its only 4:30," you said.
"Yeah and?"
"Don't you think it's too early?"
"Well no because we still need pictures and you want to get there early so your not waiting forever to get in," Mark said.
"Okay, yeah," you nodded. You got off your bed and pulled off your hoodie, the t-shirt under it being pulled off as well.
Mark gasped as he looked at your shoulder in horror.
"Huh? Oh yeah, that," you said. You covered the scar with your hand and sighed. Mark gently removed your hand and gently set his hand on top of it.
Mark blinked a few times then hugged you.
"Fucking hate your parents," he said.
"Yeah," you sighed.
You pulled away. You could see that Mark was crying. You felt bad for indirectly making him cry.
"Dad, it's okay, I'm fine," you said.
"Ah, I know," Mark sighed," I know you are."
Mark pulled away.
"Anyways let's get you dressed."
After you got done changing and getting yourself ready it was already 5:30. Mark took some pictures of just you then you were off to go pick up Clyde. You hoped out of the car and approached Clyde's front door.
Mr Donovan answered.
"Hello Y/n! You look very nice!" Mr Donovan smiled.
"Thank you," you smiled.
"I'll go get Clyde," Mr Donovan said. He dissapeared upstairs then a minute later returned with Clyde. You gasped as a smile spread across your lips. He looked great. Tears of happiness welled up in your eyes.
"Oh no baby are you okay?" Clyde asked as he approached you. He gently grabbed one of your hands.
"You look amazing," you whispered.
"You look wonderful as well," Clyde smiled. He gently kissed your cheek.
"Ready for pictures then prom?" You asked
"I am," Clyde nodded. He turned to his father and hugged him tightly.
"Have fun and be safe," Mr Donovan said.
"I will, love you," Clyde said as he pulled away. Mr Donovan kissed Clyde on the forehead.
"Ready?" You asked and offered Clyde your hand. Clyde smiled and graciously accepted it. You went out to your car and hopped into the back seat.
"You boys ready?" Mark asked.
"Yep," you said in unison.
You had hone to Starks Pond to take pictures. It was a nice day, so staying outside for all the photos wasn't bad.
"Daaaad, I really think we need to get going," you said.
"One more, one more," Mark said. He took one last photo. "Okay let's go."
When you got to the school you saw Tweek and Craig waiting outside.
"Bye boys! Have a good time! I'll be here to pick you up later!" Mark called from the car.
"Bye love you!" You waved to Mark. Mark waved back then drove off.
"Hey," Craig said as you and Clyde approached the two.
"Hello," Clyde smiled.
"Are they not letting anyone inside yet?" You asked.
"Not yet," Tweek said
After about ten minutes of standing around they finally let you all inside. Music was already blaring through the gym. You and Clyde started dancing and just in general having fun.
"I found a lover, for me," the music started. Clyde smiled as he happily let out his hand.
"May I have this dance?" He asked.
"Of course, you smiled. You took his hand and got yourselves into position. Clyde set his head on your chest as you gently swayed to the music.
This was perfect.
It wasn't until midnight that night when you and Clyde finally got back to your house. You both immediately changed out of your tuxedos and threw on pajamas. You both sat on your bed. You wrapped your arms around Clyde's waist and pulled him onto your lap. You hid your face in his neck and smiled softly.
"Hi, honey," Clyde wrapped his arms around your neck.
"Hi," you whispered.
"Everything okay?" He asked.
"Everything is perfect," you said and pulled away. You cupped Clyde's face.
"Alright," he said.
"Clyde... thank you," you said.
"Huh?" Clyde hummed.
"Thank you for being the light in my life and helping me through some of my shitties times. You were the first person to actually talk to me, the first person that never gave up on me. And with out you I would of never gotten where I am today. You gave me happiness and laughter and love and I am forever in your debt for showing me the light in this world," you said.
"Thank you for not giving up on yourself," Clyde said as he gently set your forehead on yours.
"I love you Clyde," you said.
"I love you too Y/n," he whispered.
And with that you sealed it with a kiss.

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