Chapter 5

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You were overly stressed and felt like you were about to cry at any moment. Pax East was in one week. You need to prepare for that and on top of that you had school as well.
Clyde approached you like it was any other day and he hugged you like he did every morning. This morning you really needed it though. You hugged Clyde back tightly. Clyde gasped lightly in delight and squeezed you more tightly.
"This is new," he hummed.
"Don't... think anything of it...," you mumble and pull away.
"You look tired how much have you slept?" Clyde says examining your face.
"Enough to function," you groan, which was mostly true.
"Doesn't look like it, how many fingers am I holding up?" Clyde said and put up two fingers.
"Two," you sighed.
"Okay good you can still see," he smiled.
"What do vision and tiredness have to do with each other?" You question.
"Everything, you over exhaust yourself your vision gets all screwy. What's got you so overworked? Is it your job?" Clyde interrogated.
"Yeah, I've been trying to get as much done before I leave for Pax East," you sigh.
"You're going to Pax East!? I am too! Along with Bebe, Token, Nicole, Craig, and Tweek. I also think Stan said something about them going too," Clyde said. 'Fuck. Just fuck.' How were you supposed to do this? You had to now juggle between S/n and Y/n while you were at Pax... this was going to be hell.
"Oh, are you?" You asked.
"Yes! We should totally hang out while were there!" Clyde smiled.
"Yeah, I'll find time to do that, I've already got a lot of stuff planned so I'll see what i can do," you sighed.
"Right of course! It'll be fun!" Clyde exclaimed," anyways I should get going Bebe needs me."
"Yeah see ya," you mumble.
You cried into your hands. Maybe you should just give up on videos and just focus your energy on school all you gotta do is tell your fans your going to Pax, and video production will be slowed. You have to or else you would never be able to catch up and produce your best quality videos. You made the announcement on your social medias. You took off your mask then headed down to your room. You went to your desk and started on the rest of this weeks work and next weeks.
You hadn't realized it, but you fell asleep at your desk. When you woke up in the morning you had a blanket wrapped around your shoulders. You yawned and sat up. Your back ached from the awkward position you had slept. You checked your phone 4:23 am. You still had another hour befor you had wake up for school. You decided to just stay up.
-Time for Pax!-
Day one arrive at Pax East with Lilith, check in then meet up with Dan, Arin, and Mark to discuss tomorrow's panel which you and Mark were a suprise guest for.
"Are you sure you'll be okay on your own?" You ask.
"I will be a-okay! Go have fun with your coworkers!" Lilith smiled," besides the room has cable."
"Okay text me if you need anything," you say.
"I will, just go!" Lilith smiled.
"Okay!" You pipped and left the hotel room. You mad your way to th lobby and waited, since you were all staying in the same hotel.
"Excuse me."
You looked up to see a teen girl around your age.
"Hello," you smile. The girl gasped.
"You really are S/n! Can I get a picture?" She asks.
"Of course," you nod. You took a picture with the girl and sighed her wallet.
"Thank you again, have a nice day," she smiled.
"You too," you beamed. You went back to looking on your phone.
You waited a few more minutes then he familiar friendly voice filled your ears.
"Why hello, you backstabber."
You giggled and looked up to see Mark.
"Hello, disposable partner," you joked. You hugged Mark with a smile.
"How are you?" Mark chuckled lightly as he pulled away.
"Still here and fighting strong," you say.
"I hear you on that," Mark said and the two of you got to talking occasionally getting interrupted by fans.
"I wonder if Y/n's made it here yet."
You froze and looked over to see Clyde, Bebe, Tweek, and Craig. It's okay, they don't know your the same person. They haven't noticed you yet...
"Where in the world are Dan and Arin?" Mark asked as he checked his phone.
"They're late assholes," you reply. Mark laughed unfortunately getting the attention of Tweek. Tweek tugged on Craig's sleeve and pointed at you and Mark.
"Hey Clyde," Craig said and signals over to you and Mark. Clyde gasped and starred at the two of you.
"Should I go say hi?" Clyde asked.
"You totally should baby, this is a once in a lifetime chance," Bebe said.
"Your right," Clyde nodded and approached you and Mark. "U-uh, h-hi!"
You and Mark both turned your attention to Clyde.
"Hello," you hummed.
"Hi," Mark said.
"M-my name is... Clyde... uh I'm a b-big fan. I was wondering I-if I-I could get a picture, and m-maybe an autograph," Clyde stuttered. It was weird seeing him so nervous like this. You always knew Clyde as confident and outgoing.
"Of course!" You smiled. Clyde smiled and pulled out his phone.
"Do you mind taking the picture?" He asked Mark.
"Not at," Mark smiled and took the phone from Clyde. You pulled Clyde close with an arm around his shoulder. His face turned a vibrant red. "Smile!"
You and Clyde both smiled then you and Mark switched places.
Clyde pulled out a marker and asked you to sign the back of his phone case which you gladly did. He then hugged you tightly.
"Thank you for being my inspiration, my light and my best friend through a screen. You will never know how much you've helped me," he whispered. Tears were forming in his eyes.
"And thank you for making my dreams come true because without you, I would never be able to do what I love," you say and pull away. Clyde smiled as tears fell out of his eyes.
"You really are my hero," he smiled. You felt your heart flutter as you smiled.
"I'm honoured, Clyde," you beam.
"You said my name!" He gasped. "Oh that's right! I have this friend his name is Y/n! Do you think you could sign this for him?"
He pulled out a peice of notebook paper. You cringed slightly then nodded.
"You really seem to care about this friend," you say and signed the paper.
"Yeah, he's kind of scary and stand offish, but he's not a bad guy, just misunderstood. I just think he needs help sorting his feelings out," Clyde smiled," and I want to be the one that helps him through the tough times."
You were slightly stunned, did... Clyde really want to... be there for you? Your face turned a deep red.
"I'm glad you're there for him... sometimes the people you least expect... are the ones who need help the most," you say.
"Yeah, anyways thank you for the hugs, pictures and autographs!" Clyde smiled.
"Yes, not a problem, have a nice day," you waved goodbye to him. Clyde walked back over to the others.
"Why did he talk to you more then me?" Mark teased.
"Because I'm not an old man," you played along. Mark gasped dramatically.
"I am not that old!" He dramatically put up his hand on his forehead.
"Yep whatever you say dad," you rolled your eyes. Mark's eyes widened.
"D-did you just call me dad?" He asked.
"Shit, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it," you defended yourself.
"I will gladly take you as my son!" Mark exclaimed as he slung an arm around your shoulders. You smiled with a blush of embarrassment rising to your cheeks.
"I think we should do a q and a section as well," you said as you took a sip of your drink. (You had a half mask on)
"Yeah like at the end just to kill the last thirty minutes," Arin agreed.
"Okay, so here's what we got, try not to laugh, jack box games, and a q and a at the end," Dan repeated the list.
"Do you think that will be enough?" Mark asks.
"Oh definitely," you nod," jack box game's can take a while and were doing four rounds of try not to laugh."
"Yeah, in all honesty it will probably go over, then we also have meet and greet after," Arin said.
"We got a long day tomorrow so buckle in boys," Dan says.
"Bold of you to assume were all male," you say.
"Are you not?" Dan asked concerned.
"How dare you antagonize my son like that!" Mark gasped dramatically.
"What! Oh my god no that's not what's going on!" Dan laughed.
"Woah when did S/n become YOUR son," Arin asked. Mark threw his arm around your shoulder.
"Since this afternoon," Mark said proudly.
"That's not fair what about the rest of us parents! Who says you get the title of dad," Arin says narrowing his eyes at Mark.
"He's got a point. I didn't mean to call you dad earlier," you say.
"I thought our bond was special S/n," Mark said 'tears' forming in his eyes.
"It is... my bond is special with everyone. For example with Dan I see him as my cuddle buddy because hes very approachable and huggable. Arin I see as the awesome uncle I never had. Jack I see as my emotional buddy. Ethan is my excitement buddy. Matt Patt is my theorizing partner. You know so on and so forth," you explain.
"What about me how do you see me?" Mark asks.
"My disposable imposter partner," you shrug and take a sip of your drink. Mark gasped dramatically. Dan spit out his drink and started coughing and laughing. Arin quickly rubbed his back chuckling as well.
"That's it, immediately next time I'm throwing you under the bus," Mark said.
"Not if I throw you under first," you smiled.
"Not gonna happen," Mark narrowed his eyes at you.
"Watch your back Mark," you said narrowing your eyes right back at him. You and Mark both laughed. Arin whispered something to Dan. Dan nodded in agreement and smiled.
You finished with your little meeting and went back to the hotel. You had to get an early start on the day tomorrow and Lilith was still on her own, so you just headed back to your hotel room.
"How was it?" Lilith asks as you walked in. You took off the mask you were wearing and set it to the side.
"I'm going to be busy as fuck," you groaned. You looked at your phone to see you got a text from Clyde. You unlocked your phone and read the message.
Clyde: Guess who I met today?!?!
"Busy? How busy?" Lilith asks.
"I got a panel with Mark, Arin and Dan at eleven, then a meet and greet after," you say," I'll be busy most of the day."
"Ah I see," Lilith nodded.
You: Who?
Clyde: S/n and Markiplier!!! I got S/n's autograph, one for me and one for you!!!
You: Thanks, but you really didn't have to get me an autograph.
Clyde: Of course I did!!! You're my friend and I didn't want you to feel left out!
You: I see... thanks.
Clyde: So are you busy tomorrow? S/n, Mark, Dan and Arin are having a panel the a meet and greet. I don't have tickets for the panel but the meet and greet after we could totally go to together!
You: I would love too, but I'm busy with other stuff tomorrow. I'm sorry.
Clyde: Oh! Okay, no problem.
You felt guilty, as far as you knew you had nothing going on the day after. You had made sure of that.
You: I'm not busy the day after, you wanna do something then?
Clyde: Of course!!! Bebe and I were going to do a bit of browsing if you would like to join us.
You: Yeah sounds nice, is it okay if I drag Lilith along as well?
Clyde: The more the merrier!
You: See you then.
Clyde: Yeah!!

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