Chapter 16

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It was around ten when Lilith went to bed.
"Goodnight Lilith," you kissed her on the forehead.
"Goodnight....Y/n,," she mumbled.
"Love you too," you said.
You went back to your room with Clyde sitting on your bed. He looked up from his phone then set it down. He then pat the spot next to him as if it wasn't your bed. You sat down cautiously.
"Is everything okay?" You asked.
"Yeah, but... I uh wanted to talk to you about something important," he said. You felt your hairs stand on end.
"Oh god what?" You asked. Clyde took a breath then said,
"I know this is going to be hard for you, but... um... I wanted to talk to you about... S/n." You tensed up.
"No, whatever it is, no."
You shot the idea down immediately.
"Listen to me please," Clyde begged. You looked at him with sharp eyes. You didn't say anything but gave a slight nod. Clyde continued, "I.... I know it would probably be really hard... but I think you should tell the wor-"
"No," you said strictly.
"Would you let me finish!" Clyde snapped.
You flinched," I'm sorry!"
"I-I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to snap, but please just let me finish," Clyde said.
"I may not know why you're scared to show the world who you are, but... if you decide I'll...I'll be here every step of the way. I don't know if that would make you feel any better," Clyde said," I just don't want you to continue hiding... you've helped me through some of my shittiest times and I want to help you now..."
"I'm not scared of the worlds reaction," you said.
"You're not?" Clyde asks.
"No... I'm scared of disappointing the world," you said," we both know that my personality is the complete opposites of S/n. I would disappoint the world."
"You don't know that! People love you for you! Wether its S/n or Y/n! You're the same person!" Clyde argued. You flinched.
"Stop, you don't know what you're talking about," you said.
"What? Of course I do! You ARE S/n!"
The grip on your pants tightened. You looked down.
"Stop, just shut up please, Clyde."
"Y/n... what did I say wrong? I'm just trying to help."
"Well you didn't."
"What? So are you going to throw a pity party? Push me away because things get hard for YOU."
You glared at Clyde.
"I'm protecting myself you bastard. You couldn't even begin to deal with half the SHIT I've been through. So just shut the FUCK up. I can guarantee if you'd been through the same shit you would be the same way."
Clyde looked hurt, but in this moment you didn't care.
"What happened to you Y/n?" His voice was just barely above a whisper.
"Way to fucking much."
There was a tense heavy silence that filled the room.
Clyde's phone then went off.
"Hey dad... yep I'll be out in a minute," he answered then hung up. Their conversation was quick. Clyde slid off the bed.
" safe getting home."
Clyde didn't reply he just left the room.
You sat there until you knew Clyde had left the house then you grabbed a pillow and stuffed your face into it. You screamed.
What the fuck?
What were you thinking?
You fucked it all up with the only person that actually cared. (That wasn't Lilith)
It was over.
You're such a piece of shit.
You didn't sleep at all that night. You couldn't. Your anxiety, depression and thoughts were terrible.
Besides you still had to put presents under the tree.
*Clyde's Pov*
I know I messed up bad. I shouldn't have pushed him... there's definitely a lot more to Y/n then I thought...
I felt tears well up in my eyes as I got into my dad's car.
"How was your time?" My dad asks.
"Dad, I messed things up with Y/n," I cried.
"What? What happened?" He asks.
"We got onto a very touchy subject and I... he... it got heated... I should of just stopped! Now he probably won't ever talk to me again!" I cried.
"Hey it was just a little disagreement. You two are good friends. I'm sure you'll be able to move past this," my dad tried to cheer me up. Yeah... I'll just give Y/n time to calm down. I'm sure going to LA will help him.
"Yeah, maybe I could invite him over for new years," I sniffled.
"I'm fine with that, I do have to work though," my dad said.
"That's fine," I hum.
*Normal Pov*
After a long night you were partially asleep when Lilith ran into your room. She hoped onto your bed excitedly.
"Y/n! Santa came!" She exclaimed.
You jumped now fully awake.
"He did... if you go downstairs I'll be down in a minute or two," you yawned.
"Alright!" She smiled.
Lilith exited your room and went downstairs.
You pulled yourself out of bed and changed out of your clothes from yesterday. You went downstairs grabbed a garbage bag and made coffee.
You entered the living room and sat down next to Lilith.
"You don't look to good," she said," did you sleep last night?"
"No, no I didn't," you said.
"Why? What happened?" Lilith asked.
"Don't worry," you sighed. Lilith frowned.
"Alright.... uh let's get to opening presents! I already found some for you!" She smiled. Lilith sorted through the presents. You already knew what you had. You had bought them for yourself. You had to keep Santa alive for Lilith and obviously your parents couldn't do that for you.
After opening presents you helped Lilith bring her presents up to her room.
"Did you like everything you got?" You asked.
"Mmhm," she hummed.
"I'm glad, but don't forget to pack for Ike's house," you said.
"Right! Thank you for reminding me!" She smiled.
"I still need to pack for LA, so I'm gonna go do that now," you said.
"Alright!" Lilith smiled.
You headed to your room and pulled out your duffle bag.
You packed for your trip to LA then later in the evening you cooked dinner for you and Lilith.
"Maybe you should go to bed after dinner," Lilith said. You were half asleep just sitting there.
"Mmm," you hummed.
"Or maybe even now," she replied. Lilith got up and gently grabbed your arm. She pulled you off the chair then brought you to your room.
Lilith pulled back your covers and had you lay down.
"Don't worry about the dishes," she said and tucked you in. You nodded and let sleep take over you.

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