Chapter 2

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"So for our next projects you will need partners," Mrs Greak said. Everyone in the room did quick glances at whom they would want to be their partner. "This time I chose your partners though."
Everyone in the class seemed to groan but listened anyways.
"Okay so the partners are Craig and Kyle, Stan and Kenny, Eric and Butters, Token and Nicole, Wendy and Bebe, Tweek and Red, Clyde and Y/n," Mrs Greak listed off the names. You looked over at Clyde. He ran into you yesterday but did he even know your name? Probably not. "Alright everyone please get with your partners."
"Uh Mrs Greak, I don't know who my partner is!" Clyde announced. Mrs Greak gave Clyde a confused look.
"Its Y/n, Y/n L/n," Mrs Greak replied.
"Yeah I don't know who Y/n is," Clyde replied. You sighed and stood up. You walked over to Clyde.
"I'm Y/n," you say. Clyde snaps his head towards you. He gasps.
"Your the kid I ran into yesterday! I am so sorry," he blurted.
"Its fine," you mumble and sit down next to him. Mrs Greak explained the project to the class. For your project you were assigned to a certain country and had to explore the history, culture, economics, and government of that country. You and Clyde got Ireland, how ironic.
"So what parts would you like to do? I can take culture and government," Clyde suggested.
"Yeah, okay, that's fine," you shrug.
"So since we only have a weekend, would you like to come over to my house to work on the project?" Clyde asks.
"Uh, I have a little sister I have to look after, but you could come over to my house, we can use my laptop," you reply. Although you usually dedicated your weekends to recording this couldn't be helped.
"Yeah that works, hold on let me give you my number, so we can get further details," Clyde said as he scribbled down his number and handed you the paper. You entered the number into your phone and sent a quick hello, so Clyde would have your number as well.
*Clyde's POV*
I couldn't help but stare at the (h/c) haired boy. His face had no emotion, so I couldn't tell what he was feeling. I feel so bad for embarrassing him earlier, but before yesterday I had never seen this boy before. I didn't even know his name until about 30 minutes ago.
"Do you need something?" Y/n asks as he noticed my gaze.
"Ah no, sorry," I blush and go back to reading the article I had pulled up.
"Its fine," he mumbles.
I spent the rest of class reading about the Irish government.
The bell went off I put away my laptop. Bebe, my girlfriend, ran over to me clinging to my arm.
"Hi baby," she giggled.
"Hey," I smile back. We exited the classroom making our way to the lunch room.
"So what's up with Y/n? He seems kind of off...," Bebe mumbled.
"I don't really know, he's just quiet I guess. Keeps to himself? That sort of thing," I say.
"I see, I didn't even know he existed," Bebe admitted. When I really thought about it, it was really sad.
"Yeah, that's kind of sad, don't you think?" I ask.
"Just a little yeah, anyways enough about him, we should totally do something after your football practice tonight!" Bebe smiled.
"What were you thinking?" I asked. Our conversation continued, but Y/n lingered in the back of my mind...
After my football practice I took Bebe out to eat. She seemed very content with her Chinese food.
I looked at my phone to see S/n had tweeted something.
S/n: Cake or cookies?
>Ninjasexparty: Cookies!
>S/n: Pass the milk please!
I smiled S/n has always been one of my biggest motivators. He was just always upbeat and seemed to know what to say. He was also very appreciative of his fans thanking them constantly. I would love to meet him one day! It would be a dream come true!
"What do you think Clyde?"
"Huh?" I hummed and looked up at Bebe.
"Were you even listening?" Bebe asks. I shyly smiled and looked away.
"I'm sorry," I sigh.
"Its fine, I was asking your opinion on Stan and Wendy. Wendy is suspecting Stan of being gay. She says that they don't have the same chemistry they used to. Your Stan's friend, so what do you think?" Bebe asks.
"I-I don't know. He might be, he might not be. I don't talk to Stan enough to be able to determine if Stan is gay or not," I reply. Bebe frowned, I know that she didn't want that answer, but it was the best I could give to her.
"I guess your right," she sighed.
"I'm sorry," I mumble.
"No it's ok babe," Bebe smiles. "Let's just enjoy the rest of our evening."
I nod and smile back.
When I got home I put on S/n most recent video, he was playing a game that I didn't know. I pulled out my homework and started doing that.
"Wait a second was that a dick?" S/n asks. I look at the screen and smile. S/n let out a nervous laugh. "I'm gonna have to censor that."
S/n continued to play the game. I always found it weird, even though S/n wears a mask I feel like I can tell the he is actually happy or scared or mad or any emotion he's feeling at that moment. And just like millions of other people I loved him.
-The Next Day-
Y/n had picked me up from my house. It was snowing pretty heavily which was kind of scary.
"You have a very nice car," I comment as I jumped into the passenger seat. There was a younger girl I'm the back seat.
"Thanks," he mumbles and pulls out of the driveway.
"Hi! I'm Lilith Y/n's little sister!" The girl said easing my nerves slightly.
"Hello, I'm Clyde, Y/n's history partner," I waved to her. It's weird. I would of never guessed these two were siblings, they seem so different.
When we got to Y/n's house we went right up to his room which was really plain. I was really hoping that there would be something, anything. This kid is just so dull!
"Make yourself comfortable," Y/n said.
"Thanks," I reply and sit down on his bed. It was actually really comfortable.
*Normal Pov*
You spent the next few hours on your project with Clyde. You had finally finished it around four in the afternoon.
"I think it looks good," Clyde commented as you went through the PowerPoint one last time.
"Yeah," you hum and stand up. You stretched out slightly.
Flick! Flick!
Your lights flickered then went out.
Lilith screamed as she ran into your room.
"Y/n! I'm scared!" She yells and hugs your waist. You smiled softly and kneeled down to her level.
"Theres no need to be scared. You can stay with Clyde and I'll run downstairs and get candles. Then the three of us can stay in here. How does that sound?" You say.
"Mmhm," she hums. You stand back up and pull out your phone. You turned on the flashlight then headed downstairs. You grabbed a few candles and matches. You did a quick check outside to see the conditions of the roads. They were pretty bad and the snow didn't seem to be letting up anytime soon. Clyde might have to stay the night. You sighed at the thought then headed back upstairs.
"You made it back!" Lilith exclaimed.
"I did," you nod. You set the candles on your desk and light them. You sat down at your chair. Thankfully your actual set up wasn't in your bedroom but instead in the attic.
Lilith ran over and sat on your lap.
"What should we do?" Lilith asks.
"Well first off, Clyde I probably won't be able to drive again until the morning. We have a guest room that you can stay in and if you would like you could borrow a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie," you say.
"Oh, uh okay! I'll let my dad know," Clyde pulled out his phone and started texting someone. "My dad says that he understands and that he'll see me tomorrow."
"Yeah! Sleepover!" Lilly exclaimed," we should play a game!"
The next two hours was spent playing different games with Lilly and Clyde. You decided to start on dinner since the power had come back on as well.
"You can cook?" Clyde asks as the three of you entered the kitchen.
"He's an amazing chef!" Lilly exclaimed," oooo since the power is back on let's go play Mariokart, Clyde!"
"Alright," Clyde smiled and they exited the room.
You pulled out what you needed to make dinner. You decided to go with a garlic butter pasta with seasoned chicken.
"Top of the Morning to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye! My name is Jacksepticeye!" All the way started playing as your phone buzzed.
You quickly pulled out your phone.
"Hey, what's up?" You answered. You kept your voice quite hoping Clyde wouldn't hear your normal voice. It would give you away immediately.
"Hey S/n, sorry to bug you, but I was wondering if you were available to play some Among Us?" Jack asked.
"Wish I could, I have company over, I haven't been able to record all day, maybe tomorrow? I'll let you know," you reply.
"Yeah alright, sorry for disturbing you," Jack says.
"Its okay, talk to you later," you hung up and set your phone back into your pocket. You checked the living room to still see Clyde and Lilly distracted playing Mariokart. You let out a quite sigh of relief and started on dinner.
After you finished cooking you plated the food and called Clyde and Lilly in for dinner.
You all sat down and started eating.
"This is amazing," Clyde beamed his face full of delight.
"Thanks," you mumble.
It was around ten at night. Lilly was starting to get tired on the couch as the three of you were playing Mariokart.
"Okay I think its bed time," you say as you exit out of the game.
"But I got... one more round... in me..," Lilly says sleepily.
"Come on let's get you in bed," you sigh and pick her up. You looked at Clyde and said," if you follow me I can show you to the guest room."
"Right," Clyde nodded as he stood up. You went upstairs and showed Clyde the guest room first.
"I'll be back with a sweater and hoodie," you reply and exit the room.
You then went to Lilly's room and laid her down on her bed.
"Goodnight Lilly," you say as you tuck her in.
"Goodnight Y/n, love you," she mumbles.
"Love you too," you kissed her temple and walked out of the room. You went to your room and grabbed a hoodie and sweatpants for Clyde. You returned to the guest room and gave Clyde the clothes.
"Uh, thanks," Clyde said, he looked like he wanted to say something else but couldn't find the right way to say it. That was until he saw the hoodie you gave, which you hadn't even realized yourself.
"You watch S/n?" He gasped as he admired the hoodie. 'Shit'
"Yeah I do," you nod.
"I would never expect someone like you would watch him! Your like the completely opposite! But I guess that doesn't really matter... so how long have you been watching him?" Clyde asks.
"Since he first started," you reply.
"Oh man I can't believe it! You even have his merch. I love him... he's helped me a lot... he made me feel like it was okay to be who I am. Yeah Jack and Mark helped as well, but since S/n is around the same age as us... I really feel his words. I would love to meet him one day and thank him," Clyde ranted," oh sorry I was going on and on."
You processed everything Clyde had said. You felt moved and happy that you were able to make that impact in his life.
"Yeah, he seems to help a lot of people," you reply. "Well if you need me I'll be in my room."
"Okay, goodnight Y/n," Clyde smiled at you.
"Goodnight," you nod.
With that you headed to your room.

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