Chapter 28

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You didn't get released until about a month later. You were set up with a therapist and psychiatrist back home.
You felt better, a lot better. You felt you could actually face the world now.
You stood outside with a staff member waiting for Mark, Amy and Lilith to arrive. You were excited to see your new room and home. And you were missing your friends so much. You especially missed Clyde. First thing you were going to do was kiss him. You blushed and smiled softly to yourself.
You saw Mark's car enter the parking lot. He pulled up right in front of you and parked. Lilith bursted out of the car as she ran to you and hugged you tightly.
"I've missed you so much!" She cried.
"I missed you too," you smiled.
"I can't wait for you to see our new home! It's so pretty! And we have a garden now and the backyard is so big! I wanna show you your new room and my new room!" Lilit exclaimed.
"It sounds nice. I can't wait to see it," you smiled.
"Seems like your doing better."
You looked up quickly to see Clyde with a goofy grin on his face. You gasped and ran to him hugging him tightly.
"Hi honey," Clyde smiled as he wrapped his arms around you.
"I didn't know you were coming," you said and pulled away.
"We wanted to suprise. Seems like it worked," Clyde smiled. You kissed him gently and pulled away with a smile.
"It did," you giggled. You now walked over to Mark and hugged him tightly.
"Hey kiddo," Mark smiled as he hugged you back.
"Hi," you mumbled. You then hugged Amy.
"Alright is everyone ready?" Mark asked," we're getting food then heading home."
"Where are we going?" You asked as you let go of Amy.
"Your choice kiddo," Mark said.
"Oh! Uh... could we go to....," you thought about if for a second," how about Sonic?"
"That's fine with me," Mark nodded. You all loaded into the car and made your way to Sonic.
After Sonic you were exhausted. You yawned then leaned against the window and let yourself drift off.
When you woke up again you could see the familiar houses of South Park. Lilith was leaning against you passed out and Clyde was leaning against his window asleep as well.
"Were almost there," Mark said softly. He glanced back at you.
"Okay," you yawned.
A few minutes later Mark pulled into the driveway of a blue home. Your car was sitting next to where you had parked.
"Mmm," Lilith groaned. "Are we home?"
"Yep," you nod. Lilith seemed to wake up immediately.
"Well what are we waiting for!" Lilith exclaimed, startling Clyde awake. He blinked a few times then realized you guys were here.
"Oh hey, nice," Clyde said. You all got out of the car. You grabbed your bag from the trunk then slowly walked towards the house.
"You ready kiddo?" Mark asked.
"As ready as I'll ever be," you nod. Mark opened the door. You were the first to step in. You took it all in.
Chica and Henry ran up to you. They sniffed you and wagged their tails.
"Hi guys," you smiled and pat their heads.
The house had a comforting feeling. Almost as if the house was telling you that you were going to be okay.
"I love it," you whispered.
"Come on, you gotta see your room!" Lilith said. She grabbed your wrist and dragged you upstairs. She opened the first door on the right. Clyde was following behind you.
"Ta- Da!" She smiled. Your room was light (f/c) and the carpet was a light grey. Your bed was under the window, your stand next to it, diagonally to the bed was your tv stand with your tv on it, your dresser was on the opposite wall of your bed with your closet next to it, then just as you walked in on the right there was your recording equipment and computer.
On your bed there was your favourite candy bars, some stuff animals and a new phone.
You walked to your bed and set your bag down.
"Thank you. I love it, " you said.
"I'm glad," Clyde smiled," with a little help from Lilith, I mostly did this myself."
"You did a good job," you said and gently kissed him. Clyde smiled.
"Thanks," he blushed.
"Now you need to see my room!" Lilith exclaimed.
"Okay," you nod.
You followed Lilith to her room. Lilith's room was pink, her bed rested in the corner of the room, her dresser was opposite of it, she had a mirror on he closet door, a toy chest at the end of her bed and a tv on her dresser.
"Its cute, I like it," you nodded.
"Thank you! I knew you would like it!" Lilith smiled.
The rest of the night was spent relaxing and watching movies.
Mark gave you the next day off of school so you could adjust to the house and give you a day to process. You set up your knew phone and starte ssn to check your social medias. Everyone was really concerned about you. Mark had posted a quick video saying that you were going to be out for a while, but didn't say why.
You decided that you should probably give your fans a small update. You started your computer then went downstairs to wait. Mark was in the kitchen sipping a cup of coffee.
"Hey Kiddo," Mark said as you walked in.
"Hey." You leaned against the counter.
"What's up?" Mark asked.
"I'm going to make an update video. Just let the world know that I am alive and getting better. I should also reach out to Uncle Dan and Arin," you said now that you actually thought about it.
"Are you sure it's not too soon, you just got out yesterday," Mark said.
"I'll be okay, promise," you said," trust me if I didn't think I was ready I wouldn't do it."
"I believe you," Mark nodded. You talked for a few more minutes before you went back upstairs. Your computer was loaded. You got everything set up then started your recording.
"Hello Ladies and Gents! Yes! It is I! S/n!" You laughed at yourself," in all seriousness though. Hi, I'm okay. I had a lot of shit happen to me all at once I needed to take a little break. I don't know when videos will start again, but I'm sure it will be soon. I just need a bit of time to adjust to my new life and cope. I thank you all for your patients. I'm trying, I really am. Anyways I hope you all have a wonderful day! I love you all stay sweet and I will see you all soon!"
You wrapped up the video then uploaded it. Now it was time to call uncle Arin and Dan. You pulled out your phone and clicked on Arin's contact.
"Oh my god, Y/n!" Arin answered.
"Hey," you giggled.
"Hey! How are you feeling?" Arin asked.
"Better," you said
"That's great," Arin said.
"Is that little man?" Dan asked in the background.
"Yeah," Arin said.
"Gimme!" Dan exclaimed. Arin chuckled and handed Dan the phone. "Hi Y/n!"
"Hi Dan," you smiled.
"How are you feeling?" Dan asked.
"Pretty good, I'm hoping to start school again tomorrow, then recordings some time within the next few weeks," you said.
"That sounds like a good plan," Dan said.
You talked with Dan and Arin for a bit longer.
"Alright we gotta get going, bye Uncle Dan and Arin love you," Arin said.
"Love you guys too," you said. You hung up the phone.
You didn't do much the rest of the day besides relax.

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