Chapter 29

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You walked into the school the next day with Mark. He had to sign a few papers.
"I'll see you after school kiddo," Mark hugged you.
"Yeah, see you after school. Love you," you said.
"Love you too," Mark let go of you. "Have a good day."
"You too!" You smiled as you walked away. You made your way to your locker.
You heard a gasp then running. You looked over only to be quickly hugged by Butters. Stan, Kyle, and Kenny following behind him.
"Hey," you giggled.
"Your back and okay! I'm so happy!" Butters pulled away.
"It feels good to be back," you nodded.
"Is everything okay now? Clyde didn't tell us everything, but he told us you had to get some help," Kyle said.
"Yeah, I'm doing a lot better," you hummed.
"That's good," Kyle smiled.
"Did I miss anything interesting while I was gone?" You asked as you turned back to your stuff. You sorted through what you did and didn't need.
"Someone got expelled," Stan said.
"Really? What did they do?" You asked.
"Set fireworks off in the school because he thought it would be funny," Kenny said.
"Oh and!" Kyle said then kissed Stan on the cheek.
"Nice! I'm glad everything worked out for you two," you smiled.
"So Prom is in a few weeks are you and Clyde going?" Butters asked.
"I don't see why not," you shrugged," he hasn't said anything about it to me. I think he was so caught up with me coming home that he forgot."
"Probably." You talked for a little bit then you all went to your homerooms.
Thankfully your teachers had mercy on you and didn't give you that much work.
You didn't see any of your other friends until History.
"Look at who finally came back," Craig joked as he leaned on your desk.
"Craig, be a little more-" Tweek started.
"Yeah I thought it was about time," you nodded. Tweek looked at you slightly shocked.
"Yeah..., how are you doing?" Craig asked.
"Better," you nod.
"You seem better," Tweek smiled.
"Hey Y/n!" Token now approached the three of you.
"Hey," you smiled.
"Feeling better I assume," Token said.
"A lot better."
You were then hugged from behind and kissed on the cheek.
"Hi honey," you smiled and kissed Clyde on the forehead.
"I'm so happy that your back," Clyde whispered.
"Feels good to be back," you whispered back.
"Really! I saw Markiplier this morning, he was in the office!" Cartman exclaimed as he walked into the class with someone, you didn't know.
"He was here because of me," you said. There were a few gasps as everyone looked at you.
"Oh god YOU'RE back!" Cartman emphasized the you're.
"Yeah, and I'm here to stay," you said.
"Oh god damn it," Cartman sighed.
"If you don't like it you can take a cock and shove it up your ass," you said.
"Your not-" Cartman started.
"I am though. I am S/n," you said with full confidence. Cartman just starred at you dumbfounded. He sat down with a pissed expression on his face.
"I like this new Y/n," Craig said.
"Thanks," you chuckled softly.
At lunch it felt great to be back and sit at your lunch table.
"Sooooo Clyde," you said.
"Yeah?" Clyde looked at you.
"When were you going to ask me to prom?" You teased him.
"Oh shit! I completely forgot that was coming up!" Clyde blushed.
"Its alright, I just wanted to give a gentle reminder," you smiled.
"So will you?" Clyde asked.
"Of course honey," you smiled and pecked his lips. You rested your forehead on his.
"I'm so happy you're back."
"I'm glad to be back."
About two weeks after you got home you started recording again. You started by doing Minecraft with Mark. You didn't record much, but you still wanted to get content out.
Mark had decided to have a cookout since he wanted to get to know some of your friends and there parents and overall just try to be a good dad.
"Lilith get the door please?" You asked. The heavy punch bowl in your hands.
"Yep I got ya!" Lilith slid open the back door. You stepped out into the yard and set the bowl on the table. It was a nice, warm spring day, which seemed to be rare in South Park.
Ding! Dong!
The door bell rang. Mark was at the grill cooking while Amy was still getting together a salad. Chica and Henry were in the yard playing.
"I got it!" Lilith yelled from inside.
"Hey Y/n! Can you get the condiments set out?" Mark called to you.
"Yep!" You nodded. You went back inside and grabbed the condiments. Kyle, Ike, Mr and Mrs Broflovski entered the kitchen Lilith following behind them. Mr Broflovski was holding a dish.
"Welcome," you smiled at the family. Amy paused what she was doing and introduced herself to Mrs Broflovski.
"Hi, I'm Amy, Y/n and Lilith's mother guardian," Amy said and offered her hand to Mrs Broflovski.
"She's our new mom!" Lilith hugged Amy's waist.
"I'm Shelia Broflovski and this is my husband Gerald," Mrs Broflovski smiled and shook Amy's hand. "And these are my two boys Ike and Kyle."
"Yeah this is my bestfriend!" Lilith exclaimed and now hugged Ike. Ike smiled and hugged Lilith back. You all laughed at the cuteness.
"And Kyle was my suffering buddy when the guys we liked were with they're ex girlfriends," you said as you nudged him slightly.
"Oh jeez yeah," Kyle laughed nervously.
"Well I should get back to making the salad, feel free to head outside," Amy smiled.
"Yes thank you," Mrs Broflovski smiled. You followed behind the Broflovskis as they headed out. You set the condiments on the table. You walked over to Mark. It was now his turn to introduce himself.
"Hi I'm Mark Y/n's parental guardian," Mark let out his hand to Mrs Broflovski.
"Hi I'm Shelia and and this is my husband Gerald. And these are our two boys Ike and Kyle," Mrs Broflovski shook Mark's hand.
"Please do sit back and relax. Enjoy yourselves, we should have others arriving soon," Mark smiled. As if on que, Clyde and his dad came out of the house. Mr Donovan was holding a plate that had a seven layer dip. Clyde walked over to you and kissed you on the cheek.
"Hi honey," you smiled. Mark and Mr Donovan smiled at you two.
"I can't wait to get pictures for their prom," Mr Donovan said.
"Prom?" Mark asked as he looked at you.
"I forgot to tell you I'm sorry!" You exclaimed. "I promise I was going to I just forgot!"
"Its alright, when is it?" Mark asked.
"May fifteenth," Clyde answered.
"So we got about two weeks," Mark nodded.
"Alright well you kids go have fun and socialize," Mr Donovan said.
"Yes sir," you and Clyde both nodded. You went off into the yard. You went under a big tree in the garden. Kyle joined the two of you.
The family to arrive was the Marsh's, then the Black's, then the Mckormicks and Stotchs, then the Tweak's and finally the Tucker's.
"Fashionably late I see," you said as Craig sat down inbetween Tweek and Butters. Craig rolled his eyes and flipped you off. You smiled and returned the bird to him.
"Dudes could you imagine if Cartman was here?" Kenny asked.
"Oh god, he would probably say that Mark and Amy are high tech holograms or something like that," Stan said.
"I would be impressed with myself if I was able to do that," you smiled.
"Its not real it's fake, I don't know how though," Kyle mocked. You all laughed. You leaned against Clyde with a soft smile.
"And what's going on over here?" Mark asked as he sat inbetween you and Kyle.
"Not much, we're just talking," you said.
"Okay so remind me who is who, since I'll probably be seeing these guys quite a bit," Mark said.
"Right, so the one sitting next to you is Kyle next to Kyle is Stan, then it goes Token, Kenny, Butters, Craig then Tweek, and you already obviously know Clyde," you said as you pointed to each of them.
"Okay, so Kyle, Stan,Token, Kenny, Butters, Craig and Tweek," Mark repeated.
"Yep," you nodded.
"Okay, that should be easy enoug," Mark said as he stood up," you boys enjoy your time. I'll get out of your hair."
Mark walked back to the other parents.
"Holy shit he said our names!" Kyle smiled. You looked at Kyle and laughed at his fonboy moment.
The rest of the picnic was spent eating and talking.
After everyone left you all put in your efforts to help clean up then Lilith was sent to bed. Amy had to get up early so she went to bed as well. You and Mark sat on the couch. You were tired, but you were also wide awake.
"Mark." You looked at him.
"Yeah what's up?" Mark paused what you two were watching.
"I wanted to say thank you, because if you wouldn't have taken Lilith and I in... I have no idea where we'd be. Probably different foster homes... if I'm being honest. Mark I will never be able to repay you for what you and Amy did. I'll never be able to thank you enough," you said. Slight tears started to fall from your eyes. Mark hugged you tightly.
"I knew the second Clyde told me something was wrong with your parents I had to do something. Y/n you have made my life so much better, I've grown into a better person because of you and even if I am not your biological father I will damn well act like it. You are worth all the love in the world and I wish I could give it to you. I love you so much," Mark said.
"I love you too dad," you whispered.

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